FS2000 > Page 339

2.33Mb (1208 downloads)
) Robinson. Version 1.0 This aircraft ( Version 3 ) is the first
true flying wing developed by the Horten brothers in the 2nd
world war in Germany. It was intended to be a single seat flying
wing jet fighter-bomber capable of 607 mph. It was also believed
to be stealth due to the radar absorbing paint. This version
has been painted in the night fighter sqn colours of the First
Gruppe of the NJG ( NachtjagdGeschwader ) 11 which was formed
in 1944. It is my belief that if this aircraft reached service
this is where it would have been used. There were many variants
of the Ho 229 on the drawing boards including a night fighter
fitted with the experimental FuG 217 Neptun J-2 radar. This
radar was a medium range system used exclusively by NJG 11.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

1.30Mb (782 downloads)
and CFS2 Fairey Barracuda Mk2 A
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Torpedo/Dive Bomber of 52 TBR Wing,
H.M.S. Furious in April 1944 Includes moving surfaces, Gunners
Canopy, flaps and complex undercarriage with rolling wheels.
By Don Kruchek. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

4.34Mb (524 downloads)
Sikorsky S-39 "Spirit of Africa".
Amphibian NC52V built in 1932, used by Martin and Osa Johnson
in Africa and Borneo. Float and wheeled versions included. Pilot
moves control yoke and rudder pedals. Entry hatch opens with
F8/F5. Based on air file by Alexander Belov. Cockpit and panel
views from photos taken at NE Air Museum. Start at Amboseli,
Kenya, and see if you can fly it over Mount Kilimanjaro. By
George Diemer. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

2.05Mb (427 downloads)
Nieuport 28C.1.
The Nieuport 28C.1 was developed in mid-1917 and was the first
biplane fighter design produced by Nieuport that had relatively
equal-chord upper and lower wings. In an attempt to compete
with the superior performance of the Spad VII and the recently
introduced Spad XIII. Fully animated FSDS model with transparent
textures, detailed skin (riviets), accurate FDE's, and other
goodies. By: Felipe Belalcazar. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

4.24Mb (594 downloads)
vonBraun VTO Interceptor.
The von Braun Interceptor was a VTO (vertical takeoff) rocket
powered bird designed to take on the incoming allied bombers,
kinda like the ME-163 Komet, unfortunately she never flew. Fully
animated FSDS model with transparent textures, detailed skin
(riviets), accurate FDE's, and other goodies. By: The Luft'46
Team & a little help from our friends :) 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.21Mb (353 downloads)
AT-6 Texan. :
Originally From "Miss Behavin" Files I repainted this Texan
to an original color 4 (scheme Gradients) Panel & Sound aliased
to Default CFS2 Aircraft Repaint By Robert "Hawk". 219K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.19Mb (480 downloads)
AT-6 Texan: Modeled after a Converted Naval trainer I
tried to make it as authentic As Possible. Textures done for
use at the World wide virtual Air racing Course. Repaint By
Robert "Hawk". 195K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.21Mb (1239 downloads)
Arado 234 B-2a Jet.
WW2 Luftwaffe Arado 234 B-2a twin engine turbojet of world war
II. The Arado 234 B-2 was used for high altitude reconnaissance
and bombing duties. This is a repaint of Hauke Keitel Arado
234 B-2. I have added authentic Jumo Turbo Jet engine sounds,
engine flame effects, retounched skin colors, navigation lights
and smoke effects. Enjoy, Original by Hauke Keitel, repaint
by Ted Tingus. 11.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

2.28Mb (607 downloads)
Spitfire MK.XVIE Supermarine
spitfire for fs2000- the greatest/most versatile prop driven
fighter the world has ever known- Represented here as a mk.14e
in the colours of well known Canadian spitfire MK.XVIE sl721
Fs2000 variant only! SPITFIRE CREATED BY: Andrew C Wai. PANEL:
Copyright G.Vinet. CANADIAN SPITFIRE 'SL721' TEXTURES BY: E.Snoad.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.78Mb (867 downloads)
T-6 Harvard Mk.IIa T-6 Harvard of the South African Air
Force (SAAF) This is a repaint representing a Harvard that served
in the Training role for over 50 years with the South African
Air Force. Includes OBJECT_DP and scenedb data to make all the
weapons appear in CFS II. Original Designer unknown, was downloaded
from http://www.flight_wz.com Textures by: W. Wright DP by:
Felipe Belalcazar. 796K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive