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& Missions Page 2
Rabaul Raid" CFS2 mission for fun. IJNAF is sending escorted
Bettys and Kates to bomb US fleet near Rabaul. Patrol to intercept
bomber and torpedo bomber groups. mission by Peter O'Brien (AAA_psob2).
28K |
Rogers 7, 8, and 9 for CFS2 - more recreations of the action
of VF-17 flying F4U Corsairs against Fortress Rabaul on New Britain,
based on information taken from the memoirs of Thomas Blackburn. All
three missions are equally hard, but I've eliminated the weather effects
for better aircraft control. In addition to a greater variety of enemy
aircraft, there are also a number of ground targets to strafe after
you flame the enemy fighters. Simply copy these 3 *.mis files into
your Combat Flight Simulator 2/Missions folder. These missions require
the "In Defense of Australia" add-on and were created by Troy Whigham.
30K |
on Port Darwin" A Mission collection for CFS2 by Yoshi Japanese
airforces attacked PortDarwin in Australia on February 19, 1942. This
Mission collection are reproduced the "Attack on Port Darwin" .The
airport of Port Darwin is reproduced, too.You need flyable Val and
Kete for these Missions. 300K |
Mission collection for CFS2 "Battle of Japan"(1) by Yoshi
Battle in the Japanese mainland of the Japanese air force reproduced
with this Mission Collection. From the battle aginst the Doollittle
bomber group in 1942, to the battle of the day of the end of a war
on August 15, 1945. You can experience nine Missions. Additional Scenery
"Pacific-FarEast-Scenery" is necessary for this Misson. 796K |
Mission collection for CFS2 "Betty 1941-1945" by Yoshi The
medium bomber of the Japanese navy" Ishikki-Rikujoh-Kohgekiki "is
called "Betty" in America. The History of the Betty's battle is reproduced
in this Mission collection. Battle of Malaya, Battle of the Rennel
Island, Attack on Wake Island, Sink the Lexington...etc.. They are
14 Missions for Betty! 335K |
CFS2 Dynamic Campaign for the Western Desert (v0.5): This
is a dynamic campaign set in the Western Desert in 1942, flown from
the British point of view. Requires separate installation of Paul
Lowengrin's marvellous dynamic campaign generator. Also includes several
Libyan airfields for CFS2. By C Burgess. 248K |
BoB-RAF Campaign converted to CFS2: The CFS1 BoB Allies campaign
converted to fly in CFS2. Requires separate installation of European
runways and converted CFS1 stock planes (including weapons loadouts)
to CFS2. By C Burgess. 189K |
Tora Tora mission v1.0 Tora Tora Tora v1.0 for CFS2 multiplayer
mission (multiswap) Bomb pearl harbor in Déc. 7 1941 (or defend it)
designer MrD RONINS. 41K |
The Slot ver 1.4 Multiswap Mission for Combat Flight Simulator
2 No Add-ons needed to play. VF2_Rolf. 66K |
Fire Raid ver 1.3 Effects rich mission for CFS2 Combat Flight
Simulator 2 Re-painted VB-B-29 with new .dp exhaust effects, Nanni
smoke effects +mission VF2_Rolf . 3.5MB |
Is A Little Difficult Day On Guam" This mission for CFS2 isn't
based on the history exactly.But I think that I will be able to suggest
a instance of typical and general missions for a scramble in the war
between the capitalistic Americans and the imperialistic Japanese
on the Pacific Ocean. Katsumi Kimura(K_Kim). 31K |
LAST FLIGHT OUT OF WAKE" (fictional mission) Wake island is
being overun by Japanese air and sea units the only chance you have
left is to try to make a landing on the "belleau wood" uss essex ,
which is is said to be steaming off the coast. Make sure you have
your maywest handy, it could be a wet landing. 39K |