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Altenstadt, Germany -v2 FS2004
Altenstadt, Germany -v2 FS2004
Altenstadt, Germany -v2 FS2004 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
4.06Mb (346 downloads)
This airfield, located near Schongau in the Allgaeu (Bavaria, South-Germany), is the main training center for parachuters of the German Army and for cargo-drop missions of various users. The airport has been reworked to improve the overall appearance. Version 2 replaces V1 completely. The included AI-package contains: Bell UH-1D SAR, Nord-Aviation Noratlas ND2501, North-American T-6D and an aircraft.cfg for an AI-Transall C160. Two Transall and a single T-6D from Landsberg and two Noratlas from Kaufbeuren are comming over for TNGs at Altenstadt as scheduled per attached flightplan. A Do-28 does local TNGs and a Bell UH-1D SAR-helicopter hurries to Landsberg. Lago's FSE is required in order to see most of the major buildings / objects.
Posted May 6, 2017 11:17 by Ronald Falzon
FSX/P3D  Embraer 135 Air France Regional package updated
FSX/P3D  Embraer 135 Air France Regional package updated
72.08Mb (2495 downloads)
FSX/P3D v3 Embraer 135 Air France Regional package updated. Updated package. Updated the panel with XML gauges, added alpha to the textures to make it compatible with P3D and modified the config files. Owned by Air France and connects hubs at Paris, Lyon to 49 airports in Europe. Air France Regional currently (May 2017) operate 1 ERJ135. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Edited to fix missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team and thank you to them for the millions of free downloads they have provided. Please add msvcr70.dll enclosed file to main FSX folder if you don't already have it! Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted May 6, 2017 09:42 by chris evans
Vol 9 Skyranger Aeroclub de Albacete
Vol 9 Skyranger Aeroclub de Albacete
Vol 9 Skyranger Aeroclub de Albacete (Category: FS2004 > Props)
6.49Mb (726 downloads)
Unlike other models ULM, Skyranger structure is made entirely with completely straight based tubes mechanical joints, which makes possible unnecessary welds. This ulm belongs to the school of Aeroclub de Albacete for future pilots. Aircraft and textures by Byron Warwick. Texture by Juan Villamor.
Posted May 6, 2017 05:17 by Juan Villamor
Cana Miles M-65 Gemini
Cana Miles M-65 Gemini
Cana Miles M-65 Gemini (Category: FS2004 > Props)
32.68Mb (1042 downloads)
This Cana Miles M-65 Gemini, spanish airline, is acquired in the UK by Cia. CANA was the G-AJFB and is registered in Spain on August 5, 1947 after CANA fly with performing services of Aero Taxis. Model by Dave Molyneaux, texture by Juan Villamor.
Posted May 6, 2017 04:52 by Juan Villamor
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
16.29Mb (7762 downloads)
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0. FsGoogleEarthView enables Flight Simulator flight with realistic Google Earth view! With FsGoogleEarthView, you can take both : - Google Earth's great photoreal ground, 3D Buildings, detailed terrain mesh (No need of FS's ground textures or autogen buildings) - Flight Simulator's great flight model, flight instruments, add-on aircrafts, add-on airport sceneries with no downloading and very short loading time, anywhere in the world! It will provide more enjoyable VFR flight than any other sceneries. Now with v3.0, additional functions such as VDGS, Landing Report, Airport Moving Map, Route Visualization and Flight Logging are also included. And it's freeware now. It works with FSX, FS2004, Prepar3d, X-plane all.
Posted May 6, 2017 03:51 by uploader
El-Paso KELP AI FS2004
El-Paso KELP AI FS2004
El-Paso KELP AI FS2004 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
9.50Mb (391 downloads)
This AI-package contains several beautiful airplanes: A Boeing-707 GAF, several Boeing-737s: America West, Continental, Delta, South-West and United Airlines which perform "Domestic Flights" per attached flightplan and two NASA F-5's doing "Touch and Goes" once per week. My part was just to prepare them in order to work in an artificial intelligent (AI) environment as good as possible. The excellent El-Paso scenery "" from Kevin Burns, available here at the Simviation library, is required to enjoy this package!
Required files:
required file
Posted May 5, 2017 12:45 by Ronald Falzon
KELP El Paso Photo Scenery
KELP El Paso Photo Scenery
KELP El Paso Photo Scenery (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
25.81Mb (670 downloads)
This scenery is based on the "Urban Area" aerial photos of El Paso, TX. It includes AFCAD files for KELP (El Paso Intl), and KBIF (Ft Bliss) to align with the photo and make the parking more like the actual. The full autogen is supplemented with approximately 1,000 xml buildings, generic FS9 objects and some custom models.
Posted May 5, 2017 12:37 by Ronald Falzon
Fassberg-v1 FS2004
Fassberg-v1 FS2004
Fassberg-v1 FS2004 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
27.70Mb (351 downloads)
This airfield, located in Lower Saxony (North-Germany), supported the "Berlin Air- lift" 06/24/1948 thru 09/30/1949, is dedicated to all the flight crews who served the "Berliner Luftbruecke". The famous Douglas C-47 (Dakota) and the Douglas C-54 (Skymaster, was called the Candy Bomber at those days) flew day-after-day coals and food to Berlin to help the people surviving the blockade. The included AI-package contains: Douglas C-47 Dakota and C-64 Skymaster, Handley Page HP-67 Hastings, Heinkel HE-111, Focke-Wulf 190 and FW-200A Condor, Messerschmitt ME-109 and ME-262. A bunch of C-47, C-54 and HP-67 hurry per IFR-Flightplan to Berlin-Tempelhof (EDDI) at a 4 hours time interval. A couple of FW-190, ME-109, ME-262, a HE-111 and a FW-200 perform TNGs at the local field. No Lago FSE or other payware is required to use this scenery.
Posted May 5, 2017 11:10 by Ronald Falzon
Forggensee-v2 FS2004 Part 2 UPDATE
Forggensee-v2 FS2004 Part 2 UPDATE
Forggensee-v2 FS2004 Part 2 UPDATE (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
1.87Mb (275 downloads)
My enhancements modify the BEHAVIOUR of the SHIPs. But the floatplane traffic is so superbly programmed that no further modifications are necessary. Mr. Klaus Jone passed away in May 2009, and it is my intention to preserve Forggensee pretty much as HE designed it. Except for modifying the BEHAVIOUR of the AI traffic, to spread it out to cover the entire area of Lake Forggensee. As the screenshots I've included illustrate. Naturally, these updated files require that Forggensee Part 1 and Part 2 are ALREADY installed in your FS2004. My part here was to perform a few tweaks to make the AI traffic spread out all over Lake Forggensee, and ensure that ALL wake/spray effects are visible. And as Klaus Jone stated: "There is some amazing traffic on the lake, have a look and have fun!"
Posted May 5, 2017 11:01 by Ronald Falzon
Forggensee, Germany -v2 FS2004 Part 2
Forggensee, Germany -v2 FS2004 Part 2
Forggensee, Germany -v2 FS2004 Part 2 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
11.21Mb (560 downloads)
This AI-package contains several pretty nice AI-airplanes: Grumman-Albatross HU16, Grumman-Goose G21, Dornier Do-24K, Junkers Ju-52 and a Bell-47G2 Helicopter on floats , performing "Touch and Goes" on Water-Runway 21 as well as various beautiful AI-boats and two good-looking female wind-surfers cruising back and forth at the lake. My part was just to prepare them to work with the improved Forggensee Scenery V2 Part 1. There is some amazing traffic on the lake...have a look and have fun!
Posted May 5, 2017 10:55 by Ronald Falzon