FS2004 > Page 555
0.11Mb (3088 downloads)
Moller Skycar 400 V4 Update.
This is an update of the Moller Skycar 400 V4 by AC Kerkhove
(here) . I have
updated the flight dynamics and corrected the problem of the
GPS not showing properly when it is toggled. I have changed
the aircraft from one engine to 4 engines. I tried to contact
Mr. Kerkhove but the e-mail came back as undeliverable. Bob
Chicilo. 112K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.15Mb (3765 downloads)
Cessna 404 Titan Update.
This is an update of the Cessna 404 Titan by Mike Stone (above).
I have updated the flight dynamics, and added a trim gauge,
new airspeed indicator, new rpm gauges, and toggle icons to
the panel. Bob Chicilo. 149K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.91Mb (1197 downloads)
Beech Baron Peak Aviation Community Textures only.
The default Baron repainted in Peak Aviation Community colors.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.09Mb (3012 downloads)
Paradise Island Dash-7 Update.
Aircraft by Milton Shupe and repainted by Bahamas Flyers. It
can be found on page 88 of 2004 props. I have permission from
Mr. Shupe for this update. Description: This is an update of
the Dash-7 aircraft by Milton Shupe and repainted by BAHAMAS
FLYERS. I have put in all 6 wheels, not just 3, moved the tail
light slightly, and updated the flight dynamics. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.78Mb (951 downloads)
de Havilland DH104 PrinAir Blue Textures only.
802K Requires the Derek Palmer Dove above. Prinair texture Repaint
: Carlos Marrero. 1.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
7.41Mb (3227 downloads)
Taylor E2 "Kitty" Cub:
This model recreates the original cub designed in 1930 by C.G.
Taylor and advertised as "America's safe airplane", the E-2
Cub was the first one in a long line of aircraft models to carry
the "Cub" name. The Taylor Aircraft Corporation, which later
became Piper Aircraft Corporation, produced this airplane in
1932. Modeled by Golden Age Simulations Paul Corish, Gil Halpin,
Keith Monson. 12.3MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.39Mb (686 downloads)
Viscount 806 British Air Ferries Cargo Textures only. Ex
British Airways Viscount 806 G-AOYS saw out the remainder of
it's days as a pure cargo aircraft. One of eighteen Viscounts
bought from BA out of their last twenty, seventeen entered service
with one used as a cabin trainer. Over the years the fleet gradually
diminished as hours were used up and replacements and fleet
upgrades came on stream. This aircraft was one of the earlier
of the fleet to be withdrawn due to corrosion and was broken
up in February 1985.Requires the FSDS Viscount 800 model by
Rick Piper (here).
Repaint Garry Russell. 390K
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
1.06Mb (1114 downloads)
DH-104 Prinair Textures only.
Requires the Derek Palmer Dove above. Prinair texture Repaint
: Carlos Marrero. 1.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
10.18Mb (6688 downloads)
DH 104 Dove Package.
The DH 104 Dove, a successful British executive transport aircraft,
first flown in 1945 and still in limited use today. This package
includes the Doves of British Eagle and Channel Airways together
with a DH Sea Devon Mk.20 of the Royal Navy. Aircraft and Textures
by Derek Palmer, custom-built Panel by Saverrio Maurri and internal
cockpit views by Dave Booker. For support on this aircraft please
visit the Classic British Flight Sim forum: http://www.cbfsim.co.uk
File size 10.4 MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
0.49Mb (9501 downloads)
Cessna 404 Titan
One of Cessna's larger piston engine aircraft, the Titan was
designed for passenger, corporate or light cargo service. By
Mike Stone. 490K sc404.zip See update below.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive