FS2000 > Page 321
1.66Mb (1203 downloads)
A Flight Simulator scenery file viewer and flight planner.
NAV is a Microsoft Flight Simulator (versions 5, 95, 98, and
2000) compatible scenery file (BGL) viewer and flight planner.
NAV will show (and print) a map of all the navigational aids,
runways and airports in your scenery files, let you measure
distances between places, search the files for specific items,
create a flight plan showing navigational aid frequencies and
distance, fuel, and estimated time between references points,
link to Flight Simulator to show your map position updated in
real time, and control your autopilot to help you navigate.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.12Mb (439 downloads)
Nav Aids now includes Alaska, New York, Northern Pennsylvania,
Northern New Jersey, Central and Western Connecticut, Central
and Western Massachusetts and Vermont. U.S. Nav Aids was
made with Paint Shop Pro. Some of the maps require you Rotate
the map 90 degrees to print the full size map. The Cities
on the map are Navigation Points, but most of them have airports
as well. All maps display VOR's, NDB's and Elevations. All
maps are the latest versions with additional Nav Aids or corrections.
Created by Bob Baker. 121K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

1.20Mb (202 downloads)
2000 will create enroute weather with departure and
destination airports, weather for enroute waypoints and destination
airports and start at the location of a saved flight file,
world weather for pre-defined areas (Europe, Africa, Asia,
Australia, Ocean weather), world weather for your own desired
areas, weather from a FS2000 flight plan, following the waypoints,
changing weather, even if you stay in one area, real weather,
if you want to use METAR or SAO files. The weather is created
depending on your current location, season, time of day. You
may preset special weather settings or create random weather.
By Klaus Prichatz. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.19Mb (369 downloads)
Flight Log - Internationl Version A very simple freeware
logbook that is perfect for flight simulation. All you need
is Excel. In this version you can input hours and minutes,
the standard for log books for ICAO. By: CJ Starr. 193K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.25Mb (532 downloads)
Airport Navigation ILS Data - text format .
Update database for RWYINFO (By FIGLIOLA Francesco) This is
my first work about fs2000. the file in this version included
all Italian airport with relatives ils (where available). 256K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
2.66Mb (1376 downloads)
- ChartViews V1.0.0 (beta), ChartViews is a small 'stand-alone'
Windows utility for Flight Simulators allowing a number of airport
charts to be stored and available on screen whilst still flying.
The programme can load up to 8 files, 4 each of either .pdf
files or picture files. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. by Alex
Hyett. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.01Mb (577 downloads)
737 for FS2000: CP 737 is my first attempt at writing
an add-on for FS2000. It is supposed to lighten your workload
as a pilot by monitoring some of the systems for you while
you 'look out' and fly the airliner. On take off it will make
the necessary speed calls to get you safely into the air and
on approach will monitor your speed and situation, advising
flaps, gear and speedbrake settings, making height calls as
you approach the threshold. Finally as you slow to a stop
the speed calls will tell you how well your brakes are doing!
Ian Niblo. 3 files
Files (required for either 737 or 777) 1MB
Alternative 8K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

1.14Mb (737 downloads)
1.0.11 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. What is
FSManager?FSManager is designed to improve the realism and enjoyability
of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 by allowing you to view current
weather information and forecasts (METAR and TAF files) in a
clear and easy to understand format before each flight. After
reading the weather reports and forecasts, you can then launch
to a specific location and in the aircraft of your choice. This
allows you to avoid the time consuming process of having to
change location and aircraft once you are in Flight Simulator
2000. FSManager is also able to display the flight time that
you have logged in Flight Simulator 2000 to allow you to easily
keep track of the amount of hours that you have flown. Copyright
© 2001 Spade Applications and Chris Monson. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

1.67Mb (626 downloads)
FS-Fault is a new utility, allowing maximum control over your
aircrafts' reliability settings. You can select individual settings
for the Avionics, Control, Electrical, Instrumentation and Engine
control systems. FS-Fault even replicates unique scenarios such
as runaway trim and rudder hard-over. Freeware.(MR) Added: 5-Mar-2001
File has been downloaded: 1 times Author: Ray Sotkiewicz. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

5.39Mb (870 downloads)
- Minimum Sound Package for ACSAGSFP version 2.X.X This
package contain the minimum sound files, required to fly an
ACSAGSFP 2.X.X compiled adventure. The included batch file will
build all required sound structure automatically from this set
of sound file. But this configuration will feature only one
controller voice and no distinctive ATC per center type (all
ATC are built from a set of 80 files in all). Installation instructions
included. Author: Alain Capt / ACSoft Productions. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive