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FS2004 > Page 542
                  Bellanca C-27 USAAC Textures only
0.39Mb (694 downloads)
FS2004 Bellanca C-27 USAAC Textures only. Two real liveries for the military version to the Aircruiser. #18 with yellow tail and the #2 with blue tail. The Flying W, as it was commonly known, was originally designed as a commercial passenger aircraft, at which it showed great promise. But a decision by the FAA to require multiple engines on passenger aircraft doomed it. It went on to become a rugged and versatile bush plane, particularly in the Canadian wilderness.Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike Stone here .Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 400K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
                  King Air F90 version 2.
4.26Mb (1881 downloads)
FS2004 King Air F90 version 2. This model was built with FSDS version 2.24. It's a highly modified version of the AI model previously released. This model has working primary and secondary control surfaces, transparent cockpit, 3D cabin and airstair. Flight dynamics and instrument panel by Michael Verlin. We have supplied a panel and a set of Master textures for those wishing to do their own repaints.. By Henry Tomkiewicz, Dee Waldron & Michael Verlin. 6.3MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Milford Sound Flightseeing Textures
1.15Mb (1174 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Milford Sound Flightseeing Textures only. BN-2B-26 Islander ZK-MCD (cn 719) operates for Real Journeys out of Queenstown (NZQN) on 'flightseeing' trips to Milford Sound (NZMF), New Zealand. This is one of my favourite flights in FS; Peter Lohr's Queenstown scenery is already released and, at time of writing, his scenery for Milford Sound is under development. Together with other landclass and mesh for New Zealand, the flying environment in this region is both precisely rendered and spectacular; this is an appropriate aircraft to view it to best effect. Requires Marcel Kuhnt's Britten Norman Islander (here) & available in many variations for FS2002/FS2004 at By Mark Beaumont. 1.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Viscount 765D Atlantic Gulf Textures only.
0.62Mb (659 downloads)
FS2004 Viscount 765D Atlantic Gulf Textures only. Built as an executive aircraft for Standard Oil as N306, it passed through a few owners before becomming a member of the Go Transportation fleet. Atlantic Gulf used it on lease from Go still wearing the basic livery of an earlier time with Royal American. Stored in Tuscon from June 1986, it was sold in May 1991 and broken up in June 1994. Requires the FSDS Viscount 700D model by Rick Piper here. Repaint by Garry Russell. 638K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004                  De-Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou Textures Pack 1
1.07Mb (1919 downloads)
FS2004 De-Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou Textures Pack 1 Included in this file 13 real liveries,Iran Air Force, Malaysia Air Force, Third World Hope Inc, Pen Turbo Aviation Inc (2 liveries) , Greatland Air Cargo, N94NC, C9-ATE, Wardair Canada, ERIM, Trigana Air, Union Flights & USAF. The "Boo", as it was known, was an excellent cargo lifter, in spite of its ungainly appearance. With outstanding short/rough field capability, it could lift useful loads into almost any airstrip. Caribou production ended in 1973 after 307 had been built, most of which were for military customers. A small number survived in commercial service in 2000 in North America (incl Alaska).Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike Stone here. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  BN-2 Gauges & Other Items.
3.25Mb (1591 downloads)
FS2004 BN-2 Gauges & Other Items. These files have to be installed to use my new FS2004 Britten Norman BN-2 Islanders v3.2. By Marcel Kuhnt. Filename:
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Fix
0.87Mb (2617 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Fix. New as I am to painting Marcel Kuhnt's Britten Norman Islanders, I confess to having switched VC bitmaps accidentally between model sets with the result that the VC in my repaints of BN-2B models uploaded recently (the St. Barth Commuter PJ-BIW in, and Loganair G-BLDV in does not display correctly. With apologies to all and to Marcel, I submit these corrections which you should install if you have downloaded either of these aircraft. I have also made a small correction to the anti-icing boots on G-BLDV and put my email address in the README for By Mark Beaumont. 889K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                    Britten Norman BN-2 Islander 'Winair' and 'St. Barths Commuter'
                    Textures only.
2.82Mb (3095 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Britten Norman BN-2 Islander 'Winair' and 'St. Barths Commuter' Textures only. These two repaints are a celebration of Christian Delblond's marvellous Caribbean scenery for Princess Juliana International, St. Maarten (TNCM) and the nearby island of St. Barthélémy (TFFJ). They are based on Marcel Kuhnt's wonderful representations of the Britten Norman Islander (here) , available in many variations for FS2002/FS2004 at Winair (Windward Island Airways International N.V.) and St. Barths Commuter operate ten minute shuttle flights between TNCM and TFFJ, in addition to regional flights to Anguilla, Nevis, Saba, Statia and St. Kitts and charter flights throughout the Caribbean. By Mark Beaumont. 2.9MB See fix below
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                    Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Loganair Textures only
1.23Mb (2211 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Loganair Textures only. G-BLDV BN-2B-26 Islander G-BLDV (cn 2179) operates for Loganair, Scotland. The hybrid livery reflects Loganair's partnership franchise with British Airways. G-BLDV carries the Scottish Ambulance Service Crest as she is used primarily for medical and ambulance flights within the Scottish highlands and islands. Aircraft by Marcel Kuhnt (required here). Repaint by Mark Beaumont. 1.2MB See fix below
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Cessna182 'Blaze' Textures only.
1.77Mb (1486 downloads)
FS2004 Cessna182 'Blaze' Textures only. This is a repaint of the stock Cessna 182.I call BLAZE Painted In Red And Yellow with Blazing nose art Textures only Created by Mark Rooks. 1.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive