757/767/777 Panel Rework Update
This file is a replacement to the 2/12 release of gh75677.zip.
No new functionality, just a couple of cosmetic and user convenience
changes. The panel is a modification of the default 777 panel
included with FS2000 pro. It uses all default guages and is
patterned after an actual 767-400er cockpit. It was laid out
to be very easy to use and look at but requires 1024 to 1600
resolution. It was intended to fill a need for a 767 cockpit
but is well suited for any two engine jet aircraft. Rework by
Alex Mendes. 2MB |

visibility single seat prop panel for FS2K / CFS2 Generic
high visibility complete panel for FS2K / CFS2 Usable with any
kind of single seat prop racer or light training jet Works mainly
with FS2000 stock gauges. Full navigation equipment both for
FS2000 (VOR) and CFS2 (GPS) Designed by Pat Grange. 325K |
Boeing B777 wing views left and right views included, markings
on the wings where erased. 8 Bit color depth, 1024 x 768 resolution.
Photo taken and reworked by Thomas Baumgartner. 456K |
Training Panel: Here
is a great training panel available in two versions: Fixed Gear
and Retracts. This panel has everything, navigation equipment,
even GPS. Everything except GPS is located on main panel. By:
Zack [N4733D] Smith. 1.4 MB |