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CFS2 P-51 Mustang Freedom. This is a repaint of the Fightertown Design Group’s P51D Mustang original read me file included. This is a fictional repaint dedicated to all the men and women who serve and have served in the United States Armed Forces. Plane is entitled Freedom Enclosed is the complete plane. Repaint and modified Air File by Mark Rooks “ Fire Ball”. 1.9MB
CFS2 German Hs126. 2 models. Upgraded. By G.West. 5.1MB
CFS2 Corsair 'Invisible' Textures. This is a repaint of a stock F4U1A Corsair just for fun I made it invisible. Historical repaints are valuable but sometimes you do one just for fun Textures only Created by Mark Rooks "fire Ball" 711K
CFS2 Heinkel He 280 - Model by J R Lucariny. CFS adaption by Pedro Paulo Rezende Heinkel He 280 V3. 1.6MB
CFS2 Skoda Kauba SK P.14.02 Skoda-Kauba began work on this ramjet powered fighter early in 1945. Take-off was to be accomplished by use of booster rockets on a jettisonable tricycle undercarriage. Landing was done on a retractable skid. Full moving parts, jet effects, & many more. by László Becz. 3MB
CFS2 Finnish Fokker D21 ski. Model file, airfile,textures, DP by Thicko, panel is an edit of Arnoud ten Haaft's Fokker D21 panel for CFS2 and used with his permission. 2.6MB
CFS2 Dornier 217M 1. This M1 flew against the British being a member of KG2 Holzhammer. M1's were the most numerous of the 217 bomber series with approximately 440 produced. It was versital and could carry a wide range of stores. It was fast with a spec top speed of of 560 kph at 6000 meters. 2.9MB

CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 Ryan FR-1 Fireball Service variant of the Fireball. This model has full squadron paint scheme and warload for CFS2. The aircraft was a mixed power twin engine radial/jet fighter bomber but came along as jet only aircraft were finding favour within the US military. WWII was almost over by the time it entered service. 100 planes became operational with the US Navy. They flew operationaly on board VS-21. Original model by Ian Lawrence. Modified for CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 with new Mdl, Air, texture and Dp files by A.F.Scrub. 2.7MB

Ryan Fireball Folding Wing Update: This update converts the Ryan Fireball to Folding wings. Replace the original airfile and aircraft.cfg by the new ones. A.F.Scrub. 44K

FS2002/FS2 French Corsair F4U-7. The model depicts a French F4U-7 from Flotille 15.F, as flown in Egypt from the "Arromanches" and "Lafayette" with the typical yellow stripes used during the Suez crisis in 1956. The F4U-7 was exclusively made for the French Marine. A total of 94 planes was produced between 1952 and 1953. France used F4U-7 in Indochina, Suez and Algeria. Original mdl by Guy HULIN. Adapted with permission for CFS2\Fs2002 with new Mdl, Air, Dpfiles and textures by A.F.Scrub. 3.2MB

See folding wing update below

FS2002/CFS2 Corsair AU-1. AU-1 The AU-1 was a dedicated low-level attack version of the F4U. It was powered by a R-2800-83WA with a single-stage supercharger and water injection, that delivered 2800hp at sea level. More armour was added for the pilot and the engine. Gross weight rose to almost 10 ton.Performance had, of course, decreased. The AU-1 was rather unpleasant to fly, but it was a terrible ground attack plane. Only 111 were built between February and October 1952. You get 2 models. One grey one flown in 1957 and a blue one flown in Korea by the "Death Rattlers". Original mdl by Guy HULIN. Adapted with permission for CFS2\Fs2002 with new Mdl, Air, Dpfiles and textures by A.F.Scrub. 3.2MB

CFS2/FS2002 Folding Wing Update for Corsair AU-1 and F4u7 This update converts the Corsair AU-1 and F4u7 to Folding wings and Working tailhook. Under FS2002 the planes directly appear now with the aircraft types. Replace the original airfile and aircraft.cfg by the new ones. A.F.Scrub. 51K

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