A-7E Corsair 2 Update.
This is my second update for Kazunori Ito's A-7E Corsair 2 (here).
Like my second update of his F-22, this is a complete rework
of the air and aircraft.cfg files. I have updated the flight
dynamics, changed a few lights, added wingtip contrails, and
added smoke and heat effects. The A-7 has no afterburner, so
no afterburner effects. Bob Chicilo. 167K |
Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK China PLAAF Package.
Su27_flanker_china.zip - contains all units operate the Sukhoi
fighters in China PLAAF. Su27SK/Su27B£ºSingle seat fighter Su27UBK/Su27UB:
Twin seats advanced trainer Su30MKK/Su30M: Twin seats fighter-bomber.
No panels, gauges or VC included (Su27 Flanker panel here).
All models created via Gmax1.2 by Bill Wolfgen. 28.1MB |
Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK USSR and Russian Air Force Package.
Su27_flanker_russ.zip contains the units operate the Su-27/UB/30
in USSR and Russian Air Force.. Su27SK/Su27B£ºSingle seat fighter
Su27UBK/Su27UB: Twin seats advanced trainer Su30MKK/Su30M: Twin
seats fighter-bomber. No panels, gauges or VC included (Su27
Flanker panel here)..
All models created via Gmax1.2 by Bill Wolfgen. 28MB |

Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Exported Package.
Su27_flanker_exported.zip contains units in some other states
who buy and operate the Su-27/UB/30.. Su27SK/Su27B£ºSingle seat
fighter Su27UBK/Su27UB: Twin seats advanced trainer Su30MKK/Su30M:
Twin seats fighter-bomber. No panels, gauges or VC included
(Su27 Flanker panel here).
All models created via Gmax1.2 by Bill Wolfgen. 33MB |
Dino Cattaneo's F-14 Update.
(original here)
Description: This is an update for Dino Cattaneo's F-14. I
have changed all the light sizes, changed the position of
a few of them, and deleted two lights. I changed the position
of the wing tip contrails slightly. But mostly I have changed
the flight dynamics. I think it flys more as it should now.
Bob Chicilo. 112K
Update. Description: This is an update for my update of
Dino Cattaneo's F-14. I had to buy a new joystick recently
and found that with the new Saitek stick there was too much
aileron and elevator. This update is for any of you who found
that the original udate had too much elevator force and, or,
too much aileron force for easy flying. For those who did
not download the previous update this one is all you need.
Update for Kazunori Ito's F-14A-D aircraft.
It can be found here.
This is an update for Kazunori Ito's F-14A-D aircraft. I changed
a few of the lights, added wing tip contrails, and different
afterburners. I also updated the flight dynamics. Bob Chicilo.
This is an update for the update that I did for Kazunori Ito's
F-14A-D aircraft. I had to replace my joystick recently and
found that with the new Saitek stick there was too much aileron
and elevator. This is for any of you who found the original
update had too much elevator force and, or, too much aileron
force for easy flying. Bob Chicilo. 41K

Avro Vulcan B Mk.2 v.01 Package.
Full pack of 9 Models featuring Vulcans from 60s,70s and 80s
including Skybolt, Blue Steel and Black Buck versions. Since
the release of preview a custom panel and inproved airfile have
been added, Model features include animated doors, bomb bay
doors & airbrakes. model: Paul Foster. texture: Paul Foster.
panel: Phoenix_Design (2005). 20.9MB |

Northrop/Canadair F-5A "Freedom Fighter / grifo" FAV GAC12 barquisimeto
(beta release). I
had to do my own F-5 and learn how to use Gmax since im a big
fan of it. Gmax animated model, no panel by now (it has one
but for disk space its not included), freeware beta release,
your support and feed back to this aircraft will help me to
finish it, designers panels and dynamics. Repainters help are
welcome - please just make contact. AI use also possible. I
choose simviation for downloading this file "do not publish
this file or hotlink form other web if you want to do it ask
for my permission" this is a beta, wait till the final
release! By HANGARCEROUNO / Claudio Sanchez. 8MB |
C/N/RF-5 Panel
for my F-5A Beta. Panel and activates the basic VC, is also
beta, includes a Vinten70mm forward-down looking 45º camera
view (right in the nose when you press the "down" view button)
enjoy recce flights!!, various gauges and effects included (veneaviones
"refueling gauge" included). simviation exclusive, don't hotlink
or clone this file all rights reserved, thanx for all the downloads
for beta aircraft there goes around 2500 so far, we'll keep
working. Author: claudio sanchez / HANGARCEROUNO. 3.2MB |
Beta F-5A Blank Textures
(cool repainters only) in psd format. V/N/C/RF-5A's aircraft
were used at least for 30 countries!!! give yourself a try and
make your repaint!!! thanx for all your downloads and feedback.
simviation exclusive, don't hotlink or clone this file, all
rights reserved. please show me your repaint before uploading,
Author: claudio sanchez / HANGARCEROUNO. 1.1MB |