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Page 25
Commonwealth Aircraft corporation ca-15 On the afternoon of
May 25 1948 a silver aircraft flew over Melbourne at an unprecedented
502mph.The brain child of Lawrence Wackett, head of the Commonwealth
Aircraft Corporation (C.A.C.) it was totally Australian in design
and manufacture. It was the CA-15. This is a detailed model by looseKannon
aka nicholas McColl Features full animations weapons loadouts and
virtual cockpit. 3.1MB |
Nieuport 17 for CFS1 and CFS2 Repaint and modified files A.F.Scrub
Many of the French, British and Belgian aces began their careers flying
the Nieuport 17. The highly manoeuverable "Superbébé" was a larger,
improved version of the Nieuport 11. This plane is remade as one of
the airplanes from the Comet squadron, flown by Belgian ace Edmond
Thieffry. You have 2 differently flying models. The Belgian Nieuport
17 flies realisticaly and the Belgian Nieuport 17c (for Combat) is
optimized for multiplayer combat with superb manoeuvrability and good
guns. 274K |
Curtiss XP-40 Origanally for FS 2000 This FSDS project includes
full moving parts, a transparent sliding canopy, reflective surfaces
and a P.Casey P-40 panel.The XP-40 flew for the first time on October
14, 1938, with test pilot Edward Elliot at the controls. Armament
was two 0.50-inch machine guns located in the upper fuselage deck
and synchronized to fire through the propeller arc, standard armament
for US pursuit aircraft at the time. Wing racks could be fitted for
six 20-pound bombs. By Paul Clawson, Converted to cfs2 format and
Dp made by Steve Butzer (SBFightinFalcon). 3MB |
This is a repaint of the F4U-5N Corsair. It was part of the
VMF(N)-513 "Flying Nightmares" during the Korean War, this plane was
stationed at Itami Airbase, Japan in 1950. I have added a new .dp
file that includes the radar pod, cannons, and rockets. This file
includes a scenedb folder that includes the radar pod. The Radome
was created by Graham at VB planes, I did however repaint it to match
the color scheme of this aircraft. Thanks for the fine work on the
radome! Rob Renner. 1.6MB |
Nakajima B5N2 'Kate' From the 'Soryu, First Wave level-bomber
force.The bomber-aimer aboard this machine, Petty Officer Kanai, was
the Fleet bomb-aiming champion and was the 800kg weapon from this
machine that sank the 'Arizona'. Stock re-paint by Smashing Time.
1.2MB |