IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries) Lavi.
A multi-role fighter. The Lavi never did make it to operational
service, but nonetheless forms an important milestone in the
development of the IAF, and even more so - of the IAI. The independent
development of a state-of-the-art plane was a first in the annals
of Israeli technology. True - the IAI had previously produced
the Nesher, Kfir and Tzukit, but those had essentially been
upgrades - whereas this was a plane planned and manufactured
in Israel from scratch. Model created by J R Lucariny. 1.1MB |
Mirage 4000 Update.
This is an update for the repaint of Romain Lucas's Mirage 4000,
repainted by Andrew Whitney (available here).
I have added afterburners and smoke effects, I also altered
the air and aircraft.cfg files so it is more agile and is harder
to overstress in flight. (Note - in FS2004 if prompted to
disable non compatible features - click NO!) Bob Chicilo.
85K |
F-18E Blue Angels No.1 Textures only. Final version with
no warning labels on engine intakes. Repaint for the superb
F-18E model by Daisuke Yamamoto and team FS KBT (here).
Texture for Blue Angels No.1 by Lucian Lie (Yago9). 2.6MB |