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Campaigns & Missions Page 14
Surprise Airbase Strike -- The Japanese have just established an airbase on neighboring Munda Island. Permanent defenses have not yet been established. Strike now and you will catch them off guard as they try to take off. Fail, and and all bets are off. 20K
In Defence of Henderson......... This is two (2) sets of single missions for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator One (1) for the stock Corsair and one (1) for the stock P-38 Uses only stock components of the game, no extras Please read the included "read me" file for installation instructions Shawn J. Oaks. 149K
Lady In The Dark Strike Mission This is a mission to get a feel for ground attack missions in heavy enemy fire. Enemy fire will include AA guns to flak so watch out and their pretty accurate! You start at a friendly airfield with a flight for 4 P-61Bs. Take off and fly toward the target, but BEWARE, you won't know what you'll expect up there in the air! Chris Sohn. 2.9MB
Hurricane Scramble! CFS2 Campaign (v1.0) This is a 13-mission mini-campaign centred around the experiences of a 615 squadron Hurricane pilot, based at Kenley during the summer of 1940. All of the missions are historically plausible, and are based on events which happened at the time. Requires the installation of several add-on planes and ground objects. By C Burgess for the Ground Crew. 1.9MB
CFS2 Bardufoss Hurricane Campaign (v1.0) This is a 6-mission mini-campaign centred around the experiences of 46 squadron, which deployed briefly to northern Norway, and were then successfully evacuated to HMS Glorious, only to be sunk while en route home. Requires the installation of several add-on planes and ground objects. By C Burgess for the Ground Crew. 1.7MB

He111H-6 inclusive fullblown KG26 campaign, all required objects included.

He111_KG26_GUIDE.zip. Absolutely necessary to download this guide & read it. 629K

GC_He111H6.zip the plane inclusive weapons pack and gauges. Weapons and aircraft made in Gmax. 5.9MB

He111_KG26cmg.zip all required objects like ships, effects and AI aircraft and of course the missions. Several new ships made in Gmax. 8.5MB

GerRadioCom.zip this are some CFS1 radiocalls build into the missions using triggers and events. The mission will work without them, but gives a nice german touch. 1.1MB

K-Kim: We have almost returned to the base after a practical training was finished.But then the traitors who were led by Colonel.Tom "Much More" Hagen and the other two Japanese-Americans ,and the IJN's pilots who communicated secretly with them were uprising around the base.This mission is fictional and I think this one will be my last for CFS2 perhaps.I hope we will meet on CFS3 later.] Katsumi Kimura. 9K

Malta Spitfire! CFS2 Campaign (v1.0) This is a 15-mission mini-campaign centred around the experiences of a 249 squadron Spitfire pilot, based at Ta Kali during the summer of 1942. All of the missions are historically plausible, and are based on events which happened at the time. Requires the installation of several add-on planes and ground objects. By C Burgess for the Ground Crew. 3.7MB

Same file without the sound files. 2.2MB

Turmoil In The Solomons By: Andre Blanchard This is a collection of fictional missions. You are flying for the Japanese in the Solomons between 1943 & 1944. You will be challenged by various kinds of missions with varying degrees of difficulty. Good luck. 5.1MB
LENINGRAD CAMPAIGN by Dominique Rollin. This is a fictional campaign based on historical events i.e. the siege of the city of Leningrad by the Germans in 1942. Several additional addons required from other sites to enable this campaign to work ! 368K
"FALL WEISS" campaign for CFS2 by Robert "Robin" Reichert (robin100@poczta.fm) Self-install program by Paul Hauschildt. This campaign is an enhancement pack for previously released "September War '39" (aka "Poland '39") CFS2 campaign, which is available at Simviation. 10.1MB