Piaggio P-149D Luftwaffe Textures only.
The Piaggio P-149 is a trainer-laison aircraft. It first flew
in June 19th, 1953. I'ts a development of the P-148 model,
with increased seat capacity, tricycle retractable landing
gear and a more powerful engine, featuring a three-bladed
constant speed propeller. It was mainly used by German Luftwaffe
(P-149D) as a training aircraft. These textures, for the celebrative
last Luftwaffe's P-149D, require the original aircraft by
Mario Noriega (here).
Installation instructions are included. Repaint by Manuele
Villa. 3.1MB
Piaggio P-149D Fix. This 'FIX' corrects the wrong order
of German Flag's color on the wings of the celebrative last
Luftwaffe's P-149D. The previous installation of my textures
set (p149_lwa.zip) is required. Installation instructions
are included. By Manuele Villa. 1.3MB

Blue Angels A-4F Skyhawk (Updated).
This is my second update of the Blue Angels A-4F Skyhawk by
Alphasim. It was one of the first aircraft that I updated so
lacked a lot of what I have learned since. Besides re-doing
the flight dynamics, I adjusted the contact points, changed
the smoke back to white airshow smoke, and fixed a few things
that I noticed were wrong with the panel. This is the whole
aircraft. Bob Chicilo. 2.9MB |
Lockheed S-3 Viking. The Lockheed S-3 Viking is a jet aircraft
used by the United States Navy to hunt and destroy enemy submarines
and provide surveillance of surface shipping. A carrier-based,
subsonic, all-weather, multi-mission aircraft with long range,
it operates primarily with carrier battle groups in antisubmarine
warfare roles. It carries automated weapon systems, and is capable
of extended missions with in-flight refueling. Because of the
engines high-pitched sound, it is nicknamed the "Hoover" after
the brand of vacuum cleaner. Three kinds of models(Clear / with
Missile / with Tank) and two kind of paint examples(VS-37 /
VS-41) are included. by Kazunori Ito. 4.3MB |