FS2004 > Page 501
7.90Mb (3742 downloads)
DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter Royal Nepal Airlines.
Twin Otter included in this package is built entirely in Gmax
& Original Sound and includes animated wheels, doors, wing views,
dynamic shine together with reflections, full moving surfaces.
Premier Aircraft ( Barry Blaisdell, Steve Small ). Master textures
and paint by Samy Fay, Repainted by Praz Rim. 8.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
6.48Mb (6737 downloads)
2004 Air Tractor AT-401 B Package.
A highly specialized plane in tasks of dust croppping or fire
extinguishing, capable with 2.400 lbs. useful load. Model, paint
and panel by Xavier Gassó. Sound package by Aaron R. Swindle
Skysong Soundworks. The aircraft includes: - 2D panel, with
new XML gauges - 3D night illuminated panel - Full animated
model - Fx effect - sound package - 2 x PDF archive (Spanish/english).
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
0.06Mb (3906 downloads)
Mike Stone's Beech B1900D Update.
This is an update of the Beech b1900D by Mike Stone (here).
I have updated the flight dynamics, repositioned all the contact
points and added two wheels and one scrape. Bob Chicilo. 58K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
5.71Mb (29195 downloads)
- Bombardier/Canadair CL415 This
is my old model for fs2000/2002 updated to fs2004 of the famous
canadian built fire fighting amphibious plane. This new version
of the model shows four different painting schemes sported
by aircrafts used by various organizations for fire fighting
role. The model, made with FSDS2.24 from ABACUS features a
complete redesign of animations now perfectly compatible with
FS2004. This is a true amphibious plane with realistic effects
in water. The model does not contain a 3d Virtual Cockpit.
Visual Model and paint by Massimo Taccoli. Original Panel
work from Rolf "UWE" Hockmuth modified by me with added gauges
from Andrea Cini.Other paintworks by Eric Turpin.Flight Dynamics
By Dennis Seeley.Copyright © March 2006 by Massimo Taccoli.
(Fs2002) - Bombardier/Canadair CL415 Update This is an
update to my last released model for fs2004 The update contains
some improvement to model and modified textures that better
reflect the real looking of the Securitè Civile CL415 model.The
package contains only those files that have been modified.
This file requires CL415_04.zip already installed . Visual
Model and paint by Massimo Taccoli. 1.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
12.78Mb (4736 downloads)
Sonerai-II Racer. Spanish
homebuilt aircraft based in an american racer with two tandem
seats and twin controls. Full animated GMax model, 2D panel
and VC with new XML gauges, sound package and start smoke effect.
All files (model, sound, panel, gauges & textures) by Xavier
Gassó. 13.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
5.44Mb (2778 downloads)
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B black & grey repaint.
Default C208 using Martin Wright's DXTBMP and Corel Photo-Paint
12 Includes dash mod for better contrast in cockpit view and
matching splash screen. John Jones 3.9MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
6.94Mb (10144 downloads)
S.A. Bulldog T. MK1 Trainer.
The Bulldog was a training aircraft developed by Scottish Aviation
from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype first flying
in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria,
Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several
are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations,
shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes
RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme
having its own SK-61 model. By Tim Conrad Piglet. 7.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
1.84Mb (465 downloads)
Scheibe 25C-Falke.
The first Scheibe Falke was built in 1963. It started with the
A-Falke (25 hp) and the B-Falke (45 hp) up to today's C-Falke
(80 hp). The FS models are fitted out with animated canopy,
sticks, gear, wheels and a simple virtual cockpit, this version
has Tricycle undercarriage. Full credit goes to Wolfgang Piper
for this lovely plane. 1.9MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
1.50Mb (425 downloads)
Scheibe 25C-Falke.
The first Scheibe Falke was built in 1963. It started with the
A-Falke (25 hp) and the B-Falke (45 hp) up to today's C-Falke
(80 hp). The FS models are fitted out with animated canopy,
sticks, gear, wheels and a simple virtual cockpit, this version
is a tail dragger. Full credit goes to Wolfgang Piper for this
lovely plane. 1.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
0.93Mb (5318 downloads)
Martin 4-0-4 Eastern Airlines "The Silver Falcon".
Here is N474A as it would have appeared during the late '50's.
Eastern was the largest purchaser of the 4-0-4 and maintained
a large fleet for over a decade. FSDS2.24 model by Dee Waldron.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive