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CFS1 > Page 31
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
1.26Mb (612 downloads)
Ki-84 is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Frank". Created by:Bruno Duffort & Patrick Didier for CFS2 Adapted to CFS by Edmundo Abad with new panel and repainted in four textures as: -50th Sentai flown by Yojiro Ofusa, Phnom Penh, Indochina, April, 1945. -29th Sentai. -73th Sentai. -unknown unity, individual number #24. The Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank) was a fighter used by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II. Robust, capable, with excellent performance and maneuverability and powerful armament, the Ki-84 was considered to be the finest Japanese fighter to see large scale operations during the Second World War.
Posted Dec 15, 2009 07:37 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki
0.42Mb (530 downloads)
Ki-44 is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Tojo". Created by:Chris Lampard & Michael Hart. Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted in two textures as: -246th Sentai (Phillipines 1944). -70th Sentai. (Japan 1945). The Ki-44 was a fast Japanese Imperial Army interceptor fighter with the emphasis on speed at some expense to manoeuvrability. It was first flown in August 1940. The main version was as depicted and production was phased out towards the end of 1944 after delivery of 1,167 aircraft.
Posted Dec 15, 2009 07:18 by Edmundo Abad
Commonwealth Wirraway
0.20Mb (1326 downloads)
CFS1 - Commonwealth Wirraway - Les Stone Sept 2009 The Commonwealth Wirraway was built at a time of Australia's darkest period when a Japanese invasion was a possibility. The need was such that the design of the Wirraway used most of its components already in production as a North American trainer being licenced built in home factories. The CAC Boomerang followed the same path. The Wirraway was used as a fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, trainer and dive bomber. The CFS aircraft is mostly all my work and as such is subject to the usual limitations in use. You may repaint, tweek the air file and if requested the afx file will be provided. But if you should upload to a payware site or make any money from this aircraft then I will come round and break your legs, stick your head down the toilet or the equivalent. The only part that is not mine is the Panel, I could not improve on the offerings already on the web so the original owner's restrictions apply here. This aircraft flies fine on my PC so if you think that it may have damaged your PC in any way then tough. I hope you enjoy this aircraft Les Stone September 2009
Posted Sep 29, 2009 09:06 by Les Stone
Dambuster Aircraft & Missions
12.54Mb (2214 downloads)
CFS1 Aircraft & Missions: Dambuster V 4-900 for CFS1: "CFS1 is aloive and kicking even in 2009". Probably the ultimate in DB and B1 Lancasters for CFS1. Replaces all previous DB related releases from 2004-2006 and provides improved reliability in XP. Forward gun alignment is now for a panel zoom ratio of 0.50 OR 0.25. This required updated dp files for each loadout and therefore, for user convience and so as not to interfere with any similar aircraft you may have installed, full re-named aircraft are provided. The project is still based on Roger Lowery's RAF662 B1 Lancaster's VNE, ARG and Keith Clifford's Dambuster and Grand Slam aircraft. Bomber Command 617 and 460 (RAAF) Squadron Missions including a Tallboy raid on the Moehne. Keith Clifford's AJG is also supplied as a CFS1 MultiPlayer version. Pilot's should note that flying a CFS1 mission with a MP aircraft using the TG2 gun aiming program is difficult. After sitting in the Pilot's seat of a working Lancaster in 2007, the CFS1 panels are no longer "widescreen" the centre post has been put back. A "captured" analogue ME262 altitude gauge by Bernd Drefahl is used as a ground radar gauge to effectively achieve +60 feet when low flying. Maps are based on Paul Levesque's CFS v1 map. A simple navigation panel with Chuck Dome's GPS gauges and Scott Macmillan's continuous recording engine gauges are provided. RAF Scampton airfield is by Terry Baldwin. ABBA Duxford and ABBA Manston scenery by Mike Rennie & John Cooper. This project has not been tested in Vista. Package by Ross McLennan, FILE NAME: z_DBP900.zip 13M.
Posted Jul 3, 2009 08:16 by Ross McLennan
1.43Mb (413 downloads)
CFS1 - Fokker F29 The Fokker F29 was a idea of the Dutch manufacturer for a supersonic airliner, The aeroplane never became a reality. Original design by unknown. coupled together by Hugo van Pelt
Posted Jul 1, 2009 03:54 by Hugo van Pelt
0.29Mb (858 downloads)
This little design places a 3d object on accurate cordinates of West-Berlin for represent Olympic Stadium of 1936 Olympic Games at wartime (1939-45).
Posted Apr 20, 2009 23:27 by Edmundo Abad
Regensburg_Straubing Version 2
Regensburg_Straubing Version 2
0.81Mb (562 downloads)
The new design replaces my previous "Regensburg_Straubing" scenery and give an accurate aerial view taken from Google Earth. The "Regensburg_Straubing" scenery is totally fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the two little german airports of Regensburg and Straubing during WWII.
Posted Apr 19, 2009 23:37 by Edmundo Abad
0.74Mb (424 downloads)
Strausberg aerodrome was opened in 1927 - as a glider airfield. Was turned into a military airbase in 1935, location of an airman navigationsschule and a Jagdgeschwader of german Luftwaffe during World War Two. After the end of War, the airfield was in the hands of the Soviet Air Force until 1952, after which the East German Armed Forces (NVA) used it.
Posted Apr 19, 2009 22:23 by Edmundo Abad
CFS1  Brussels Scenery
1.68Mb (677 downloads)
Brussels - Zaventem WWII Scenery for COMBAT FLIGHT SIMULATOR I. Airport original by Edmundo Abad with with additional files for Brussels downtown:
Posted Apr 19, 2009 12:44 by Edmundo Abad
Linz - Austria for CFS
1.80Mb (1039 downloads)
The new design replaces my previous "Linz - Austria" scenery and uses accurate elevation to CFS world, I took some current time objects and replace them with others wartime (1939-45) objects.This scenery places a concrete and a grass Runways, AFD menu entry, NDB beacon frequency, buildings, fields, trees and ground vehicles to the Linz airport, and Eferding, Hofkirchen and Wels airfields. Also I have added a section of Danube river, downtown buildings and the railroad net around Linz.
Posted Feb 26, 2009 21:13 by Edmundo Abad