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FS2000 > Page 301
                  - Terrain Mesh for Cape Horn (Chile)
0.50Mb (173 downloads)
FS2000 - Terrain Mesh for Cape Horn (Chile) This Terrain Mesh - scenery cover the area included from S55 W68 S56 W67. Is a quite lite mesh and Frames Rates are very good. By: Raimondo Taburet. 513K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  STANSTED AIRPORT FOR FS2000 V4.0
2.42Mb (696 downloads)
LONDON STANSTED AIRPORT FOR FS2000 V4.0 A significantly revised version of London Stansted airport UK to reflect changes made at the airport over the past year. Includes new FedEx cargo centre, extended terminal, docking panels, new jetway and stair logos, improved textures, flashing "Wig-Wag" Hold lights and FS Traffic tracks for dynamic aircraft. By John Young. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Scenery Enhancement for MS FS2000.
5.05Mb (369 downloads)
Caribbean Scenery Enhancement for MS FS2000. Covers the region from the Bahamas through the West Indies to the north shore of South America. Includes an area map, an Airport/Facility Directory and other documentation. This is a three file scenery package. Unzip CARIBBa.ZIP into a temp folder to view each of the three files, together with complete installation instructions. Bill Freeborn. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Alaska Seaplane Operations.
1.94Mb (236 downloads)
FS2000 Alaska Seaplane Operations. An interesting scenery package for FS2000 that includes most of the seaplane bases in the state together with Airport/Facility Directory documentation. Extract to the root folder of FS2000. By Bill Freeborn. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Scenery - Kenai Municipal with floatplane canal
2.00Mb (178 downloads)
FS2000 Scenery - Kenai Municipal with floatplane canal. No. 5 in the Alaskan Floatplane Base series. Lots of static aircraft. Seasonal and nightlighting textures. Places Float Canal into the FS2000 AFD. By Tom Fica. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
1.37Mb (227 downloads)
FS 98 & FS 2000 Nine airports in Madagascar built by Airport v2.6 .Real plan nav info ASECNA. Navaids including for FS 2000. Total Version with Vodtext 27 & Txtur 202 if U don't have. Author Ramisarijaona Tsilavo J. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  of international airport of Limoges Bellegarde (LFBL) in France.
0.75Mb (331 downloads)
Scenery of international airport of Limoges Bellegarde (LFBL) in France. created an tested only in FS2000 ver. 0.99 Freeware author thierry dherbecourt. 765K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Auch-Lamothe, France. Scenery for FS2000
3.66Mb (231 downloads)
(LFDH) Auch-Lamothe, France. Scenery for FS2000 Located in south/west of France, Auch-Lamothe airport is about 39Nm (72Km), head on 280 ° from my favourite airport (LFCL). Auch-Lamothe is in the heart of the Gers department, a country renowned for her beauty and quality of life. managing 20000 flights a years, with a 1500 m paved runway fitted for night flight as well as a 800 m grass runway.In real fly, this airport can give some small difficulties indeed it's important to know that this ground is shaped with a NORTH / SOUTH orientation wich is PERPENDICULAR to the main winds, and that being situated at the bottom of a valley, the wind in height is often invisible. It is not so rare that the wind-sock is hanging, while there is 10 to 15 knots of cross-wind at 100 feet. Runway run off are relatively frequent for this reason. Caution in particular during Autan's wind (east wind) situations on the Toulousian plain. So, do not hesitate to set cross-wind with your favourite FS to know those stress sensations which stimulate blood circulation!... By Patrick Castay. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Liverpool John Lennon Airport, UK
4.02Mb (282 downloads)
FS2000 Liverpool John Lennon Airport, UK. By A1 Scenery Club. Version EGGPv1.0 All new scenery for Liverpool Int. and surrounding area. Fully compatible with FSNav and all other addons. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
1.70Mb (208 downloads)
FS2000 LFEA: . This scene is the part one of project "Belle Ile en mer" who cover the island in integrality. whith " Le Palais, Sauzon, Loc Maria, alls beachs and sites, lights houses, hotels...". " Belle Ile en mer is " la plus belle ile vue du ciel " logo from aero club de Belle Ile. A small fairly Airport located in "Belle Ile en Mer" island near Quiberon "Morbihan" Bretagne, France. It is a realistic scene made from grounds and aerials photographics pictures (june 2001). This scenery is only for FS2000 or Fs2000 PRO. All textures ares provided for this scenery. It is recommended to desactivate "Mip Mapping" in Fs2000 Display parameters (textures will be more sharp). this scenery is not really for slow computer... by Serge FAVRAUD. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive