All Files > Page 823

FSX Native North American RA-5C X V.2.6
(Category: FSX > Military)
58.48Mb (4755 downloads)
North American A-5 Vigilante updated now with reflective glass, HUD and new VC. It's old, but so pretty...FSX native conversion, full original Alphasim Vigilante with VC. All functions and animations correct in sense and direction, per original FS2004 release.Version 2 updates materials and restores the coded lights.
Conversion facilitated by a terrific set of freeware tools; Arno's MDLX with a breakthrough set of new XML definitions by Henk-BRAVO ZULU! Textures in DDS DXT3 format with Martin Wright's DXTBMP, file structure in FSX format. Skullsweat and conversion by LLS. While the model comes in a bit heavier, the frames are buttery, the glass is c'est bon. Note: The VC was pretty badly out of date, so I aliased Piglet's T-2 virtual cockpit. Base package for effects is Bob Chilco's A-5 updates. The repaints by Antonio Diaz for this model are highly recommended. Made possible with the kind support and encouragement of Phil at Virtavia. Works in FSX and P3D.
Posted Oct 19, 2016 02:28 by LLS

FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Air Berlin D-ABAG Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
109.33Mb (1793 downloads)
FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Air Berlin D-ABAG. Package.
I hope you enjoy my first Project, have fun with this
Air Berlin Bird!
D-ABAG Texture by Francesco M.
Model and Effects by TDS. Interior model by Microsoft and heavily modified by Alejandro Rojas Lucena. Original compilation by Chris Evans.
Sound by FS Audio Team
Air Berlin D-ABAG was delivered 19.JUN 2001
withdrawn from use and stored at Budapest Itl. 03.Nov 2014
returned to service 28.Mar 2015 and
operated by TUIfly since 03.Oct 2015
Posted Oct 19, 2016 01:58 by Francesco M.

FS2004 / FSX Lockheed P-38L Lightning 'Jeronimo II' - Textures only
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.24Mb (645 downloads)
This is a Lockheed P-38L-15-LH Lightning 'Jeronimo II' 80th FS, 459th FG, India 1944. Requires the original DHC P-38
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 19, 2016 00:30 by Andre Ludick

FS2004 / FSX Lockheed P-38J-10-LO Lightning 'Scat II' Capt. Robin Olds - Textures only
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
3.79Mb (850 downloads)
This is the Lockheed P-38J-10-LO Lightning 'Scat II' 434th FS of Capt. Robin Olds. Wattisham, UK, June 1944. Textures only for the DHC P-38 Lightning
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 19, 2016 00:25 by Andre Ludick

FS2004/FSX DC-4 Alitalia textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
7.17Mb (478 downloads)
FS9/FSX Alitalia DC-4 textures for JBK DC-4 version 3.
Alitalia textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Oct 18, 2016 21:30 by Gary Harper

FSX/P3d Native Supermarine Swift V2
(Category: FSX > Military)
34.86Mb (1430 downloads)
Alphasim's Swift in FSX native format. Version 2 updates materials and glass, puts the long range tank on payload visibility condition. With Phil at Virtavia's support and encouragement(
Posted Oct 18, 2016 05:06 by LLS

(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.72Mb (1730 downloads)
This is a fix for the default airport with many changes and additions. Tested on FSX Steam edition. It is a frame rate friendly version with exact parking positions, taxiways, jetways and runways.
Posted Oct 17, 2016 11:46 by Mike Leitz

Trinity and Beyond. The Nuclear Bomb add-on for FSX
(Category: FSX > Misc)
21.22Mb (2243 downloads)
A collection of unmentionable dropable objects, may be used as scenery and mission objects.
A selection-by no means exhaustive! of free-fall nuclear bombs from Western and Eastern arsenals, 1945-2017?, but probably no latter...
See readme for details. Wear hearing and eye protection. Use SPF 9,000,000 sunblock, keep away from children, despots and elected officials...
Posted Oct 16, 2016 19:32 by LLS

P3D/ FSX Eemland Airport EHEA, Holland (fictional)
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
0.06Mb (247 downloads)
Eemland Airport is a fictive international airport near Amersfoort, the Netherlands. The runway (12-30) is based in the Eemmeer. The area is also called "Eemland" because of the beautiful river that flows through the area, the Eem.
About the airport:
The runway (12-30) has a length of 2500 meters and is 60 meters wide. On each side is a overrun of 200 meters and 20 landing lights. Also both runways have an Instrumental Landing System (ILS) and the airport has full Air Traffic Control (ATC).
The airport has 27 Small gates, 5 Medium gates, 4 Heavy gates and 3 Cargo parkings. The airport also has 19 small, 10 medium and 5 big Genaral Aviation (GA) parkings.
The airport furthermore has it's own fuel supply, air traffic radar, and logistics center.
The airport doesn't have AI traffic of it's own, only some static planes. You can download the AI Flight Planner here:
Scroll all the way down till you find: "The current release of AI Flight Planner is..." and click on the current version to download.
With this tool you can add AI traffic to this airport with any traffic addon you are using or any default AI traffic.
Posted Oct 16, 2016 16:27 by Joeri Veenhuizen

CRJ200 American Eagle Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.26Mb (1175 downloads)
American Eagle livery, for the freeware IRIS CRJ-200 (Easter eggs) model. Textures only.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 16, 2016 15:50 by Dimitrios Moschos