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FS Gauges > Page 24
                                    Gauge -- AM/FM Radio CD Player
0.09Mb (3364 downloads)
FS2002/CFS2 Gauge -- AM/FM Radio CD Player A simulated six channel push button AM/FM Radio for playback of music, recorded broadcasts and the like for ambiance and general entertainment while flying FS2002/CFS2 aircraft. MP3/WMA/WAV/MID file playback, using DirectShow technology. Unit also controls audio CD player playback from within the FS cockpit. This Windows ME/XP compatible gauge version has upgraded functioning but does not work with FS2000/FS98/CFS. By R.L. Clark. 92K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.00Mb (1726 downloads)
FS2002 Cold and Dark Cockpit Gauge This Gauge starts every aircraft with a cold and dark cockpit (switched off Engines, Avionics and the complete Electricity) when on grond. The Gauge works with absolutely every Panel and aircraft (Free-, Share- and Payware) no matter if it is a Prop, Turboprop or Jet and it's easy to install. By Matthias Lieberecht. 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                                    V1.0 This is a FS2002 module that simplifies
                                    the selection of voice communication channels
0.18Mb (756 downloads)
RWControl V1.0 This is a FS2002 module that simplifies the selection of voice communication channels using Roger Wilco when flying online in the environment of either VATSIM ( or IVAO (, the most popular “virtual air traffic network” providers. Additionally, two gauges are provide that can be integrated in your panel(s). By Stefan Gallmann. 184K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive