FS2000 > Page 318

0.02Mb (457 downloads)
Visual Landing System Version 2.0 Used for Visual Approach
Training and assists with frame rates in dense scenery. Works
with FS98/FS2000 and is 3dfx compatible. By Jason Durbin. File
size 24k
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.97Mb (165 downloads)
v 2.4. Easy to install random weather generator. File
size 1619422. Also Requires VB
runtime file VB40032 (378k)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
1.02Mb (284 downloads)
2000 utility file - Database for Super Flight Planner New world
database with all FS2000 airports. Enhancement to Mike
Hall's previous version. Allows you to take off from each FS2000
airport. by Andreas Feilner. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.40Mb (221 downloads)
Super Flight Planner Utility Database. With this database
you can use your FS2000 areaman engine to find and read the
bgl files in FS2000 to load adventures into Super Flight Planner.
By Mike Hall. 414K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

5.91Mb (3319 downloads)
Flight Planner 2.8.0 Full Package. Advanced freeware
Flight Planner, Moving Map, Scenery Viewer and Adventure Maker
for FS95-FS98-FS2000-FS2002. Can create adventures using its
own engine or, if you have it, for Radar Contact. Can export
and import data to/from a lot of GPS's, Moving Maps and so on.
By Alessandro Antonini, "theflyguy". 6MB.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
1.82Mb (982 downloads)
add on PushBack This
is the support application for Flight Simulator 98/2000 and
based on Visual Basic 6.0. Only one PUSH of button, you can
push back easily. Voice file is additional(Japanese voice only).
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.02Mb (480 downloads)
2000 - Utility for FS2000 Can be used to keep a list
of the most frequently used departure locations, so it is no
longer necessary to search for the airport through the simulator's
Airport/Facilities directory and to "Slew" the aircraft to the
departure gate each time. Freeware module for Microsoft Flight
Simulator 2000, by Luciano Napolitano. 18K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.08Mb (982 downloads)
2000 navaids editor for FS2K/FS9x New version 1.5
Extract and edit ILS,VOR,NDB data from BGLs Compile navaids
databases to stand-alone BGLs New version improving FS2K navaids
range setting and correcting several bugs Full FS2K BGL navaids
format now included in the accompanying text file (EN2K.TXT)
Requires VB4-32 runtime
files Freeware by Hervé Sors. 80K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
1.31Mb (731 downloads)
Anywhere creates on-the-spot Microsoft Flight Simulator
2000 (FS2000) adventures that allow you to fly ANY FS2000 aircraft
in your hangar FROM ANY airport TO ANY airport. Jump into your
Cessna 182, fly around the local area, shoot some approaches
at another airport, then land back at your home field or take
that new jet that you just downloaded and fly cross-country
under visual flight rules (VFR). You'll have 2-way Ground Control
and Tower voice takeoff, landing, and taxi communication at
all of the airports as well as voice ATIS, approach options,
and voice ATC chatter along your route. by Ronald G. Broyles.
Useable shareware. 1.37MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.00Mb (1570 downloads)
2000 is
a simple adventure utility for FS2000/FS98 that will add autoland
ability to virtually any third party aircraft, when using the
autopilot's ILS "approach" mode feature. Autoland is being distributed
as freeware. John Cillis 4K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive