FS2000 > Page 300

5.15Mb (585 downloads)
for Dublin, Ireland. V3.00 For FS2000
Dublin Airport, Casement Aerodrome and Weston Airfield. Including
surrounding terrain and navaids. By Terry Gaff. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.12Mb (169 downloads)
Scenery, Joplin2k, Joplin Missouri. . Joplin Regional Airport
(KJLN) This is a highly acurate repesentation of the airport
in Joplin Missouri. It includes all taxiway and runway signs.
Also included is a generalized representaion of the major streets
and buildings of the city .Requires VOD 3.0, APT 2.x textures
and fs20002b patch. Joplin2k by John Fay. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.26Mb (252 downloads)
Scenery-Maui_A Offshore Gas Rig V1 New Zealand Maui_A is
NZ's main offshore rig providing 70% of NZ's Natural Gas. Situated
35 Km off the Taranaki Coast in 110 m of water. Scenery contains
over sized lighted helipad+fuel box,illuminated & animated windsock,
oil worker,moving oil machinery,rotating drill, ramp lights,
swaying illuminated buoys, nightlights, chimney+smoke plume
changes direction with wind, rotating radar.Incudes actual NDB
and fictional DME & ATIS... 266K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.71Mb (339 downloads)
for FS2000 v1.0 Biarritz Parme airport (France), created
for FS2000, is a scenery based on the real airport. "As real
as it gets !" It desserves Biarritz, Anglet and Bayonne towns,
and receives aircrafts from every European country. Beautiful
night and day textures and a complete documentation. By Renaud
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.55Mb (216 downloads)
Scenery - Kodiak Mun. and Lilly Lake No. 4 in the Alaska Floatplane
Base series. Enhances Kodiak Municipal (KDK) and Lilly Lake
(9Z3) the adjoining floatplane base. Included is scenery for
the new Alaskan Winds Kodiak Hub. This scenery is as accurate
as possible within the limits of the Flight Simulator. By Tom
Fica. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.82Mb (373 downloads)
Hudson for FS2000. Photorealistic scenery for the state/city
of New York. This version is mainly for Staten Island and
sorrounding areas. Plus it includes more than 150 real buildings
in Staten Island and Manhattan. Also a realistic representation
of Linden area and airport. 4 files. By Gregory Soldoambeaux.
1 1.8MB
2 484K
3 19MB
4 6.5MB
- Project Hudson for FS2000 Patch 1. Photorealistic scenery
for the state/city of New York. In this patch the non-showing
textures problem has been solved. Also when downloading this
file you DON'T have to download the hud100d.zip file anymore.
By Gregory Soldoambeaux. 14MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.27Mb (295 downloads)
Scenery Of the 5th runway of Schiphol EHAM Hi this is the
first scenery I´ve made. Before this I´ve made an A-340, A-380
and DC-9 panel. The 5th runway of Schiphol is yet not build,
but the work finishes in 2003. The runway is 3800m long an 75m
wide. There is one taxilane coming from the airport. The runway
is build because you fly over areas where not many people live.
I also included the new highway called the A-5. 286K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.13Mb (288 downloads)
Scenery- Leeds/Bradford v1 By Paul Baines This is detailed
scenery of Leeds/Bradford Airport in The North of England. This
scenery includes custom macros And static aircraft, which I
hope, will give an accurate Representation of this airport that
has been relatively forgotten in the flight sim world. By Paul
Baines. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.03Mb (192 downloads)
Scenery For Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Saint John
is the largest city in the province of New Brunswick and is
a major commercial, industrial and hi-tech center. This Scenery
Includes buildings in the uptown area and harbour. Brian Magee
- august 2001. 28K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
2.72Mb (196 downloads)
FS2K Caribbean Scenery Enhancement. Covers the region from
the Bahamas through the West Indies to the north shore of South
America. Includes an area map, an A/FD and other documentation.
This release is ver. B which does not include static aircraft.
By Bill Freeborn. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive