FS2000 > Page 287

1.32Mb (170 downloads)
Horton, Alaska. Lake Horton is located 95 miles from Galena
on a 123 degree heading, almost halfway between Fairbanks and
Nome. There is a 2100 foot runway here and a sizable lake for
floatplane activity. During the winter, the lake will freeze
over and the runway will be snow covered, so dust off those
skis, you're going to need them! Stop on by and see the folks
that run the little hanger there and watch out for the critters!
Scenery by Don Moser / Alaska By Don. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.04Mb (182 downloads)
Kapiti Aerodrome New Zealand Scenery See Associated Aviation,
The Kapiti Aero Club and More and the gliding club too. The
Aerodrome has been around since 1962 and is where I fly. Created
by Simon Davenport. 43K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.49Mb (171 downloads)
Update for Kodiak Island Alaska airport PADQ. This scenery
was created with ASD2.1 and requires
asd textures By Dennis Waggoner. 498K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.29Mb (242 downloads)
Air Force Leuchars Scenery for FS 2000 This file replaces
the default Leuchars AB in FS2000. RAF Leuchars is the most
Northern fighter base in the UK, and one of the busiest aswell.
On any given day you can be sure to see activity of one form
or another. The Station is a 24 hour emergency diversion airbase
so in effect it never closes. Based at RAF Leuchars are No.
43 Squadron `The Fighting Cocks` and 111 (Trebleone) Squadron
both of which are equipped with the Tornado F3. 294K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.68Mb (138 downloads)
George Flats" FS200 Bush Pilot Scenery Doc George Flats
is created and dedicated to a great macro and scenery designer
for the many hours he spends creating his works and helping
others learn more about FS2000. This scenery package can be
added to ANY active FS2000 scenery directory without using the
FS Scenery Library or messing with the Scenery.cfg file. Includes
ALL files necessary for a FULL installation. BY: Ken Nelson.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

4.31Mb (289 downloads)
This FS2000 terrain mesh file, based on elevation points spaced
30 meters apart, covers Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.
The park covers over 1 million acres of forests, lakes, meadows,
and high rocky peaks. Massive ancient glaciers grinding over
the bedrock below produced the spectacular landforms seen today.
By Orlando Sotomayor. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.29Mb (399 downloads)
Moon v1.0 for Fs2000 are available in 5 differents models
and there are very realistic by Chris. 300K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.09Mb (200 downloads)
Replacement snowflake v1.0 for Fs2000 are available in 2
different model By Chris.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.83Mb (149 downloads)
Scenery -- Bermuda Triangle and Aeroworks Flight Test Center
This scenery includes a three small fictional islands in the
very center of the Bermuda Triangle. The main island is Rio
Palm Isle and is home to Aeroworks Flight Test Center # 1 where
there are numerous static aircraft and airport service vehicles
as well as ships, helipads, and three runways of varying lengths
including a challenging STOL runway. Includes navigational aids
and works in conjunction with FS2000's AFD and shows up on FS2000
GPS. Requires Airport 2.10 and VOD 3.0 textures. Scenery and
static aircraft by Jason L. Terry. 850K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.03Mb (183 downloads)
Cargo facility.
Somewhere between Purkypile and Nugget Bench, Alaska lies the
HighRidge Cargo facility! With a 3700' runway, this is not a
place for faint hearted pilots. So strap in, down your flaps,
and take a visit. Scenery author: Smitty Calhoon. 32K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive