FS2000 > Page 313

2.46Mb (1986 downloads)
Manager V2.0 Hangar Manager is a utility that makes
the job of collecting and organizing the many aircraft and aircraft
related components available on the internet for Microsoft Flight
Simulator 2000 and 98 easy. It also lets you quickly and intelligently
install and uninstall these components to and from the Flight
Simulator directory. Author: Mark Schilberg 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.55Mb (3976 downloads)
MDL Repair Utility This program will check and fix and
visual model (.MDL) files for Microsoft Flight Simulator running
on Windows NT/2000/XP. This is usually associated with the message
"Unable to load visual model". Installation is simple. Unzip
the files to any directory and run MDLRepair.exe The use of
the program is described in help.htm. If you have any difficulties
then please contact me with the details. Dave Parsons. 564K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
1.48Mb (383 downloads)
GPS FS2K GPS is a simple application that allows a user
to easily install the FS2000 GPS into any panel. Visual Basic
SP3 Runtime Files required (vb5rtsp3.zip). By Matt Kaprocki.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.01Mb (597 downloads)
MDL Repair Utility This program will check and fix and
visual model (.MDL) files for FS2000 running on Windows 2000.
Previously, some models which where over a 64K limit for the
BGL instructions would fail to load with a message saying "Unable
to load visual model". This will fix the problem. 8K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.44Mb (957 downloads)
Version 1.1 - 16.06.2000 FS2000 aircraft´s preview repair-tool
Most third-party aircrafts have a wrong zoom value for their
preview in the "choose-aircraft" menu. So the aircraft is not
displayed in the correct way. Tcdfsview repairs this detail
in the aicraft´s mdl-file. Very simple to use. Freeware By Tcdsoft
English-Translation by Stefan Schroeder. 446K. New version
updated June, 23rd, 2000.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

1.47Mb (1563 downloads)
Organiser Utility Version 1.1 Much improved second version
of a utility that allows you to move 'Aircraft' folders between
the Flight Simulator Aircraft folder and an archive folder.
Helps the user sort, manage, and group their aircraft. Version
1.1 contains many improvements and new features, including online
help. Works with FS98 and FS2000. Some users have reported that
it works with CFS as well. By Jason Cunningham. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
9.05Mb (186 downloads)
- Patch file which allows FS2000 & Airport 2000 to be compatible.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.05Mb (904 downloads)
Compression Utility - "bglzip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return
which makes it possible to compress and decompress scenery files
eg. bgl's. This tool can be used in FS2000, since FS2000 can
read compressed and decompressed bgl's. When creating new sceneries
*.bgl's it might be a big advantage to compress those files.
A compression will increase the performance of FS2000 when reading
those files. 51K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.02Mb (874 downloads)
Keyboard Shortcut Table Landscape orientated table in
Word format listing the FS2000 keyboard shortcuts. Zip contains
both European A4 and US Letter size versions. By Tony Smith.
File size 20k
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

2.06Mb (874 downloads)
Gauge Files Remover Wipe Gauges 2.4 remove
any gauge unused by FS2000. Allow scan, select, delete and backup
the all unnecessary gauge files. This new version features:
auto find the FS2000 path, better error control, various cosmetic
changes, various bug fixes. By Felipe Torrezini. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive