FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits > Page 6

9.06Mb (382 downloads)
Project Opensky CRJ-200 Paintkit. Not an easy one! 2 paintkits enclosed. 1 is basic PSD which I can't figure out and the other simple base BMP files.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 03:24 by chrisE

20.89Mb (528 downloads)
Paintkit for Thomas Ruth A310
Here are all resources ive used for the
A310 series.
By Thomas Ruth
Posted Apr 6, 2019 05:28 by ChrisE

2.21Mb (268 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 777F paint kit
Posted Apr 4, 2019 12:47 by ChrisE

5.09Mb (124 downloads)
Official paintkit for the Project Opensky Boeing 747-400LCF Large Cargo Freighter (Dreamlifter).
Posted Mar 16, 2019 02:08 by uploader

215.73Mb (586 downloads)
This is a paint-kit for the New FSXBA Hornet 2014. I have remodeled it from the original texture for my own use so is have my personal annotation.
This paint kit have two versions I have used to paints in some different layouts that was easiest to use in two versions to economizing PC system.
It great stuff and is 100% freeware, of course will be grateful if you add the author name in your publications.
This paint kit has made with corel PHOTO-PAINT and after saving the the files in .psd some layers effect maybe has back to default and you will have to work that effect transparences or other effects.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2018 15:34 by Hani Michal

44.25Mb (474 downloads)
Paint kit for the Northrop P-61C Black Widow and Northrop RF-61C Reporter by DC Designs. Instructions included. Files saved in .xcf format ( GIMP ) but easy to convert to .PSD files if required.
Posted Aug 18, 2018 13:55 by Dean Crawford

11.16Mb (1142 downloads)
FSX Paintkit for TomĀ“s A345/346 Contains white-livery tga files for easy repaints and psd fuselage totals with layers plus grid texture jpegs for advanced painters. Its for my A340-500 and A340-600 releases for FSX. Basepacks are toma346.zip and toma345.zip
Posted May 3, 2018 02:37 by admin

12.16Mb (589 downloads)
Vistaliners Lockheed L-1011 Paint Kit. This public paintkit is for the final version of Erick Cantu Vistaliners L1011-100 aircraft model. By Alistair Galbraith.
Posted Apr 10, 2018 07:16 by archive

130.38Mb (250 downloads)
We missed something you like? Are you a keen member of a Virtual Airline? No problem! / There you go: a layered paint kit specially designed to unleash your creativity; intended to be used with the Bell 429 Base Pack and all its subsequent extensions. / Many vectored paths saved to assist you with new repaints. / Author: Sergio Kauffman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 15, 2016 05:46 by Sergio Kauffman

7.78Mb (300 downloads)
Paint Kit for Bombardier CL-415 v.2 for fs9 and FSX by Massimo Taccoli
The texture set contains Master Blank multi layered Photoshop files that you can use to make DXT3 format textures.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 12, 2016 04:47 by Massimo Taccoli