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FS2004 > Page 362
Cockpit Panels 737
Cockpit Panels 737
0.00Mb (1196 downloads)
As a flight simmer myself, I have always been looking for a cheap or free software which I can use in my home cockpit for BOTH the Captain & Co-pilots instrument panels as well as the engine gauges. I was unsuccessful! So I made this, I have modified FS2004 so the Boeing 737's main instrument displays so they are fully resizable and un-dockable and can be added to any aircraft in FS2004, please note this is only for FS2004 and may not be used in FSX. I did make one for FSX, however my version of FSX does not work anymore.
Posted Dec 31, 2010 18:06 by Billy-Ray Palmer
Cockpit Panels (PFD, MFD & EICAS)
0.00Mb (1495 downloads)
As a flight simmer myself, I have always been looking for a cheap or free software which I can use in my home cockpit for BOTH the Captain & Co-pilots PFD, MFD and EICAS screens. I was unsuccessful! So I made this, I have modified FS2004 so the Boeing 777's PFD's etc are fully moveable, resizable and un-dockable and can be added to any aircraft in FS2004, please note this is only for FS2004 and may not be used in FSX. I did make one for FSX, however my version of FSX does not work anymore.
Posted Dec 29, 2010 14:33 by Billy-Ray Palmer
Aeropostal McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51 (YV137T) El Neoespartano Textures
Aeropostal McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51 (YV137T) El Neoespartano Textures
10.23Mb (1483 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51,(cn 47771/883), registration YV137T, and renamed "El Neoespartano", an aircraft with the new Aeropostal livery. Real colors, new wings, stabilizers and other details. Files upgraded from the original version. Fully reworked new textures only for the SkySimulations DC-9-51 model (payware package). Look at for detailed info. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Dec 29, 2010 00:17 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
FS2004 DH 106 Comet 1 and 2 Package ver 2.0
37.20Mb (5340 downloads)
The worlds first jetliner. The Comet 1 entered sevice with BOAC in 1952, initially on the route from London to Johannesburg. This package includes liveries for BOAC, Air France, UAT, Canadian Pacific and RCAF Comet 1's, and BOAC and RAF Comet 2's. Version 2 model by Jens B. Kristensen, sounds by Mike Hambly, Benoit Plamondon and Mark Cranston (Aeromusica). For FS2004, an FSX version is available separately.
Posted Dec 27, 2010 09:23 by Jens B. Kristensen
FS2004 Handley Page HP81 Hermes Package Ver 2.0
13.37Mb (2242 downloads)
The HP81 Hermes was a British airliner from 1948, used by BOAC for its African routes in the early 1950s, and then by various charter companies for the next 10 years. Five variants are included here: BOAC (early and late), Airwork, Air Safaris and Skyways. Version 2.0 for FS2004, an FSX version is available separately. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Dec 27, 2010 09:05 by Jens B. Kristensen
FS2004 Maule M7 Taildragger Bush Flying
FS2004 Maule M7 Taildragger Bush Flying
18.28Mb (2311 downloads)
FS2004 Maule M7 Taildragger Bush Flying. This is the complete aircraft with 2D and Virtual cockpit (VC). Original by Mikko Maliniemi. Handdrawn repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Dec 26, 2010 07:51 by Ingo Schwan
FS2004/FSX Cessna 170B
FS2004/FSX Cessna 170B
2.89Mb (7472 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cessna 170B. Glass fix so it is ow transparent from inside. Exterior glass will seem grey in some video cards. Doors and engine cowl : shift-e Side windows : spoiler key (/) 2) POP-UP PANELS : Note - this model does not include a 2D panel shift-2 : radios shift-3 : GPS shift-4 : Nav Enlarge shift-5 : Compass shift-6 : Mini Panel
Posted Dec 26, 2010 04:36 by Mike Hudson
Boeing 767-400ER Delta '07
Boeing 767-400ER Delta '07
12.29Mb (4158 downloads)
Boeing 767-400ER Delta '07. Model By Sky Spirit, repaint by MASW
Posted Dec 25, 2010 21:39 by MASW
A300-200 SGA Swissair
2.57Mb (1953 downloads)
SGA Airbus A300 Swissair OC fictional repaint. Swissair never had the A300 in their fleet. SGA-Model by Eric Cantu, Flight Dynamics by Touradg Morassaei.
Posted Dec 25, 2010 11:06 by Peter Graser
FS2004 Sud-Est SE161 Languedoc Package
12.92Mb (2861 downloads)
Version 1.0 December 2010. A french airliner of the immediate postwar years, the Languedoc served Air France and a few other airlines until the end of the 1950's. Textures for Air France, LOT (Polish Airlines) and Aviaco (Spain) are included. This is for FS2004; an FSX version is available as a seperate download. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Dec 22, 2010 05:12 by Jens B. Kristensen