FS2004 > Page 436
7.54Mb (938 downloads)
At the request of Chuck and Cathy, here is Letter From Hell but in red. Repaint of the default Piper Cub. Whole aircraft included. Francis F Silva
Posted Feb 15, 2010 08:34 by F F Silva (Silva Art Studios)

16.94Mb (3123 downloads)
FS2004 Avro Lincoln MR 31
A RAAF Maritime patrol aircraft built by
the Government Aircraft Factory in Melbourne
Aircraft of 10 Sqn. Based at Townsville.
Ver. 1.0, By Edward Cook
Posted Feb 14, 2010 17:56 by Edward Cook

5.71Mb (3219 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing flight test airplane 787-9 V2. Versions 2 includes aircraft design improvements plus updated animations.
This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS).
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Feb 14, 2010 17:43 by Camil Valiquette

5.52Mb (3103 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of the AI Lockheed
Neptune by Jaap de Baare. He has supplied
me with a model file for it that has the jet
engines uncovered. I have made it flyable
and updated the flight dynamics, added a
panel, and added smoke for the jets. This is
the whole aircraft. No virtual cockpit.
Posted Feb 14, 2010 10:08 by Bob Chicilo

5.96Mb (662 downloads)
Textures only for the smallest four engine aircraft in the world, DH-114 Heron B2. The Prinair Pack from Carlos Marrero is required. Hand-drawn organic textures for Air North by Ingo Schwan.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 13, 2010 13:33 by Ingo Schwan

1.74Mb (3203 downloads)
This scenery will place many sailboats and yachts all over Rio de Janeiro. Program RWY12, part FS9 Port and Sea required. Highly recommended the Rio de Janeiro V9 scenery from Fern Marques and Newton Drumond. By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Feb 13, 2010 12:48 by Ingo Schwan

115.43Mb (1734 downloads)
Weiser Airpark (KEYQ) scenery for FS2004. Weiser is located northwest of Houston, Tx. This package is very highly detailed for maximum realism. Includes photo-realistic seasonal ground textures and extensive night lighting, as well as loads of custom-made buildings made using digital photos. Complete package includes AFCAD files and AI aircraft.
By James Shaddox
Posted Feb 12, 2010 20:28 by James Shaddox

1.08Mb (1382 downloads)
FS2004 PZL-101A v9
a utility STOL aircraft, the Yak-12M's modifieds version,
built by the Warsawa Okencsie Factory in Poland 1967.
The HA-SBF Gawron is a Hungarian glider towed plane.
FS2K Designed by Tibor Kokai.
Original FS98 flight dynamics by Jim Goldmann.
Sounds by Bill Lyons. Pilot view panel bitmap
from cockpit photo by George Csillag.
(the last version)
Posted Feb 12, 2010 08:29 by GCs

2.97Mb (2874 downloads)
FS2004 Grob Twin III Acro
a tandem seater aerobatic glider.
FS2K Designed by Max Roodveldt.
Includes front - rear dynamic VC,
enlarged both system gauges, sounds,
simple tow simulation. All in one
post editor works by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 12, 2010 08:25 by GCs

0.50Mb (952 downloads)
Config file for excellent Sikorsky SH-60 SeaHawk by Aerosoft.
Posted Feb 12, 2010 05:31 by Michal Lubiscak