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            Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front IX "The Border".
0.66Mb (377 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front IX "The Border". This is the last part of the CFS-Add-On "The Eastern Front". You will find an airfield in the far east near the border of the so called "death zone" of CFS. The scenery was designed in cooperation between Steve McClelland, Martin "Wizard" Wright and Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 692K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front VIII "The Wilderness"
0.53Mb (417 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front VIII "The Wilderness". The scenery adds mesh terrain to the nort/east of Eastern Front II and shows a small airfield with special bitmaps done by Martin. The scenery was designed in cooperation between Steve McClelland, Martin "Wizard" Wright and Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT) . 559K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front VII "Save The Dam!".
0.69Mb (422 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front VII "Save The Dam!". The scenery closes the area between EF V and EF I. It shows a large base in the most northern part of the Eastern Front scenery and could be used as a base for a Jagdgeschwader to protect the Dam against bomberattacks. The scenery was designed in cooperation between Steve McClelland, Martin "Wizard" Wright and Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 773K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front V & VI "The Russian Base"
0.66Mb (473 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On The Eastern Front V & VI "The Russian Base". The scenery closes the area between EF II and EFI. It shows the base of the GV 26th IAP, a virtual russian fighter aviation regiment and some other airfields. The scenery was designed in cooperation between Steve McClelland, Martin "Wizard" Wright and Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 695K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Aerodrome, London UK c.1940
0.48Mb (607 downloads)
Croydon Aerodrome, London UK c.1940. Add-on scenery for CFS. The fourth in the ABBA series, it is a historically accurate and highly detailed depiction of historic Croydon aerodrome, South London (UK), circa 1940. By Mike Rennie.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.41Mb (164 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Maleme / Crete 1940" This fictional scenery adds farms, buildings, JU52's, Ouzo-bottles and more to the Maleme airfield at Martin "Wizard" Wright's beautiful scenery "Crete" ( By Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 417K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Scenery - SICILY
0.07Mb (292 downloads)
CFS Scenery - SICILY Elevated mesh scenery of SICILY. Created with CfsTmap using DEM Elevation data. Includes Airfields with CFS menu Entry By *Cryingtoto*. 75K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.06Mb (199 downloads)
"H_Isle" is a CFS add-on Scenery designed by Paul Harmon..4/00 This island is a Helicopter Test Facility for practicing the fine "ART" of flying, landing, and crashing the whirlybird. Another add-on "H_World" scenery in the North Sea comes with many custom textures! There are quite a few helipads in this desolated,mountainous proving ground. Fly the canyons, land on top of mountains, or pick a tough spot to land if your good!! lol...... Location: N56*17 E2*18 which is 22 miles west of H_Base. Navigation: NDB 950 .... Vor 113.5. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Scenery - SARDINIA
0.08Mb (233 downloads)
CFS Scenery - SARDINIA Elevated mesh scenery of the Sardinia Island. Created with CfsTmap using DEM Elevation data. Includes Airfields with CFS menu Entry By *Cryingtoto*. 79K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.38Mb (209 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Heraklion / Crete 1940" The fictional scenery adds windmills, buildings, a moving motor-cyclist and more to the Heraklion airfield at Martin "Wizard" Wright's beautiful scenery "Crete" (below). By Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 388K CFS Scenery - Crete Demo Elevated mesh scenery of the Island of Crete. Created with CfsTmap using DEM Elevation data. Includes Airfields at Maleme, Retimo and Heraklion with CFS menu Entries. Covers 18000 sq km in the Eastern Mediterranean. By Martin Wright. 27K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive