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Aircraft Page 20
CFS 2 SBD Dauntless Repaint - New Stock Replacement SBD Texture, Second in series , has bullet damage, weathering , and a panel inclosed , Adds to the realism Of CFS2, Must have the AI patch to be able to fly them ,Panel was provided by Dan Griffin. 449K
CFS2 AI-aircraft . Mitsubishi KI-30 Version-2, Allied code name "Ann". Japanese Army light bomber. This is an updated version of my original ki30 . This new version has a visible propeller and a few breaking parts. The airplane is not player flyable. s.seybolt. 312K
CFS2 P39D Airacobra fictional repaint in "Hunter" green color (Texture only) . By Chris Russell. 607K
Late war U.S. Navy F4U-1D Corsair for CFS2. Full Stock aircraft with high and low resolution skins, 1% airfile/cfg, multiple loadout dp's and new prop. By John Shields. 1.7MB

CFS2 P-39D Airacobra "Attitude". Fictional repaint. By Chris Russell. 623K
CFS2 B-17F 'To Hell-en Back' This is a repainted CFS2 B-17F. This scheme is not historically accurate- i think the B-17 of this name was a bare metal G model but this one looks cool. Oh and i threw together a new .dp too. Mark 'Airhead' Walsh. 906K
CFS2 XG-001 Experimental Recon Aircraft. This is a rework of Anders Jermstad's Austria S Sailplane by Mark Walsh. It depicts an experimental reconnaisance aircraft in similar colors to the U-2 spyplane. A small jet engine has been added to the originnal airframe and it now has a CFS2 weapons and damage profile. Mark 'Airhead' Walsh. 155K
CFS2 P40B Tomahawk in the livery of top scoring Australian WWII ace Clive Caldwell. It features an updated dp file which diplays exhaust effects by Krazy and an updated mdl file which allows nose gun & exhaust effects to show through propeller disk as well as a virtual cockpit. An illustrated article about Caldwell is included. Plane by 'Kwagmyer' aka Jamie Biscup. Skin & history by Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Textures. Will Hunter. 3.3MB
CFS2 AC-47 "Spooky" . Stock C-47, repainted and equipped with three 7.62 mini guns. by shieldsy aka John Shields. 2MB

CFS2 Kawasaki Ki-78 pack Multi-resolution model for Kawasaki Ki-78 (high performance, excellent offensive power), fully animated, with lights, payloads, and 3 skins (one is night fighter). By Carlos Magalhaes, from Metal Dreams. 1.5MB

CFS2 Submarine Attacker Ki 76 "Stella" Pack! Highly detailed multi-res model for Submarine Attacker Ki-76 "Stella", fully animated, with lights, working tailhook, 4 skins, missions + Japan 1941 sceneries. Payload includes bombs, rockets and torpedoes. Download it now! By Carlos Magalhaes (Metal Dreams) and Yoshi Nagata. 1.7MB

Panel for Metal Dreamsīs Ki-76 Stella! Creation of Aleksej Bukilic for Metal Dreamsīs Kokusai Ki-76 "Stella". Just replace the Panel folder. 340K

CFS2 Secret Weapons of Japan 3 Yokosuka Ohka Bomb model 43 (Training) Highly detailed multi-res fully animated model for Ohka suicidal flying bomb model 43 (training, two seats), with 4 skins, effects and sounds included. A must for missions developers and Quick Combat fans. By Carlos Magalhaes, from Metal Dreams. 2.9MB