59.38Mb (470 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 757-2Q8 L3 'Trailblazer' (USAF Communications) package v2.
The USAF have this Boeing 757-2Q8 L3 named 'Trailblazer' and is not widely known what it is used for.
The FSX Native Boeing 757-200 model from TDS includes ground servicing and more. The VC is the FSND upgraded Boeing 737-800 VC cockpit brown tinted to be more like the 75. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and additional G1000 MFD and PFD screens. Added wing views. Checklist included.
See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Textured and assembled for P3D 5.3 & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 14, 2022 09:02 by chris evans

60.08Mb (1025 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 757-200/ C-32 United States Air Force (USAF) package v2.
The USAF currently operate 6 Boeing C-32 used for transport of military personnel, including the vice President. Also known as Air Force Two.
The FSX Native Boeing 757-200 model from TDS includes ground servicing and more. The VC is the FSND upgraded Boeing 737-800 VC cockpit brown tinted to be more like the 757, plus a 2d 757/767 panel by Philipe Wallaert (press F10). There are custom Boeing 757 sounds included for that extra realism. Edited views, wheel levels. Added wing views. Checklist included.
See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Textured and assembled for P3D 5.3 & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 31, 2022 13:10 by chris evans
190.14Mb (1353 downloads)
This archive contains enhancements concerning the wonderful MiG-25 aircraft created by AlphaSim and converted to native FSX format by LLS who did a terrific job.
Enhancements consists of repositioning of some gauges in the VC, expanding the annunciator panels in VC which do now also contain full Auto Pilot systems, light, Pitot heating, canopy switches, a clock capable of setting simulation rates, and a new Master Direction/ HSI Indicator containing a GSI is made expandable. Also some extra popup windows for Radar and Fuel management has been added.
Further additions are automatic engines heat glow effects, a SonicBoom effect, a gauge preventing
wheel locks during braking, Cockpit Sounds, and much more.
Also added a reference kneeboard file and other documentation. For flying tips of this aircraft be sure to read the file 'ALPHA_Foxbat_mod.pdf', which also contains a full credits list for this aircraft.
Included in the package are nine liveries and configurations for both armed and unarmed Foxbats.
All modifications were tested in P3Dv4+, but a panel configuration file for FSX also has been provided. Happy and safe flights.
Posted Oct 12, 2022 12:44 by Flanker256

21.01Mb (1301 downloads)
(Now with gauges and sounds included!) Super Tucano A29 FAB with real textures and Pilots for the Brazilian air Force by Hani Michal , Original Model by Tim Piglet Conrad.
Posted Sep 24, 2022 02:46 by Natan

0.76Mb (645 downloads)
I forgot to write the [Radios] section in the previous update.
My model is built for FSX, but P3D avionics may work with this fix.
(Not guaranteed to work with P3D).
And the unstable engine sometimes caused the parking brake to not work and move on its own, but I was finally able to fix that.
It has revised engine power and brake settings.
Instead, the top speed was reduced a bit, and it is a challenge to reach an altitude of 30,000 feet.
I focused on stability on the ground.
I learned the hard way that FSX's turboprop engine is difficult to use.
This update requires "zue_lockheed xfv1_v1.11.zip".
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 1, 2022 00:48 by UENOSHING

61.59Mb (1284 downloads)
Updated Lockheed XFV-1.
After releasing v1, I compared my XFV-1 to the photos again and felt it needed fixing.
Because I modeled 9 years ago when I was still inexperienced with FSDS.
So I bulged out the canopy and the lower fuselage a bit.
I also sharpened the spinner a little and installed the tail wing parts that I had forgotten.
So Luckily the texture wasn't a large scale fix.
I also fixed some other concerns.
Improved flight dynamics and engine performance.
Fixed autopilot lamp gauge XML.
About the night display of the VC warning lamp, about the shadow of the propeller, adjustment of the specular map, etc.
It was failing to land vertically on hard realism settings, but the success rate has been increased.
FSDS 3.5 model by UENOSHING. Also works in P3D.
Posted Aug 25, 2022 16:33 by UENOSHING

5.95Mb (110 downloads)
Egg Girl aircraft toy skin for Bear Studios New MiG-15Bis P3D version.
Need the complete mod to use this skin
The aircraft mod release on
Just Flight
Posted Aug 18, 2022 07:00 by Bill Wolfgen

16.07Mb (199 downloads)
Six historical textures for Yan Tao's MiG-19 in the colors of Bangladesh, Vietnam, China and Pakistan. Works in FSX/FS2004 and P3D up to v3.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 13, 2022 00:37 by Nilsson.J

12.80Mb (411 downloads)
Repaint for the IndiaFoxtEcho Typhoon. ZH588 Development Aircraft #1. Depicted in its original roll out scheme (two tone) shortly after being fitted with the EJ200 Engines. A short while later it was painted all black. Tested in P3DV5.3
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 5, 2022 06:27 by Ash Oxley

49.05Mb (232 downloads)
Textures for Ivan Jurcaga's MiG-21 F-13 in the colors of Bulgaria, Egypt, East Germany, Poland, Indonesia, Syria and Hungary.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 3, 2022 20:44 by Nilsson.J