FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds > Page 16

45.47Mb (5889 downloads)
Made by gathering other downloads and then editing to give one of the most realistic soundpacks out there. Recommended to use with a GE powered 767, but can be used with a A300 or DC-10 too.
Posted May 25, 2009 14:15 by Sanjay Blair

1.82Mb (6233 downloads)
This is a real recording of an A320 flap sound during pushback.
Posted May 20, 2009 11:54 by Immanuel

43.82Mb (5951 downloads)
Based on permission by Mr.Mike Maarse via electronic mail.
Here is an awsome Jet sound that can be used with just about
any aircraft or engine type, be it Boeing or airbus two engine
or four engine jets especialy 737-800 A320 A310 767...I would recommend (NOT) to use them with
rear mounted jets (DC-9 - 727-Md-x) but they can be used with MD-11 and DC-10
They are originaly truly immersive sounds that comfortably capture phases of flight
including start up...taxi .take off and cruise...I have manipulated the org sound and replaced some of the originals with various sound
files which i believe create a comfortable and realistic flight environment and u can really feel and hear the engines working
i have manipulated the outside sounds and u can truley enjoy engine and wing views in a comfortable way maintaining the feel and power of engines..
These sounds truly compliment any virtual cockpit
I have also manipulated the org sound cfg and removed speed restrictions (set to max cruise speed and red line 600 KTS) so no overspeed warnings
Enjoy...Ali Zied
Amman Jordan
Posted May 12, 2009 03:58 by Ali Zied

15.71Mb (16241 downloads)
This is probably the most realistic Trent 800 soundpack ever! This is an ultra-authentic soundpack created for the Boeing 777. I spent 6 months on this one, and here is the result! One authentic, high quality soundpack! It comes with APU, Startup, Shutdown, Electronic and other sounds. The engines have the distinctive spool-up sequence of the real Trent 800. Works perfectly with any 777 fitted with RR engines! Be sure to see the "Readme Please!" file for instructions. By Ismail Zayan.
Posted Apr 22, 2009 05:22 by Ismail Zayan

11.90Mb (5658 downloads)
Sound System for Bell Huey (204 / 205) V2.0
I use in this package sounds recorded from real Huey. The result is very close to real one. To correct shutdown, press Ctrl+F1 to slow down RPM them cut fuel (real procedure). Sounds are in ADPCM 44kHz for best quality and low size. **Real startup time sequence - see readme file** - Edited by Martoni.
Adriano Martoni
Posted Mar 16, 2009 16:51 by Adriano Martoni

26.24Mb (1871 downloads)
i decided all of you cool people to make a nice sound pack just for you. It sounds like an a320, but it is actualy a 767. I don't know why, but maybe it has some cfm56's? Try it out. I would do anything for you if you just write me some comments. Try it out!
Posted Jan 30, 2009 18:37 by Daniel K

0.57Mb (1672 downloads)
This is the stall horn update pack for FSX and FS2004, but can be used for earlier versions. The sound pack is designed for stall warnings, but can be used for overspeed warnings by modifying the file name of any of the two *.wav files. The stall horn pack is only designed for the FSX and FS9 jetliners, but can also be used for small aircraft or other addons by again, modifying the file name of any of the two *.wav files. This sound was recorded from the Nintendo's Entertainment System's game, "Hogan's Alley," when the gang was missed by the player's fire, to make the stall horn more half realistic and half non-realistic, though no copyright infringement intended. Note for FS2004 users: The stall horn volume may be lower than expected. This is normal. Sound created by Victor Vu.
Posted Dec 17, 2008 18:11 by Victor Vu
7.24Mb (4634 downloads)
Realistic sound for any military twin-jet aircraft.
Credit to Kirk Olson and Pierre Marchadier.
Michiel Odendaal
Posted Dec 16, 2008 07:54 by Michiel Odendaal
5.83Mb (5138 downloads)
This sound is a replacement for the AI FSX/FS9 Default MD-83 aircraft. The sounds are recorded from the Boeing aircraft but this aircraft is part of the manufacturer, Boeing. By Victor Vu
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required file
Posted Oct 20, 2008 21:31 by Victor Vu
0.00Mb (3637 downloads)
This is to fix the error of not giving an addition text for the 747 in FSX. Please download this for FSX or you'll be stuck without the PW sounds!!! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 7, 2008 01:42 by archive