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16 bit Extended Bitmap Tool Program to facilitate the editing
and conversion of 16bit Textures for FS2000 and CFS2. Supports 565,
555-1, 444-4 (with separate editing of Alpha Channel) and the new
CFS2 DXT compressed format. Edit in your favo(u)rite Paint Program.
Convert normal 24 bit images to Extended Format 16 bit Textures. By
Martin Wright. 532K |
Plane/Ship Utilities for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 WWII
Pacific Theater. I have created several self-contained utility
programs for helping debug CFS2 missions, when missing airplanes or
ships is the issue. No additional pieces or parts are needed to run
these programs other than having CFS2 installed and operational. This
package contains various enhancements to the previously released versions
for CFS1. The set of programs for CFS2 does not work with CFS1, and
vice-versa. This is by design, so not to confuse the issue, each is
separate of the other. By Paul Hauschildt. 560K |
Improved Quick Combat file. This Quick Combat file re-arranges
the stock aircraft into more logical classifications. Additionally,
it eliminates the error of having American bombers being escorted
by Japanese fighters and vice-versa. This is a problem when using
the original fighters/bombers option. By Ray Wells ("C.M.Krashunbern").
4K |
'Far-East' Series UPDATED These are updated maps that cover the airfields
found in Steve McClelland's (Mush Peas Design Group) Far-East Scenery.
They have the airfields in their approximate locations and identify
ADF/NDBs where available. Included are nine (9) jpg format maps covering
Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Maylaysia, Philippines, Ryukyu Islands, Iwo
Jima, Taiwan, and a North Pacific Overview. By Jeffrey Hendricks.
694K |
Here's a little program that can help install files, whether to CFS1,
CFS2 or anywhere on a drive. Create a control file that tells it what
to do and where. Put all the files to install, the control file and
this program into a single directory and run it. The program will
put all the files into the indicated directories, whether planes,
missions, campaigns, scenery or some other file type. It can install,
rename or delete files depending on what the control file tells it
to do. Have CFS(1 or 2) in some other directory, no problem as you
can pick the directory to start in. You can even install non CFS files.
PCH Paul Hauschildt. 134K |
The MDL Converter Tool 21 May 2001 What is the MDL Converter?
The MDL Converter tool does three things: It converts the MDL header
of pre-CFS2 aircraft models to the new CFS2 format. It fixes the payloads
bug so you can use payloads on imported planes. It optimizes the aircraft
model to use the new CFS2 graphics format, resulting in higher frame
rates. 131K |
under CFS 2 with FS98,FS2000 & CFS1 aircraft.For jet fighter,
heavy jet, mono-engine, bi-motor light mono-engine & helicopters.
Very easy installation. By Jean-Jacques Parel. 1.9MB |
been involvement in several utils for CFS2 in the past. Whether changing
settings, AI Promoter, finding planes in missions or missing, looking
for errors in your Airbases or plane dp file, or any of the prior
utils, they all only worked on 1 install of CFS2. These are all the
same utils for CFS2, except now they can handle up to 5 different
installs/copies of CFS2 on you computer. If you have 1 install of
CFS2 and have the prior release of the utils, there's nothing really
new here except a enhancement to the DCG Checker. If you have 2-5
installs/copies of CFS2, this can work for you. Set up the ini and
you're ready PCH Paul Hauschildt. 2MB |
Jet base FILE |
Helicopter base FILE |
is a fast FREEWARE image viewer/converter for Win9x/NT and Windows
2000. Supported file formats: AIF, ANI/CUR, ASF, AU/SND, AVI, BMP/DIB,
CAM (Casio), CLP, Dicom/ACR, DJVU, EMF/WMF, EPS, FlashPix (FPX), G3,
PSD, PSP, RAS/SUN, RealAudio (RA), RLE, SFF, SFW, SGI/RGB, SWF (Flash/Shockwave),
TGA, TIF/TIFF, WAV, WBMP, XBM, XPM. Author: Irfan Skiljan. 623K |
- FS2002 16 bit Texture Manipulator Updated program for the
creation, conversion, compression of the 16/32 bit Texture formats
used by CFS2, FS2000 and FS2002 Uses nVidia codecs for converting
Images to 444-4, 555-1, 565, 888-8 DXT1 and DXT3 formats. Allows the
editing of 16/32 bit textures in any Paint program. Reads all default
CFS2/FS2000/FS2002 formats except 8 bit (use Bmp2000 or BmpExt for
them). Separate editing of Alpha channels. Good quality mipping. Preview
all Mips. Convert most image formats. Import/Export Targa 32 bit images
with Alpha. Import DDS. By Martin Wright. 541K |
MDL Demonstration for CFS2 only The Multi-Resolution Merged
MDL File. A detailed explanation of the multi-resolution model concept
for CFS2.
This little
application has been produced so that the casual CFS2 user and experienced
user alike can conveniently observe the Multi-Resolution feature
of Abacus Flight Simulator Design Studio Pro by temporarily replacing
the "stock" CFS2 A6M2 model with the seven-level colored box model.
The applet provides a "toggle" function. Tutorial & demo by Joe
Amodea. 2.6MB |
for common DCG Error conditions. This program checks for some
of the more common errors in the airbases.dat file along with planes
dp files. No error correction is attempted, rather a screen is displayed
with the runway information and the items that is a suspected error.
Paul Hauschildt. 170K |
NOVA v1.6 is an utility program to design 3D objects for scenery
design for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000, 2002 and Combat Flight
Simulator 2. Build your custom hangars, control towers, buildings,
bridges, terminals, gates, houses, file libraries, lamps and more
in an easy way. This version includes two add-on program files to
make special and powerful macros with dynamic effects, as dynamic
windsocks, flags, sliding hangar doors controlled by distance or frequencies,
buildings with helipads, clocks showing the real time in FS2K, special
controllers and effects files, and much more. A grand total of 42
different tools to make a large variaty of shapes and special dynamics
effects. Shareware by Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 5.6MB |
V1.6 Help files.
This files contains the entire help files of NOVA. By Rafael Garcia
Sanchez 7.2MB |
Quick Combat Editor (now v2.2.0) "Are you a fan of Microsoft's
Combat Flight Simulator series? Unsure about how to add imported aircraft
to the Quick Combat list? This application allows you to add and remove
aircraft with ease to any category within Microsoft CFS Quick Combat.
Even add new categories! No more manual editing of 'qc_plane.qcb'!"
Changes in this version: - Now supports multiple installs of CFS1
and/or CFS2 - Improved help - Incorporated XP style interface (when
run under Windows XP) By Jaesen Jones 263KB |
2 by steveiy ( tg2_1_0d.zip) Description This patch allows
CFS bomber pilots to aim their guns and drop bombs in multiplayer
games. Features: 1. Multiplayer bombs All players equipped with TG2
can now drop bombs (and see each other drop bombs). 2. Improved gunnery
Gun pointing is now referenced to the cursor in all views, allowing
stock aircraft to be used. 3. Brunhost support Distance at which a)
labels are displayed and b) target lock is possible can now be set
for enhanced no-FUN games. This feature only works in Brunhost games.
4. Anti-ramming Anti-ramming reduces (but does not eliminate) the
chances of dying in a collision. Basically, if someone deliberately
rams you, you might survive. If you deliberately ram them, you die
just like before. See the section on known bugs. Very important .385K |
Coyote's Campaign Building Tutorial A step by step guide
on how to build effective campaigns for Combat Flight Simulator
2. The tutorial covers building both linear and dynamic campaigns,
the use of player skill and random chance to advance the player
and troubleshooting tips for problem campaigns. WORD format. By
Cody Coyote. 143K |
Shore Bombardment and More Package
Create your own realistic shore bombardments! Controlable Heavy Caliber
Gunfire is now here. Trigger/Event driven Arty Barrages when and where
you want them, for as long or short as you like. As easy to control
as adding a new AI Aircraft formation. This package also fixes Aircraft
hitting the ground without destroying anything. The visual Effects
have been improved as well. It can also be used to create realistic
V-1's or full payload drops by AI Heavy Bombers. Aircraft, Ship, Effects
and Demo Missions included. No other D/L's required. From the AF=Midway
Project Team. 314K |
/ CFS2 weapons-files for DPED.exe V.2.
CFS / CFS2 weapons-files for DPED.exe Here are the nearly complete
barrel armament for CFS and CFS2. These DAT-files are additions to
the program DPED, made by "FLYMAN" Mr. Yusaku Homma. It is the second
edition. DAT-files by Hilmar Rülke. 13K |
Kill Calculator:
Suitable for all CFS Series. In use every day to train the United
States Naval Combat Pilots. The Formula is incorporated into this
program to give the user a way to tally up their kills and how they
would stand up in a real situation in flight. The Calculator is designed
to be robust so that any squadron can tailor the points to their needs
by typing in a point value into the program. By VMF513_Viper aka Dan
Rivera. 3.1MB |
Utility - V4.7.4 Addit! Pro For Combat Flight Simulator 2
Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Combat Flight Simulator 2.
Shareware. $19 Registration. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft,
campaigns, missions, panels, scenery, sounds, textures and more. Archive
addons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files.
Modify aircraft, panels and sounds. Addit! Pro can even automatically
update CFS 2's scenery library (Scenery.cfg). See Whatsnew.txt for
latest changes. By Joseph Stearns. 6MB |
Cfs2 utility to allow on one only one installation of cfs2 to arrange
6 different théatres of operations . This zip will allow you to increase
by six the limitation of 90/100 planes (a file cfs2 with its six aircraftxxx
folders can support to have 500 planes without any problem), every
théatre will have its part,Its airbases,its missions and campaigns
,can have its most appropriate textures and possibly uires screens
shall find in their specific théatres. The mission builder will work
specifically for every théatre. Free to you then of to order your
cfs2 as you want without limitation of space. I simply adapted this
method, used by some cfs2 players on the forum cfsfrance, to make
it easy to install . Jean "Bomber" Cornichon. 457K |
FS2002, FS2000 and Combat Flight Simulator Installed Aircraft Lister.
Generates a list of installed aircraft in the aircraft directory.
Use with , Easily customize the list's field width, padding, and specify
a field delimiter and row terminator. The list can be sorted by manufacturer,
type, title, or subdirectory. Handy to have when you're looking for
new aircraft to download! By John Rahn. 469K |
Version 1.2.
What is DPED ? It is an editor for DP files. DP(Damage Point) files
are used by Combat Flight Simulator(CFS) released by Microsoft. DP
files contain definitions of armaments and damage points of each planes
in CFS. This version of DPED can handle CFS2's DP files. Yusaku Homma.
481K |