FS2004 > Page 626

0.46Mb (815 downloads)
Viscount 806 Canarias Textures only.
One of two operated by Lineas Aereas Canarias in the mid 1980's
before being withdrawn and stored for many years. Sold to them
by BAF the airline considered buying them back when they were
first withdrawn but severe corrosion made it uneconomic.Requires
the FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper
here. Repaint Garry Russell. 473K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.39Mb (1067 downloads)
Fairchild Metro3 Repaint Twin Pack Textures only.
Features PenAir and Eurosky repaints of the Metro3 by Mike Stone
(required next page). Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual
Aviation. 400K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
5.64Mb (15096 downloads)
Cessna 340A Package.
Updated FDE to make it closer to how I think it should fly.
A 'heavier' feel and more stable in pitch and roll. Textures
de-mipped and cleaned up a bit to make em a bit sharper. Contact
points adjusted and lights sorted - strobe removed from tail
and strobes added to wing tips. Fuel flow reduced to make
the gauge reading more 'real'. Panel reworked to make it closer
to real life and really nice for IFR flying. VC reworked to
match the panel. Complete 'turbo' piston sound pack. Original
aircraft by Brian and Tim Novick,. Updated by Roger Mole.
At the
momment, you can switch the engines off via the mags, which
you shouldn't do really - you should pull the mixture levers
back and only switch the mags off once the engines have shut
down. Also, if you switch to the 340A from say a Kingair where
you did use the mixture levers to switch off and then saved
the flight as default, when you try to continue, you can't
start the 340A's engines unless you use the Ctrl_E shortcut!
The panel.cfg files in this zip overcome problems like these,
and incidentally also make the panel of the 340A even more
complete and more satisfying to fly. 6K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.96Mb (1104 downloads)
PC-6 Porter Gold Rush Amphibian Textures only.
This is a fictitious repaint in the colors of Gold Rush Airways
utilizing Don Moser's Pilatus PC-6 Porter. This repaint was
used to make my paint kit for this great aircraft. This updated
repaint will work on either the wheeled or amphib version of
Don's Porter(above & previous page) By Chris Coarse. 987K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.47Mb (695 downloads)
Viscount 806 BCAL Commuter later Textures only.
A repaint saw G-AOYR move away from the mainline livery and
modified into one more akin to BAF, with the lower yellow striping
roughly following that of BAF upper cheatlines. It was returned
to BAF livery for further service with BAF before retirement,
finally being broken up at Southend in June 1996. Requires the
FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper here.
Repaint Garry Russell. 479K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.54Mb (727 downloads)
Viscount 806 BCAL Commuter Textures only.
early During the mid 1980's this BAF Viscount was painted in
full BCAL Commuter livery. Services were operated by this machine
and others in the main BAF fleet. At the time many of the aircraft
wore small BCAL crest by the main door. This was the first livery
worn. Requires the FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper here.
Repaint Garry Russell. 550K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.68Mb (1362 downloads)
Cessna 208B Caravan - Muddy Textures only.
This is a fictitious repaint of Henry Tomkiewicz's Cessna 208B
Caravan (required here).
This aircraft is a performer and has little time to dilly dolly
around at the wash rack. Consequentially, it's dirty. Fly it
often and maintain it well.Bby Chris Coarse. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.49Mb (970 downloads)
Viscount 814 Hot Air Textures only.
One of a pair of Hot Air Viscounts, this original Lufthansa
aircraft became a long term British Midland fleetmember before
serving with Hot Air. It became a fire and Rescue trainer at
Morteton in Marsh. Requires the FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick
Piper here. Repaint
Garry Russell. 503K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.42Mb (4058 downloads)
Porter Pilatus Amphibious Model.
The Pilatus Porter is one of the most unique planes in the air.
Originally introduced in 1959, she has been used in war, for
police work, rescue, agriculture, bush flying, and many other
positions where flexibility is required. The Porter is a STOL
aircraft, and has the ability to go into reverse thrust at altitude
to lose altitude very quickly. The plane can almost beat a skydiver
down. DonMoser. 1.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
1.56Mb (11184 downloads)
The Original Cessna 340A
Cessna 340A with twin Series VII RAM - VII 335 hp TCM TSIO-520-NB
powerplantes. Engine Specs and preformance data included. Flight
tuned by a realworld 340A pilot. Walk around virtual cockpit.
Cessna 340A panel included with custom dual needle Cessna engine
gauges. 340A Referance and check list included. Uses some default
gauges and default Beech Baron 58 sound. FSDS 2.24 flight model,
textures, dash and engine gauges by B. Novick. Air file and
flight dynamics by T. Novick. 1.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive