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FS2004 > Page 638
Boston Logan International Airport
Boston Logan International Airport
8.63Mb (7470 downloads)
Real scenery taken by google earth.Afcad file and paint by repaintings masw.It may work in FSX and in FS2002
Posted Aug 9, 2009 19:31 by REPAINTINGS MASW
Boeing 747-300 Iberia
Boeing 747-300 Iberia
4.34Mb (5370 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 Iberia. Model by Project Opensky. No VC. Repaint by Tom Harlaar
Posted Aug 9, 2009 19:25 by repaintings masw
X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Package.
9.17Mb (21196 downloads)
FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Package. Model by Colin Thwaites. Airfile by Claudio Mussner. Pt1. 9.4MB Filename: FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Addon Files. Joint Strike Fighter developed for the US/UK Airforces. Fully animated. Includes custom panel based on current test bed, plus v cockpit with HUD. Supersonic .AIR file. Requires and Model by Colin Thwaites. Airfile by Claudio Mussner. Pt2 4.1MB FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Manual.
Posted Aug 9, 2009 09:32 by archive
Boeing 767-200ER Air Zimbabwe
9.92Mb (2255 downloads)
Model by Project Opensky. No VC. Repaint by Dave Uzzell
Posted Aug 9, 2009 09:27 by repaintings masw
FS2004 Su-47 Berkut update
5.45Mb (4128 downloads)
This is an update for FS 9 of the Alphasim Su-47 Berkut. I have updated the flight dynamics, added switches and toggle icons to the panel, removed the spoiler, and changed the afterburner effects. This aircraft has both a 2D and 3D cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. The flight dynamics and the panel will not work in FSX.
Posted Aug 8, 2009 21:22 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 767-300ER Aeromexico
Boeing 767-300ER Aeromexico
7.95Mb (5932 downloads)
Model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Eduardo Villanueva
Posted Aug 8, 2009 16:41 by repaintings masw
Bo-105 Heliworks textures
0.68Mb (625 downloads)
Bo-105 Heliworks textures only for the Bo-105 by Guther Krame.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 8, 2009 06:28 by benimix
FS2004 Lockheed Vega Starliner Package
19.76Mb (4276 downloads)
FS9/2004 1932 Lockheed Vega Starliner by Designed with FSDS3.5.1 and FSDSTweak . It has full working virtual cockpit with back-lite gauges. Limited 2-D panel, custom sounds. The plane has reflective glass and metal textures. In the Mid 1930's the Menasco engine company began testing its Unitwin comprising of two 260hp C6S-4 six cylinder engines mounted close side-by-side driving a common gearbox for a single propeller. The Vega was to design an attractive small "feederline" transport around this double engine. The resulting Starliner had a mixed construction air-frame with a typical Lockheed tapered wing with split flaps, a side-door cabin a pilot and five passengers. In 1940 the project was abandoned, the Starliner was too small to appeal to the airlines, and too large for most private customers. Stop by for a single tail version of this aircraft.
Posted Aug 7, 2009 22:53 by Patrick Dyer
Airbus A320-214 Spanair (old paint)
Airbus A320-214 Spanair (old paint)
5.32Mb (5201 downloads)
Model by IFDG. Repaint by Clemens Pieper
Posted Aug 7, 2009 15:59 by repaintings masw
DC-9-30 Swissair Pack
DC-9-30 Swissair Pack
7.70Mb (4577 downloads)
Models by SGA. No VC. Repaint by Francis F Silva
Posted Aug 7, 2009 10:30 by REPAINTINGS MASW