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P3D Modifications native FSX ALPHA Lockheed SR-71
168.45Mb (542 downloads)
Purpose of these modifications are to fly the SR-71 with a little bit more ease when using Auto Pilot and to fly the aircraft from VC. After modifications we now got satisfying Auto Pilot behavior although the aircraft reaction is a little bit slow (as should be I guess) on turnings and catching AP Speed values. As Paul R. Varn said: fly the SR-71 aircraft on appoaches like an Airbus. The Auto Pilot speed hold function is now responding okay when deploying flaps (in reality this is altering the Inlet Spikes position) as opposed to the 'original' LLS configuration. Also added Engine heat glow effect, Sonic Boom effect, changed and recoded Afterburner effects. Also added Landing Gear Warning system, Cockpit Sounds, automatic Landing and Taxi lights. Added more gauges and made some gauges in VC expandable with enhancements in order to be able to fly the SR-71 in VC solely. 32-bits RKG_fuelstat is replaced with a limited XML variant. Like in the real SR-71 Gear warning system has been implemented and fuel probe state has been fixed. Latest updated 2012 aircraft sound by Paul R. Varn is added as default sound set. Two other sound sets are available, one (ALPHA) is much louder and one (FSAT) is more quite compared to Paul's set. Unfortunately I could not retrieve visibility of the Drogue Chute. Finally two NASA liveries has been added. All the modifications were tested okay in Prepar3D v4+
Posted Feb 28, 2023 10:40 by Flanker256
English Electric Canberra B.2-B.6-T.4_X
27.56Mb (853 downloads)
Bill Holker's various Canberra's, B.2, T.4, B-57A, B.6, for starts, FSX native, some sweet skins collected from GWK? over the years. B.2 Door on wingfold, bomb bay on tail hook, eject sequence on door-1 B.2-B.6-T.4 door on door 1, bomb bay on tailhook. Textures collected from all over. Sound alised to Republic F-84G_X sound. It's nice and shreiky My thanks To Bill Holker for these wicked jets, Arno for the tools to un-fcuk them, and get them into FSX. VC working, needs some work, and I have a radar gauge in the VC for LABS development work. Updates on the VC latter, it's interm. Moar latter.
Posted Feb 6, 2023 22:22 by Heath Robinson
Martin B-57B FSX/P3D
108.92Mb (956 downloads)
This update of the Alphasim ( B-57B features a native FSX model, textures and weapon features. A bunch of skins, and I corrected the colours of the SEA cam. Models now: Clean Baseline B-57B, HVAR armed, 500lbs bomb arme, Strike model with kiloton-range Mk-7 bomb, either LABS of Free-fall FSX Animations: Canopy : Door-1 key [Shift-E] Bomb Door:Tailhook Tactical Models: Weapons from saved flight It took a long time to get the materials just so-black paintjobs! I'm very happy with the results. Tiles: (strike) Mk-7_Tactical_gravity_bomb (B_Armed) bomb_c (B_Rocket) HVAR Example saved flights included
Posted Feb 6, 2023 21:52 by Jack D. Ripper
F-84G Thunderjet FSX/P3D
41.29Mb (894 downloads)
Jens B. Kristensens great Republic F-84G Thunderjet, FSX native. FSX native update, and tactical models Weapons dropable obj condition unless noted weapons in saved flight only Droptanks on ext tank fuel load Except Strike, left tank on tailhook, Mk-7 on dropable obj condition Rocket one type or other from a saved flight. 1000lb GP Bomb on Dropable Obj condition. weapons title list For F-84G use 1000b, Mk-7 bomb, 11.75, 5 inch rocket
Posted Feb 6, 2023 19:00 by Flameout Freddy
FSX/P3D Boeing 757-200  Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) package v2
56.54Mb (774 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 757-200 Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) package v2. The New Zealand Air Force No. 40 Squadron currently operate 2 Boeing 757-200. These are used for troop and freight transport and can be converted for use in medical emergencies. The FSX Native Boeing 757-200 model from TDS includes ground servicing and more. The VC is the FSND upgraded Boeing 737-800 VC cockpit brown tinted to be more like the 757, plus a 2d 757/767 panel by Philipe Wallaert (press F10). This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and additional G1000 MFD and PFD screens, More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 757 sounds included for that extra realism. Edited views, wheel levels. Added wing views. Checklist included. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Textured and assembled for P3D 5.3 & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 13, 2023 12:17 by chris evans
Zhyhulskiy's Native FSX Fairchild C-123 Revised
122.72Mb (1579 downloads)
Back in 2003 Fairchild C-123 "Provider" released Vladimir Zhyhulskiy his first Fairchild C-123 for Flight Simulator 2002. In 2004 Vladimir did a final release of this wonderful aircraft for Flight Simulator 2004. Thanks to LLS who converted the models to native FSX we can now fly the C-123 in Prepar3D v4+. In short the modifcations for this aircraft includes: Revised LLS based models by Brian_Gladden at SOH. Repositioning of nearly all gauges and adding missing tooltips to them. Revised the lights and added Cockpit sounds, TCAS, GPWS, V-Speed callouts, a Ground handling and Doors control gauge. Fixed radios and autopilot and added a Speed Hold capability to it. Added missing gauges and some new gauges. Also added 2 extra sounds set to choose from. Comes with 11 liveries and all needed gauges and effect files. See for credits and a full list of modifications file Flanker256.txt in the Docs folder of the aircraft. Also for more info read file C-123_mods.pdf Package has not been tested in FSX, however it should function okay in FSX and specific configuration files and gauges are provided.
Posted Jan 8, 2023 02:12 by Flanker256
FSX/P3D  Boeing C-22 USAF package v2
49.71Mb (1003 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing C-22 USAF package v2. The C-22 is a Boeing 727 used by the USAF mainly for transporting National Air Guard personnel. Boeing made the classic 727-200 between the early 1960's to 1984. It has a max. range of 2700nm. Boeing 727-200 model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with Thomas Ruth's great Boeing 727 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) Thomas Ruth VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. The VC includes working wipers, Honeywell FMC and more. See Panel manual for more info. Used the TDS native FSX Boeing 727-200 model and paintkit. See panel docs to get the best out of the VC. Zip preview for more imgages. Textured and assembled for P3D v5.3 (and should be ok in older P3D & FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Jan 2, 2023 04:22 by chris evans
Rockwell OV10 Bronco
320.05Mb (182 downloads)
Originally for FSX, now available as P3DV4 native taking advantage of specific features such as bump mapping, PBR and self shadowing. Includes 4K textures (diffuse, specular and bump), realistic soundset, 4 and 5 blade propeller models. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Dec 24, 2022 21:22 by George Arana
Boeing B-52G-H ColdWar
52.10Mb (1806 downloads)
"Well, this is it, boys! Toe to toe nuclear combat with the rooskies!" Alphasim B-52G and B-52H, coldwar period, because the 21st century sucks. Slick and Hound Dog armed G and H. FSX materials and tags. See readme file. For FSX-P3D only. Stores package follows. More latter.
Posted Dec 21, 2022 00:55 by Buck Turgidson
F-86D SabreX update
4.34Mb (705 downloads)
An update of Ito-Sans Dog Sabre materials for some extra bling, shine controlled on ext spec. lighter for shine, darker for not. Animation of stabilator fixed so it doesn't snap back to 0 at full down, fixed NLG steering. Commands- the usual, canopy Shift+E, rocket pack moved to tailhook. Did some cfg massaging, reset scrapes, added A/B effects and effects controller, and polished the thang so it'll make it's VNE You will need to download the first FSX edition, in the library. replace the CFG, model folder, panel folder and texture.shared folders with enclosed. Cut and paste your aircraft section into the cfg, add effects folder contents to FSX effects folder.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 20, 2022 23:41 by Jubilo Wolf
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