FS2004 > Page 583

2.60Mb (1068 downloads)
2002/2004 Aero Commander 680 Super in the livery of Ndoki Charters,
a division of Margarita Air Club. Textures only.
Original package (ac680vc9.zip) required (here).
Original model and paintkit by Milton Shupe. Repaint by Mike
Huang. 2.6MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.88Mb (2580 downloads)
EMB 120 Continental Connection N15732.
Aircraft by Nick Botamer/PROJECT ERJ. Flight Model by Sam Chin.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.97Mb (3857 downloads)
EMB 120 Delta Connection N285AS.
Aircraft by Nick Botamer/PROJECT ERJ. Flight Model by Sam Chin.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
11.88Mb (2261 downloads)
Diamond DA20-C1 Evolution Private Aircraft Package.
A two seat, 125 Hp, general aviation light plane. Private Aircraft
Package REG_ID: N811CT & D-ELFD. A full ver 1.0 Plane, Panel,
Sound Pkg. With Panel, VC, Sound, HTML Chk & Ref Lists. An FSDS
2.24 design with full animation including opening canopy with
sounds etc. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May
of Premier Aircraft Design. 12.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
1.37Mb (1341 downloads)
Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300 Cayman Airways
Reg_ID: VP-CKW. The d6skyb42.zip file must be installed before
using this aircraft. Includes all the latest Ver 4.2 updates
including the new exit door sounds & more by Premier Aircraft.Design.
The Aircraft included, a DHC6-300 Twin Otter made completely
in Gmax with wing views, Exit doors, dynamic shine, full suspension,
etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob
May. 1.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
0.54Mb (2038 downloads)
Updated Dehavilland Dash8-202 America West Express
Reg_ID: N454YV. A 37 seat twin turboprop regional airliner.
. The FS9 default Dash8 has been remapped in Gmax for correct
texture orientation. Includes a new Flight Model, HTML Check/Ref
lists and Master Textures with Night Mapping. Should work in
FS2002 Pro also. By Barry Blaisdell, Udo Lemmob, Bob May - Premier
Aircraft Design. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

1.04Mb (1348 downloads)
Maule M7/MT7-260 in the livery of Ndoki Charters, a division
of Margarita Air Club Textures only. Original package required
and available here.
Instrument panel by Kari Virtanen, Ian Grant and Riku Horelli.
Sounds by Aaron Swindle. Flight dynamics by Steven Grant. Apollo
radio stack by Gerd R. Nehr. 3D modeling by Mikko Maliniemi
and Tomas Foosnes. Repaint by Mike Huang. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
8.60Mb (1582 downloads)
Diamond DA20-A1 Katana, Wankel,
general aviation light plane from Hungary, VER1.4. A two seat,
80 Hp Wankel, general aviation light plane from Hungary, Reg_ID:
HA-YRAJ. A complete plane, panel pkg. With panel, VC, HTML Check
& Ref Lists. Designed in FSDS 2.24 with complete animation including
opening canopy with sounds etc. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry
Blaisdell and Bob May of Premier Aircraft. 8.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
12.05Mb (2872 downloads)
Diamond DA20-C1Katana North American Aviation.
A two seat, 125 Hp, general aviation light plane. North American
Aviation REG_ID: N124CL & N222NH, based at Danbury Muni (KDXR),
CT, USA. A full ver 1.0 Plane, Panel, Sound Pkg. With Panel,
VC, Sound, HTML Chk & Ref Lists. An FSDS 2.24 design with full
animation including opening canopy with sounds etc. Design by
Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May of Premier Aircraft
Design. 12.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

1.67Mb (2745 downloads)
Shorts Tucano.
Tucano is one of the world's most successful turbo-prop trainers.
Originaly from Brazil (the Embraer EMB-312 Tucano), the two
seater basic jet trainer could carry up to 1000kg of armament,
and could acheive a maximum speed of 278mph at 10,000ft with
it's Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A-25C turbo prop engine. I
designed this Shorts Tucano T.MK.1 with FSDS 2, it's my first
creation but I have tried to make it good to fly. This plane
has animated landing gear, working lights, animated virtual
cocpit with moving roof and an animated pilot who's arm comes
apart when the joystick is moved! Happy flying! Designed by
Ben Pooley. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive