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Goa'uld Hat'ak for FS98 (it might work with FS2K). By Paul Emsley. I am working on a panel for this ship and two different death gliders then I will move on to a Goa'uld Ha'tak vessel (mothership). 21K
Paper plane. A simple, fun, yet fully functional glider for FS 98. Would make an ideal redesign project for anyone just getting started with aircraft factory or animator. Afx and component files are included. By Richard Steele. 45K
FS 98 D7 cruiser Leth'Sogh. Inject a bit of fun back into your flight simming with this out of the ordinary flying machine. Useful for those long cross country flights, or trans. Atlantic hops. Alternate air files give either supersonic or subsonic performance. File also includes original afx and project files so that those of you with aircraft factory can play around with the design. 350K
FS98 New York Race Course Six runways, oval racetrack, refueling area, night lighting. Scenery complexity set to very dense for nighttime races. For Flight Simulator 98', not tested in 2000 or any other version. This package is intended for entertainment purposes only & must be kept freeware. Created By: Kevin McAdam. 196K
FS98 Boeing Jetfoil Those "Old Hong Kong" people should be familiar with jetoils. These vessels have been providing rapid service between Hong Kong and Macau for years. Watching a speedy jetfoil pass by the busy Hong Kong harbour one can actually "smells" the city's live and energetic efficiency. Author - Kai C. 7MB
FS98 Enhanced Environmental Textures. Changes water, concrete & ground textures - as always make sure you back up original textures in case you don't like these! 235K