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FS2000 > Page 314
                  Installation Utility 4.0 for FS98 or FS2000
0.46Mb (2661 downloads)
Aircraft Installation Utility 4.0 for FS98 or FS2000. This Program simply copy all the file that constitute an aircraft, scenery or panel in the correct directories. It isn't a manager, this means that you need this program only if you want a simple and fast utility that with a couple of clicks can install your aircraft directly. By Francesco Aruta. 423K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.11Mb (1161 downloads)
FS2000 BGLINSTALL.EXE compressing and decompressing scenery files. The detailed scenery files in Flight Simulator 2000 are compressed to reduce the amount of disk space required. The files are not encrypted, just compressed. If you're a user or developer who has modified and worked with .bgl files in previous versions of Flight Simulator, you'll need to use this free utility to compress and decompress .bgl files for Flight Simulator 2000.. File size 111737
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.02Mb (629 downloads)
SceneryMover V1-a utility for FS2000 Professional. The installation utility Microsoft forgot! This program allows users with partial default scenery area installations to change which of the 50 scenery areas are installed on the hard drive with just a couple of mouse clicks. NOT tested with FS2000 Standard edition but should work satisfactorily with it. Requires VB5 runtime files.(these are probably already on your machine) Freeware. By Pete Pitman and Doug Horton. 25K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
2.05Mb (2506 downloads)
FlightZip v 3 is a little FREEWARE tool made for MS Flight Simulator 98 and MS Flight Simulator 2000. It is the ultimate addon installer and manager for FS98 and FS2000. FlightZip extracts ZIP files containing aircraft, panel, sound, adventure and scenery for FS98/2000, and install the files into the correct directories. You are able to install ZIP files using the program it selves or just by right-click at any ZIP file you would like and choose FlightZip from the popup menu. In addition FlightZip allows you to easily assign panels and sound to the aircraft installed. 2MB FlightZip 2000 Update to Version 3.1 *************** WHAT IS NEW IN V3.1? · The adventure installation does now work properly · FlightZip reads the FS path for the register. This caused a problem for some of you. The problem is fixed. 128K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Start Extension For FlightSims 2000 And 98
0.40Mb (1195 downloads)
Fast Start Extension For FlightSims 2000 And 98. Enables You To Choose The Flight Your Sim Starts Up On. This Product Has Been Enhanced All Round And Includes Some New Features. Existing FSX Users Should Also Upgrade But Please Read The Upgrading Section In The Text File. Distribution Includes A Setup Program For Easier Installation. Released As FREEWARE By Ken Maclachlan. 422K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.55Mb (3941 downloads)
Updated MDL Repair Utility This program will check and fix and visual model (.MDL) files for Microsoft Flight Simulator running on Windows NT/2000/XP. This is usually associated with the message "Unable to load visual model". Installation is simple. Unzip the files to any directory and run MDLRepair.exe The use of the program is described in help.htm. If you have any difficulties then please contact me with the details. Dave Parsons. 564K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Version 1.1
0.44Mb (1122 downloads)
Tcdfsview Version 1.1 - 16.06.2000 FS2000 aircraft´s preview repair-tool Most third-party aircrafts have a wrong zoom value for their preview in the "choose-aircraft" menu. So the aircraft is not displayed in the correct way. Tcdfsview repairs this detail in the aicraft´s mdl-file. Very simple to use. Freeware By Tcdsoft English-Translation by Stefan Schroeder. 446K. New version updated June, 23rd, 2000.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
The                   Flight Data Recorder, FLTREC.DLL
0.06Mb (538 downloads)
The Flight Data Recorder, FLTREC.DLL, is a FREEWARE add-on module for use with Microsoft(R) Flight Simulator(tm) 95 (FS95) and 98 (FS98) and 2000 (FS2000). The Flight Data Recorder saves your aircraft's flight data to a file as you fly. After your flight, you can analyze the flight data file to see how well you performed. This new version is compatible with FSUIPC, has an improoved user interface, has access to all PANEL SDK variables and can output data in XML. by Ignacio Hernandez-Ros (Originally by Adam Szofran modified with permission for FS2000). 65K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  English version
0.09Mb (111 downloads)
VHF-COM English version. The Ultimate Fast Guide about VHF Communication. A helpful sheet wich introduces you the correct style when transmitting by voice during your on-line flights. (Spanish version available). By PIBO_5. 94K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.09Mb (87 downloads)
VHF-COM Spanish version. The Ultimate Fast Guide about VHF Communication. A helpful sheet wich introduces you the correct style when transmitting by voice during your on-line flights. (English version available). By PIBO_5. 97K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive