FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds > Page 17

25.36Mb (24728 downloads)
This soundpack is designed for use with any FS2004/FSX Boeing 747-400 series. This includes the following sounds:
-General Electric CF6-80C2B5F
-Pratt and Whitney PW4062
These were recorded from a real Boeing 747-400 and are extremely authentic. Please download this for FS2004 or else you'll be left with the original boring sounds! CF6-80C2B5F sounds by Emil Serafino Jr. PW4062 sounds by Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Posted Aug 6, 2008 00:03 by archive

10.58Mb (8197 downloads)
The new version of the CFM-56 3B sounds. This soundpack is designed for use with any FS2004/FSX Boeing 737-300/-400 series. These were recorded from a real Boeing 737-300 and are extremely authentic. Please download this for FS2004 or else you'll be left with the original boring sounds! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Posted Aug 1, 2008 02:07 by archive

9.23Mb (7086 downloads)
These new sounds will replace any IL-96-300 and IL-96-400 engine sounds for FS2004 and FSX. I have used a fictional autopilot and overspeed warning since there isn't any source for it. I have also recorded the idle sound from a Rolls-Royce Conway on a Vickers VC-10 (which sounds identical to the PS-90). This is for use with Kirill Konovalovs' Ilyushin Il-96, (see link). Enjoy! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Needed files:http://simviation.com/simviation/?ID=60&page=1000
Posted Jul 21, 2008 02:27 by archive

7.67Mb (12951 downloads)
These new sounds will replace the default Boeing 737-400 sounds for FS2004 .It can be used with an FSX 737-300/-400 addon. These were recorded from a real 737 with a mix of other sounds.
By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb
Posted Jul 19, 2008 23:11 by archive

4.79Mb (11177 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Garret/Honeywell TFE731-20 sounds
These new sounds will replace any Lear 45 engine sounds for FS2004 and FSX. This also comes with new realistic autopilot sounds and more, Enjoy! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Posted Jun 28, 2008 12:53 by archive
5.83Mb (1057 downloads)
and FS9 MD-83 Sound Upgrade This
sound is a replacement for the AI FSX/FS9 Default
MD-83 aircraft. The sounds are recorded from the Boeing
aircraft but this aircraft is part of the manufacturer,
Boeing. Created by Victor Vu. 5.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.10Mb (5911 downloads)
GPWS callouts This
set of callouts will replace the original callout
sounds for FSX. These were recorded from REAL Boeing
aircraft and are ultimately realistic. Be sure to
check the 'Readme' file for proper installation. Back
up originals so you can go back if you prefer them!
By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb. 106K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
10.10Mb (2907 downloads)
General Electric GE-90 sounds.
This soundpack is designed for use with any FSX/FS2004
Boeing 777-200/-300 series. These were recorded from
a real Boeing 777-300 and are ultimately realistic.
By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb. 10.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
7.67Mb (1744 downloads)
General Electric CFM-56 3B sounds.
This soundpack is designed for use with any FS2004/FSX
Boeing 737-300/-400 series. These were recorded from
a real Boeing 737-300 and are ultimately realistic.
Please download this for FS2004 or else you'll be
left with the original boring sounds! By Ismail Zayan
Shakeeb. 7.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
7.38Mb (2137 downloads)
General Electric CF-34 soundpack
This soundpack is intended for use with the FSX Bombardier
CRJ-700. It can be used in FS2004 with a CRJ addon.
Have fun flights! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb. 7.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive