AM Radio WAV/MP3 A simulated four
channel push button AM Radio for playback
of music, recorded broadcasts and the like
from sound files the user provides and installs
for purposes of ambiance and general entertainment
while flying FS2000/FS98/CFS aircraft. On-off,
relative volume and and channel selection
controls are included. Does not include four
sound (wav/mp3) files that users must name
and add to their FS2000/FS98/CFS \Sound directories.
Songs are programmed to play as looping segments
until the channel selection is changed or
the radio is turned off. Data stream playback
of *.wav (PCM or ADPCM) and/or *.mp3 song
files is provided to minimize aircraft/panel
selection load times. By R.L. Clark. 328K |
Power Unit.
Eliminates the need for a master switch and
allows you to start a heavy jet from either
the internal APU or an external GPU. Audible
switch and spool up/down sounds. Does not
represent any particular APU. Compatible with
previous gauges in the Electric Panel series
- see documentation. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight
Design. |
Flight Test Gauge. Features: - displays
and records flight data. - fuel level (gallons),
throttle setting, mixture setting - fuel flow
rate (gallons per minute), aileron position,
elevator position, - manifold pressure (psi),fuel
pressure (psi), bank attitude (degrees) -
altitude (feet), speed (mph) and heading (degrees),
G-force, - linear acceleration (mph/sec),
roll rate (degrees/second), percent stall
AoA, - turn rate (degrees/second), climb rate
(ft/min), pitch attitude (degrees), - RPM,
engine horsepower, torque, prop pitch, prop
thrust, WEP running time - barometric pressure
(psi), outside temperature (degrees F.). 30K |
Gauges for Flight Simulator 2000 Narco.gau
Narco gauge collection Narco!CP136M_Audio_Panel
- Narco CP136M Audio markers panel Narco!COM810_COM1_Radio
- Narco COM810 Radio as COM1 Narco!COM810_COM2_Radio
- Narco COM810 Radio as COM2 Narco!NAV824_NAV1_Radio
- Narco NAV824 VOR Radio as NAV1 Narco!NAV824_NAV2_Radio
- Narco NAV824 VOR Radio as NAV2 Narco!NS800_RNAV_Radio
- Narco NS800 RNAV system (NAV1, ILS, DME)
Narco!AT150_Transponder - Narco AT150 Transponder
Narco!VOR1 - VOR1/ILS/GS CDI Narco!VOR2 -
other enhancements. Copyright David Newby
Associates (c) 2000. 703K |
starter gauges. Starter/magneto gauges
for one to four reciprocating engines. Requires
knowledge of panel structure. By Chuck Dome.
95K |
KI2xx-series Nav Instruments The
KI203 VOR/LOC, the KI204 VOR/LOC/GS, the KI223
manual ADF and the KI224 RMI are all included
as new gauges for FS2000. They integrate with
and respond to the default FS2K electrical
and avionics circuits. Version 3 adds a VOR1/
VOR2 selector switch for the KI229 and corrects
the NAV/GS flag operation. Dai Griffiths,
Dragonflight Design. 339K |
Gauge - includes instructions how
to install this gauge into any panel. by Mark
Herron . 123K |
2000 FPM VSI This gauge has yellow night-lighting
for that vintage look and responds to any
default and third-party panel lighting switch.
The bitmaps were created from a scan of the
original instrument. Fourth in the RealInst
series with thanks to Bill Smith for the original
instrument pictures (realinst.zip). Dai Griffiths,
Dragonflight Design. 333K |
Indicator This gauge has yellow night-lighting
for that vintage look and responds to any
default and third-party panel lighting switch.
The bitmaps were created from a scan of the
original instrument - manufacturer unknown.
Fifth in the RealInst series with thanks to
Bill Smith for the original instrument pictures
(realinst.zip). Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight
Design. 333K |
Directional Gyro v1.1 This gauge has yellow
night-lighting for that vintage look and responds
to any default and third-party panel lighting
switch. Second in the RealInst series with
thanks to Bill Smith for the original instrument
pictures (realinst.zip). Improved night lighting
and added slave output for gauge developers.
AN ADF. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design.
357K |
HSI Glass Gauge and Switch Set HSI Glass
Gauge without frames for use with any FS2000
panel. Features FSNavigator GPS Modus and
a set of switches to control FSNav. This feature
requires FSNav v. 4.4 or higher, but the HSI
also works stand alone. This version adds
an integrated wind indicator. Replacement
instruction and bitmap for the B737 panel
included. By Peter Beddig. 315K |