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FS2000 > Page 281
0.63Mb (177 downloads)
Smallwoods Retreat! Smallwoods is located 158 miles Southwest of Valdez, Alaska on a heading of 233 degrees. This is a very restful place to fly to and is not too far from some bigger towns. It features both land and water starts. The dirt runway is approximatly 1700 feet long and is cleared pretty well for approaches and departures. There are 3 cabins located there, one being owned by Jerry Smallwood, owner of the retreat. He and his wife Tina will make you comfortable during your stay there. Stop by and see them! If you see a yellow Beaver, they're home! Watch out for the animals again and have a great time relaxing and taking in what nature has given us. Scenery by Don Moser / Alaska By Don. 649K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.14Mb (184 downloads)
Finland Cabins: This is the first part of a collection of fictive cabins in Finland. This contains high detailed scenery and no level complexity can be choosen, so you can only view all the details, it has been tested on a P3 500Mhz 128Megs of RAM, and there were no framerate problems. By Gabriel Dostert. 140K Part 2: This is #2 part of the cabins for Finland. It contains a cabin, and the forest surrounding... By Gabriel Dostert. 103K Part 3 : Part 3 of the Cabins of Finland collection. It covers a linear zone of nearly 13nm long with blocks of forest (to save the good framerates) and adds an other cabin. For good computers, the entire forest section will be included in part 4, wich will be optional. By Gabriel Dostert. 216K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  of the City of Santiago, Chile
1.44Mb (381 downloads)
Scenery of the City of Santiago, Chile. And Replacement of FS2000-bmp Texures. for MS FlightSimulator 2000 only !!! This is a very detailed recreation of the city of Santiago, Chile. The capital city includes missing hills, mayor historical landmarks, modern buildings, parks, and other Cesar Carrasco. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Secret Base v1.2 UPDATED
0.36Mb (179 downloads)
Zveroboj Secret Base v1.2 UPDATED Fictive Scenery for FS2000 By Gabriel Dostert 1/ Description : Zveroboj is a small island lost somewhere near the Siberian coast... This island contains a secret military base, with a helipad to land... Far from everything, it is almost impossible to get there with a simple helicopter... This scenery is fully fictionnal and completely Unusefull... But it's funny... This updated version has more buildings, trees, and a road.I could not put in the military trucks because of a scasm problem. 369K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Fictional Fleet, Cancun, Mexico
0.14Mb (465 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 Fictional Fleet, Cancun, Mexico. This is a Fictional Fleet in the Gulf Of Mexico, Near Cancun. Including 1 Carrier, 2 Submarines,and 6 Naval Ships. Featuring A Menu Entry Option, ATIS Freq, a VOR, and a NDB. Each Ship Is Landible By A Chopper. By VF31_Blackbird. 140K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Fictional Fleet, Sea Of Japan
0.14Mb (402 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 Fictional Fleet, Sea Of Japan. This is a Fictional Fleet in the Sea Of Japan near Japan. Including 1 Carrier, 3 Submarines, and 8 Naval Ships. Featuring A Menu Entry Option, ATIS Freq, a VOR, and a NDB. Each Ship Is Landible By A Chopper. By VF31_Blackbird. 141K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  scenery for Liverpool International Airport
1.05Mb (186 downloads)
FS2000 scenery for Liverpool International Airport, NW England. Produced by A1 Scenery Club.Pre-release version by Danny Rowlands. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.80Mb (126 downloads)
Lake Stephanie. Lake Stephanie is located about 65 miles from Valdez, Alaska. It is a vacation, hunting and fishing outpost. There are 3 different runway types to choose from. Gravel, grass and water for the seaplane buffs. There is some wildlife there so be careful, they like to wander near the runways! Enjoy it!! Scenery by Don Moser. 823K Update: This is an update to correct the multicolored lake at Lake Stephanie. Follow the install enclosed and you should be good to go. Thanks! Now you will be able to enjoy it the way it should look! Don Moser. 97K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
2.06Mb (164 downloads)
TUCSON AREA mesh scenery, in 1 arc second by 1 arc second horizontal resolution ( approx. 30 meters) Tucson has some fine mountains close by. This very high resolution terrain mesh is my first attempt at rendering the fine detail of this Arizona topography for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. As anything in flight simulator, the more detail your scenery contains, the greater the performance you may need from your computer to achieve acceptable frame rates and smoothness of the image. by Orlando Sotomayor. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.79Mb (254 downloads)
FS2000 Monument Valley High Resolution Terrain Mesh Scenery. I do not recommend use of this scenery if you have problems running my other terrain mesh sceneries. By Eddie Denney. 810K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive