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FS2000 > Page 338
                  Tupolev Tu-142 BEAR-F
0.07Mb (729 downloads)
ALPHA Tupolev Tu-142 BEAR-F. Previously an Alpha Simulations release. 100K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
2.72Mb (1062 downloads)
Antonov An-30 is another member of the An-24 family. It was designed as an aerial survey and photographic airplane, employed e.g. for map-making. Some An-30 are also known to have been employed on ecological survey missions. Various cameras and sensors are integrated into the fuselage, and the airplane reportedly even features its own darkroom. To make room for the equipment, the An-30 features a raised cockpit on the forward fuselage. As the An-30 is a highly specialised aircraft type, it has only been built in small numbers. Most of the airplanes are based either in Myachkovo to the southeast of Moscow, in Siberia or in the Ukraine. FSDS model by Samdim. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Tu-95 "Bear".
1.42Mb (4037 downloads)
Tupolev Tu-95 "Bear". For FS2002 and FS2000 Soviet intercontinental nuclear bomber; First flew in 1954, it is still in service. FSDS Pro model by Samdim. Featuring all moving parts (including rolling wheels, stearable gear) and transparent windows. © Samdim may 2002 sounds by M.Ellis. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    P-51D 'Miss America' Mustang
7.58Mb (1106 downloads)
FS2000 P-51D 'Miss America' Mustang FS2000/CFS2 North American P-51D Miss America. Includes moving parts and night time textures for the virtual cockpit. Flight model contains a true FS2000 .air file. Engine starts and shut downs work. Sliding canopy activates when gear retracts. Detailed cockpit can be viewed from spot plane view. Pilot's head turns left and right with rudder movement. Panel included is a freeware non-commercial release. Visual model by Roger Dial (Blue Arrow FS). Sound by Mike Hambly (Blue Arrow FS). Flight model by Bruce Thorson. Textures by Felipe Belalcazar.7.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Douglas DC-4, American Overseas Airlines, NC90902
0.21Mb (317 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 Douglas DC-4, American Overseas Airlines, NC90902, Flagship London Moving Parts Version Original design and textures (DC-4 American Airlines) by Harry Follas and Tom Gibson. Modified textures (American Overseas Airlines) for "" by Alf Werner. Flight Model by Brian Horsey. DC-4 AOA NC90902 was used in the Berlin-Airlift 1948-49. 216K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Douglas DC-4, Pan American World Airways, N90902,
0.24Mb (398 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 Douglas DC-4, Pan American World Airways, N90902, Clipper Roland Moving Parts Version Original design and DC-6-textures by Harry Follas and Tom Gibson. Flight Model by Brian Horsey. Modified textures by Alf Werner. DC-4 PAA NC90902 was used in Berlin-Tempelhof from 1950 to the end of the fifties. 243K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Douglas B-18A "Bolo"
0.23Mb (364 downloads)
FS2000 Douglas B-18A "Bolo" This FSDS project for FS2000 includes moving parts and some transparent windows. Includes recommendations for panel and sound (defaults are included). By Paul Clawson. 242K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Douglas DC-3 "The Great Satchmo!"
4.43Mb (578 downloads)
FS2000 Douglas DC-3 "The Great Satchmo!" This is the 1st Alaskan Winds Oldies edition. A celebration of the Centennial of the birth of the Great New Orleans musician, Louis Armstrong. New Orleans Intl Airport (MSY) has been recently renamed to Louis Armstrong New Orleans Intl Airport. Start-Up flight included. Satchmo's a repaint of an original by Jan Visser, Roy Chaffin and Bill Rambow. Repainted by Joao Paz. 4.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Latecoere Late-17
0.57Mb (875 downloads)
MSFS2002 Latecoere Late-17. By Alexander Belov, . Passenger aircraft used by Lignes Ariennes Latecoere. First flown in 1924, this aircraft was designed to replace famous Breguet 14. 23 aircraft of this type (s/n 601 - 623) were used on route Toulouse - Perpignan - Marseille and on North African routes. 589K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  DC2 Uiver Package
10.01Mb (779 downloads)
FS2000 DC2 Uiver Package. This pack is dedicated to the famous KLM DC2 UIVER. It contains a fotoreal panel with 8-side views. Panel and Custom gauges: Rob Cappers, gauge programming: Fred Banting. DC2 Uiver flightmodel by Don Incoll, Rob Bosman and Jan Visser. Air file by Steve Small. Also included 2 additional liveries, of the KLM PH-AKG, and the TWA Lindberg Line NC19340. 10.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive