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Jetway Extension Object Library
Jetway Extension Object Library
3.26Mb (1209 downloads)
This mod is an object library of extension pieces for the default Jetway. There are 7 objects in total; 5 different sizes of extension bridge, 1 support column, and the last object is a 90° Elbow joint. These objects are best used when the terminal building is a good distance away from the jetway itself and you need something to bridge the gap. Instructions on adding this object library to Airport Design Editor and a guide on how to use them are included. This objects library uses the textures for the default jetway so everything you need is included with this download. Feel free to use this object library in your own scenery work. Intended for FSX, should also work with P3D.
Posted Sep 23, 2018 00:24 by CountryFlyboy
FA-18C FSXBA PaintKit full version
FA-18C FSXBA PaintKit full version
215.73Mb (586 downloads)
This is a paint-kit for the New FSXBA Hornet 2014. I have remodeled it from the original texture for my own use so is have my personal annotation. This paint kit have two versions I have used to paints in some different layouts that was easiest to use in two versions to economizing PC system. It great stuff and is 100% freeware, of course will be grateful if you add the author name in your publications. This paint kit has made with corel PHOTO-PAINT and after saving the the files in .psd some layers effect maybe has back to default and you will have to work that effect transparences or other effects.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2018 15:34 by Hani Michal
DC Designs Paintkit for RF-61C and P-61C
DC Designs Paintkit for RF-61C and P-61C
44.25Mb (474 downloads)
Paint kit for the Northrop P-61C Black Widow and Northrop RF-61C Reporter by DC Designs. Instructions included. Files saved in .xcf format ( GIMP ) but easy to convert to .PSD files if required.
Posted Aug 18, 2018 13:55 by Dean Crawford
SBuilderX Cleanup v1.11
0.00Mb (147 downloads)
This is a stand-alone update for SBuilderX Cleanup. It includes all previous updates. This new version removes the already cleaned message as it didn't function as expected. // This is a simple batch file that I created to clean up the unnecessary files and folders that SBuilderX stores on your computer after using the tile server. This is a very powerful file if you have limited hard drive space. See the included readme for more details.
Posted Aug 9, 2018 14:52 by Chris Britton
Airport Design Editor (ADE) v 1.75
17.21Mb (1724 downloads)
Airport Design Editor (ADE) is a graphical design tool to create and enhance airports for Microsoft Flight Simulators 9 and X. It takes it's inspiration from the excellent AFCAD2 developed for FS9 by Lee Swordy. ADE does for FS9 and FSX what AFCAD does for FS9. It adds support for new FSX features such as fences, jetways and terrain. Users can also remove, move, or edit existing buildings and objects as well as adding new ones In addition to airport elements ADE also has a visual Approach Editor to add and enhance the approaches to your airports ADE is being developed with the help of a small group of dedicated airport designers with a wealth of knowledge and experience. ADE sets out to achieve two things in designing and enhancing airports. First to make the enhanced airport look good, and second to make it work properly. Airport design must address both aspects - the visible and the invisible. The design philosophy goes further in assisting users of all levels to get things right from the start. Error checking and 'common sense' are built in. At the same time it is important to allow users flexibility.
Posted Jun 2, 2018 05:28 by striker
THomas Ruth A340-500 and 600 Paintkit
11.16Mb (1143 downloads)
FSX Paintkit for Tom´s A345/346 Contains white-livery tga files for easy repaints and psd fuselage totals with layers plus grid texture jpegs for advanced painters. Its for my A340-500 and A340-600 releases for FSX. Basepacks are and
Posted May 3, 2018 02:37 by admin
SBuilderX Cleanup v1.10
0.00Mb (91 downloads)
This is a stand-alone update for SBuilderX Cleanup. It includes all previous updates. This new version reworks scripting to remove error messages that occurred when a folder didn't exist. // This is a simple batch file that I created to clean up the unnecessary files and folders that SBuilderX stores on your computer after using the tile server. This is a very powerful file if you have limited hard drive space. See the included readme for more details.
Posted May 1, 2018 23:08 by Chris Britton
Vistaliners/Eric Cantu Lockheed L-1011 Paint Kit
12.16Mb (590 downloads)
Vistaliners Lockheed L-1011 Paint Kit. This public paintkit is for the final version of Erick Cantu Vistaliners L1011-100 aircraft model. By Alistair Galbraith.
Posted Apr 10, 2018 07:16 by archive
	Implementing Prepar3D SIDS and STARS V1.4
	Implementing Prepar3D SIDS and STARS V1.4
130.86Mb (294 downloads)
This ZIP-file contains all Information and Examples for creating Standard Instrument Departures (SIDS) and Standard Arrival Routes (STARS) for Lockheed Martin Prepard3D begining from Version 1.2, Version 2 and Version 3. This Capability has been implemented with Version 1.2 but is hardly known by the Flight Simmer Community. This is just a very basic paper on that subject with simple samples. Learn how to create SIDs and STARs with Prepar3D On-board-Tools. Works also with 3rd Party-Addon-Sceneries, find out how! Includes real (!) working Samples for some Alaskan Airports: PACV, PAFA, PAFE, PAGS, PAHO, PAJN, PAKT, PAKW, PAPG, PASI, PAVD, PAWD, PAWG, PAYA. Includes now Approaches for PAVD and PAWD! Get to know that Airport Design Editor can also be used to Design STARs and SIDs! Compiled and prepared by Conrad F. Staeheli
Posted Nov 26, 2017 11:08 by uploader
5.68Mb (764 downloads)
Introducing my second scenery objects library for the enjoyment of the Sim community. There are a variety of buildings which I am sure will be to you. MY usual thanks to Peter Broom for checking out the models before publishing and of course the author’s for their books that I referenced to ensure I got my models reasonably accurate, British Military Airfield Architecture by Paul Francis and Graham Buchan Innes and his British Airfield Buildings Vols 1 & 2.
Posted Oct 2, 2017 11:11 by Terry Boissel
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