33.77Mb (781 downloads)
Addit! Pro is a comprehensive add-on manager for Laminar Research's X-Plane 11. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, liveries, scenery, libraries for scenery, plugins, flight plans, sounds, textures, videos and more! Automatically update and arrange X-Plane's scenery library (scenery_packs.ini). A powerful aircraft editor lets you tweak your fleet, assign pictures to planes and panels, and even hide aircraft. Rearrange scenery layers, set priorities, and manage entries with the scenery library editor. Full-featured add-on management lets you import, archive, recreate, and remove add-ons. Check an add-on's health to reveal configuration problems and missing files. Shareware, please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Readme.htm for details. Requires X-Plane 11 by Laminar Research. By Joseph Stearns.
Posted Mar 5, 2020 15:19 by Joseph Stearns

6.19Mb (562 downloads)
This is the official audio/video played during taxi to runway on continental airlines. This will make your flight more real.
This is an mp3 and can be added to your addons
This audio belongs to Continental airlines and all ownership and copyrights belongs to them.
Posted Oct 17, 2019 23:33 by Kyle Stryker

6.85Mb (580 downloads)
This is the Official Virgin Airlines passenger Safety audio/video that plays during taxi to runway on flights. This can be used to make your flights more real.
This is a mp3 file and can be inserted into addons.
This audios rights and copyright belong to Virgin Airlines.
Posted Oct 17, 2019 23:29 by Kyle Stryker

5.96Mb (1260 downloads)
This is the American Airlines Official Audio/Video that plays in the plane during taxi to runway for passenger safety. This will make your flights more real.
This is a mp3 file and can be added to any addon.
All copyright and rights belong to American Airlines.
Posted Oct 17, 2019 23:24 by Kyle Stryker

114.77Mb (257 downloads)
X-Plane 11.25+ Horten Ho IVa High Performance Glider 1.0 The Horten Ho IV was a high performance, all wing, competition glider designed to compete with the best gliders of its time. It featured a high aspect wing for optimum gliding performance and a prone pilot position, minimizing drag while providing a unique flight experience. 4 were built in the 1940s and one was used in competitions in the 1950s (taking prizes a number of times). This X-Plane model features: highly accurate model based on historical, research and restoration data, full flying wing aerodynamic model using original Horten airfoils, a bell-shaped lift distribution and custom fuselage airfoils to model the entire aircraft for a realistic flight experience, custom airfoils analysed with X-foil across the Reynolds number regimes of the aircraft, custom flight controls using X-Plane's override_control_surfaces feature to simulate the triple differential elevon and dual drag/dive brake control surfaces of the Ho IV design, plus many more additional features. Documentation included in the package. By Fred Highland.
Posted Feb 1, 2019 00:29 by xplover

158.75Mb (1378 downloads)
PW1100 engine sounds , Dynamics , cockpit and weather noises for XPlane 11 JarDesign A320 V3 .
Video : www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnBiSGT6uF0
Posted Jan 5, 2019 23:28 by Kairi Akai