scenery is a representation of Jorge Wilsterman Airport for
FS2002 only. Located in Cochabamba Bolivia, the airport has
recently seen a dramatic increase in construction with the new
terminal. 1.1MB |
Ferrol coastline V1.0,.
This scenery improves the coastline at the city of Ferrol in
Galicia, Spain, (aprox. at 43º28'N 8º14'W), and shows several
piers and shipyards. by Rubén Castiñeiras. 25K |
Autogen Galician Towns
(NW of Spain)V1.0, by Rubén Castiñeiras. This little group of
.bgl files just pretends to retouch the original FS2002 scenery,
adding urban textures in the places of a bunch of towns and
villages along Galicia (NW of Spain) that were not addecuatly
reflected. 6K |
Donosti coastline, Spain V1.0,
by Rubén Castiñeiras. This scenery improves the coastline at
the city of Donosti (San Sebastián) in Guipúzcoa, Euskadi, Spain,
(aprox. at 43º20'N 2º0'W), detailing the beaches of La Concha
and Ondarreta, and adding Santa Clara Island and Urumea River.
29K |
Rande Bridge, Galicia, Spain,
V1.0, by Rubén Castiñeiras. This scenery adds the bridge of
Rande over the Bay of Vigo, near the Vigo airport (LEVX, aprox.
in 42º18'N 8º38'W), Galicia, Spain, and deletes the original
road texture on the sea. It has been designed to be used in
conjunction with the Galicia mesh scenery by the Spain Mesh
Group, but, as the original FS2002 scenery has no right heights,
two ficticious ramps where added at the heads of the bridge.
47K |