FS2004 > Page 572

1.95Mb (833 downloads)
This repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 52-6628 as it flew in the
markings of the 389th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber
Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957./ Jim Domzalski
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 23:02 by Jim Domzalski

2.66Mb (858 downloads)
This repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 52-7086 as it flew in the markings of the 389th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957./ Jim Domzalski
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:59 by Jim Domzalski

8.36Mb (1057 downloads)
This repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 52-7080 as it flew in the
markings of the 391st Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber
Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957.
This Particular acft is on display at England Air Park (formerly England Air Force Base), Alexandria, La. / Jim Domzalski
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:50 by Jim Domzalski

3.58Mb (679 downloads)
The repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 51-1734 as it flew in the
markings of the 390th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber
Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957./ Jim Domzalski
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:45 by Jim Domzalski

3.58Mb (530 downloads)
The repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 51-1734 as it flew in the
markings of the 390th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber
Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957.
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:39 by Jim Domzalski

3.86Mb (632 downloads)
The repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 52-6536 as it flew in the
markings of the 390th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber
Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1957.
Alphasim Freeware F-84F Thunderstreak here:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:36 by Jim Domzalski

1.10Mb (998 downloads)
FS9/FSX National Airlines delivery textures for J. R. Lucariny's L-188 Electra.
These textures depict a National Electra in 1959.
FS2004 Version:
Posted Sep 4, 2009 22:35 by Gary Harper

0.00Mb (1501 downloads)
Isla de Aves in the caribbean of Venezuela.
This island is totally cover by water in the high tide, in the low tide, is full of live, plants and birds.
Fictional runway.
Water runway.
Posted Sep 4, 2009 19:19 by Alberto Thomas

47.15Mb (3081 downloads)
The SIAI 205/20R have constituted for long time the fulcrum for the school basic and advance of Italian air club.
The aircraft is builded in metallic structure, one engine, provided of retractable gear, type tricycle.
The engine group is constituted by a pistons injection engine, coupled to a helix bipala to varying footstep to constant turns.
The plane has four places, with door on the right side.
I-IBAF is the last SIAI 205 of the Aeroclub og Genoa.
Posted Sep 4, 2009 13:55 by Paolo Malerba

1.02Mb (1215 downloads)
Bo-105 Guardia Civl textures only for the Bo-105 by Guther Krame
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 4, 2009 05:30 by benimix