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 FSX Native Fairchild (ZH) C-123K X Package
 FSX Native Fairchild (ZH) C-123K X Package
31.87Mb (3911 downloads)
Vlad's C-123 in FSX native, MDL X materials and animations. Update issued under terms of MS EULA, update restores or adds functionality to older version softwear in later O/S's- I believe this does that. Added features, enabled NLG steering. Still more to do, but for now, it's not too gawd-awful. See readme file for details
Posted May 15, 2017 03:22 by LLS
Lechfeld AFB -v2, Germany, Updated
Lechfeld AFB -v2, Germany, Updated
Lechfeld AFB -v2, Germany, Updated (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
8.18Mb (437 downloads)
This UPDATE enhances the existing Lechfeld AB (ETSL) v2. Lechfeld Air Base is a German Air Force base located 1 km east of Lagerlechfeld in Bavaria. Klaus Jone did a magnificent job in creating this scenery for us flightsimmers. At the time - in 2005 - Klaus Jone depended heavily on the payware Lago FSE to create the emplaced buildings / objects for most of his military airbases, including Lechfeld ETSL. Nowadays, the Lago FSE program is not readily available. After looking at all the screenshots which Klaus Jone packed with this scenery, it's disappointing to install it and then NOT see all those lovely hangars, shelters and buildings. How bare and empty it appears...without Lago FSE!! Well, I have replaced the buildings / objects with similar ones that You CAN see, if you have the required libraries. This scenery was made with EZ-Scenery. No Lago FSE or other payware is required.
Posted May 15, 2017 00:42 by Ronald Falzon
Default Boeing 737-800 Lion Air  Dreamliner Textures
3.37Mb (629 downloads)
Lion Air Dreamliner textures only for the default FSX Boeing 737-800
Posted May 14, 2017 21:38 by HattaRizadiYT
FSX Native Douglass C-133B Cargomaster V2 X Package
FSX Native Douglass C-133B Cargomaster V2 X Package
51.10Mb (2415 downloads)
Douglass C-133B cargomaster long-range strategic airlifter by Tim Conrad, version 2 FSX native conversion,updates materials, adds a load of pallets on weight visibility condition, some attention given to improving the paintwork, bunch of new skins.
Posted May 14, 2017 15:47 by LLS
Default Mooney Bravo Green & White
Default Mooney Bravo Green & White
Default Mooney Bravo Green & White (Category: FS2004 > Props)
11.61Mb (346 downloads)
This is a repaint for the default Mooney M 20 Bravo in "Green & White w Bright Orange & Yellow Stripes". Paint Kit by Rob Smith.
Posted May 14, 2017 14:22 by David Shearer
Rockwell Commander AC500 Shrike
Rockwell Commander AC500 Shrike
Rockwell Commander AC500 Shrike (Category: FSX > Props)
39.83Mb (4232 downloads)
FSX Native Rockwell Commander AC500Shrike by Milton Shupe, Gauges by Scott Thomas, Textures by André Folkers, and Sounds by Gary Jones. Original model by Paul Saunders. Pkg incl 1 model, custom panels and era gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Model, and 3 liveries. Compatible with all the original repaints. Simple installation; lots of Shrike Commander fun :-) Milton Shupe May 10, 2017
Posted May 14, 2017 07:26 by Milton Shupe
FSX native Cessna 182 RG
FSX native Cessna 182 RG
FSX native Cessna 182 RG (Category: FSX > Props)
11.83Mb (7009 downloads)
FSX native Cessna 182 RG The Cessna 182 Skylane is an American four-seat, single-engined light airplane, built by Cessna of Wichita, Kansas. The Cessna 182 was introduced in 1956 as a tricycle gear variant of the 180. In 1957, the 182A variant was introduced along with the name Skylane. This is the retract gear version. GMAX mdls by A.F.Scrub.
Posted May 14, 2017 03:33 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Retrostyled Sport Car Renault A110 Alpine 2017
FSX Retrostyled Sport Car Renault A110 Alpine 2017
17.11Mb (926 downloads)
FSX Retrostyled sport car Renault A110 Alpine 2017. The original was a very succesful street, race and rallye car produced between 1961 and 1977. The new version was shown on the Autosalon Geneva 2017. The engine with 250 hp and 320 Nm torque comes from the Megané RS. The FS-model is representing that car from the exibition in 2017. The model has a photorealistic 2D panel and a VC with very realistical instruments. The airfiles are supposed to be used on the new Le Mans racetrack scenery. All the gauges, the sound and the airfiles are made by Pierre-Jean Carosin. FSDS 3.5 model and 2D panel by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 14, 2017 02:41 by Erwin Welker
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay Dragon package
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay Dragon package
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay Dragon package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.29Mb (2850 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay 'Dragon' package. Previously known as 'Dragonair', Cathay Dragon is a subsidiary of Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific and currently operates 33 Airbus A330-300 aircraft to worldwide destinations. Includes VC. Model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with latest updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. I added the great textures by JohnHancock. Includes built in FMC by Garret Smith. Fixed contact points so wheels do not sit too high. FMC will display in VC. Includes A330 manual. Custom A330 sounds included. Requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Assembled and tested in P3D and FSX by Chris Evans
Posted May 13, 2017 13:43 by chris evans
WestJet Boeing 787-9
WestJet Boeing 787-9 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.18Mb (716 downloads)
FSX WestJet Boeing 787-9 V5L. Night lighting effects have been upgraded. Including CamSim's own static displays and Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). 2d panel but no VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted May 13, 2017 09:58 by Camil Valiquette