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FS2004 > Page 473
Sikorsky H34/S58 143 French Navy
Sikorsky H34/S58 143 French Navy
10.91Mb (1675 downloads)
Sikorsky H34/S58 of the French Navy was used in 1987 for search and rescue. Now a standing exhibit in a museum. Original aircraft by Willy Vervaecke. Repaint by Niels de Ruyck
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:21 by Niels De Ruyck
Sikorsky OT ZKE Belgium
Sikorsky OT ZKE Belgium
11.07Mb (736 downloads)
Sikorsky SAR Koksijde, Belgium. the name is OT ZKE or B5. Original aircraft by Willy Vervaecke. Repaint by Niels de Ruyck
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:04 by Niels De Ruyck
FSX/FS2004                   'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4
0.88Mb (4371 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4 Take screenshots of FS2004/X With just a push of 1 button on your keyboard (Print Screen) and SnapShot does the rest! You don't even have to pause FS. Just press PrintScreen while in game, and SnapShot automatically saves each numbered screenshot to your chosen directory. v1.4 - Also works on Windows Vista aswell as Windows XP and others!Requires .Net Framework to be installed. (here). 1.2K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
FS2002/2004 Whitestar Boeing Triple Seven Textures
0.80Mb (514 downloads)
Textures for the default aircraft in the new Livery of Whitestar Airlines, a fictional carrier bassed at Southhampton International. Whitestar serves the U.K., U.S., Asia, and Australia. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 21, 2009 13:30 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Whitestar Boeing 747 Textures
1.28Mb (876 downloads)
Textures for the default 747 Jumbo in the new livery of Whitestar Airlines, a fictional carrier based at Southhampton International. Whitestar serves the U.K., U.s., Asia, and Australia. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Rob Smith
Posted Oct 21, 2009 13:27 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Whitestar Airlines Boeing 737 New Livery Textures
0.97Mb (549 downloads)
New livery for Whitestar Airlines, a fictional business class carrier based at Southhampton International that serves the U.K. and Europe. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Rob Smith
Posted Oct 21, 2009 13:23 by Don Brynelsen
FS2000/2002/2004 Learjet Model 45 Textures
FS2000/2002/2004 Learjet Model 45 Textures
0.43Mb (1552 downloads)
Alternative textures to give you a change from the default "Nike Swoosh" Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Simon Jamie
Posted Oct 19, 2009 13:22 by Don Brynelsen
RAF A380-800 for FS2004
3.47Mb (4700 downloads)
1995 RAF colours painted onto Robert Versluy's A380-800. The RAF (obviously) don't have any A380's amongst their fleet - maybe one day !!! Model by Robert Versluy, repaint by Steve Caine. Complete package with default panel and sound.
Posted Oct 19, 2009 09:10 by Steve Caine
Douglas C-133B Cargomaster Package
12.12Mb (12821 downloads)
Douglas C-133B Cargomaster FS2004 Pro. The C-133 Served as the USAF's only turbo-prop strategic airlifter from 1956 to 1971, when wing fatigue caused their retirement. The C-141 and C-5 then took over the "Weanie Wagon's" role. The main mission of the C-133 was to transport the USAF's range of ICBM's to their bases,and to move many oversized cargoes long distances. One being a ship's propeller and shaft to New Zealand. First version was the C-133A, serving at Dover AFB. The last dozen or so were the C-133B version, with new clamshell doors and more powerful engines. These served at Travis AFB. Tim Conrad
Posted Oct 19, 2009 05:09 by Uploader
Capt Sim Yak-3 Normandia Neman Joseph Risso Textures
4.99Mb (367 downloads)
This is a repaint only for Captain Sim's Yak-3. This aircraft is Legendary Yak-3 "Normandia-Neman" regiment, Joseph Risso Gross-Kalweitchen end 1944 Repaint by CSA
Posted Oct 18, 2009 07:09 by CSA