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Metroliner III AC Package
235.28Mb (652 downloads)
Contains two versions of the Metroliner: Passenger and Cargo, as well as a repaint file for the fuselage only. 10 Real-life liveries are included, and one fictional livery for a tutorial series I'd like to make.
Posted Jan 17, 2022 10:30 by Starvingpilot
Pipistrel Virus SW
27.32Mb (337 downloads)
X Plane 11 Ultralight Pipistrel Virus SW 80. Ultra light Pipistrel Virus SW 80 for X Plane 11. Tandem side by side equipped with a Rotax engine of 80 hp. Clickable 3D panel, including all the real functions of the plane. The moving parts are fully animated. By Patrick Le Luyer.
Posted Nov 13, 2021 12:15 by Patrick Le Luyer
Dash 8-102
24.97Mb (1298 downloads)
My very first model! I have a soft spot in my heart for the classic Dash 8 series of aircraft and decided to make it my first project for an X-Plane aircraft. The majority of this project was done in Plane Maker and augmented with Blender objects. It comes with two liveries: Bare White and Horizon Air's first livery. I plan to release some repaints in the future, but for now I'm happy with the basic model. Aircraft Simulates the Dash 8-102 Series, with optional PW 121 Engines and APU. Cockpit is only 2D, but plan to Update this model in the future with VC and other modern touches. Edited 13 minutes ago by Starvingpilot
Posted Mar 8, 2021 01:39 by StarvingPilot
XP-11 DC-3 Buffalo Airways Textures
7.36Mb (476 downloads)
Buffalo Airways textures for the wonderful Manfred Jahn C-47 converted to X-plane 11. You must have the C-47 Basepack installed to use this file. Just drop the Buffalo folder into the main Liveries folder and you're good to go. It's a bit of a quick and dirty repaint but it'll do until someone with more time and talent than I have can do another one, which I'm sure they will. In the meantime enjoy, but don't compare it too closely to the real aircraft, as although it's pretty close, it's not photoreal. This folder contains revised files as originally by mistake I uploaded files that were not final. My bad! Repaint by Rollerball 08 March 2109
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 9, 2019 06:56 by Roger Mole
X-Plane 11 Douglas C-47 Dakota Beta 2.5
X-Plane 11 Douglas C-47 Dakota Beta 2.5
106.30Mb (1684 downloads)
X-Plane 11 Aeroworx Douglas C-47 Dakota Beta 2.5. The Douglas C47 is a twin-engined low wing transport aircraft, powered by Twin Wasp R1830-90C engines. Between 1935 and 1947 Douglas built a total of 10,654 of the type and over 80 years later there are still almost 1,000 in flying condition. This magnificent aircraft was originally designed by Manfred Jahn, Jan Visser and Team and is being flown by hundreds of happy users. At the end of July, Aeroworx obtained the permission to port this aircraft to X-Plane. As members of the South African Airways Museum Society, we have direct access to their C-47 and also a few other DC-3/C-47's. Getting good photographs is no problem, the crews flying and maintaining these aircraft are also extremely helpful in providing us with documentation, advice, etc. This aircraft features a fully 3D vintage virtual cockpit, with dozens of mouse click-able animations. The Sperry is the primary autopilot, but for the more "modern" guys, a G530 is available as a pop-up. This is a public beta version, PLEASE read the "Release Notes" attached to the download. By Aeroworx (Johan van Wyk and Fred Stegmann).
Posted Mar 8, 2019 18:05 by xp
XP-11.30+ CASA-212-200 'Aviocar'
XP-11.30+ CASA-212-200 'Aviocar'
56.33Mb (1304 downloads)
XP-11.30+ CASA-212-200 'Aviocar'. -200 Series is more powerful than -100 and was expanded in the civil market. I know that we are in the age of sophisticated 3D models, and VR cockpits, however, some users have contacted me requesting a XP-11 version of this plane, made in PlaneMaker with 2D photorealistic instrument panel, some years ago. A Navarro
Posted Mar 7, 2019 00:28 by xplover
X-Plane 11 Piper Meridian M600
13.32Mb (2232 downloads)
The Piper Meridian M600 is a sleek single turboprop that can cruise up to 30,000 ft. and speeds up to 250 ktis. Just unzip file into a temp folder and copy the folder named MK_Piper_Meridian into your default Aircraft\Extra Aircraft folder and you should be set.
Posted Jul 23, 2017 10:34 by Michael Kelley
XPlane C-212-200 Coast Guard
XPlane C-212-200 Coast Guard
32.91Mb (2176 downloads)
C-212-200 Coast Guard. This aircraft, civil registered SE-KVG, operated by Swedish KUSTBEVAKNING, is painted in a high visibility schema and it is fully equipped, including Search & Rescue devices such as search front radar, lateral search radars, day-night camera FLIR, emergency beacons finder, etc It has been developed entirely in Plane-Maker V10.22. To increase realism, external textures are high resolution, based on real pictures. Instruments panel is 2D photorealistic. Peripheral views are also photorealistic. Special thanks to: Massimo Durando (DMAX): he permits me to use his beautiful Pilot. Hans-Peter Roverud, for his contribution on improvement of transparencies on panels and peripheral views. Enjoy and fly safe (even virtual). Created by AFNavarro
Posted May 28, 2014 04:46 by xplaner
XPlane Lockeed L-1049G TAP "Mouzinho de Albuquerque" 1959-67
XPlane Lockeed L-1049G TAP "Mouzinho de Albuquerque" 1959-67
11.66Mb (1938 downloads)
Lockeed L-1049G TAP "Mouzinho de Albuquerque" 1959-67. Modified paint maps by Vasco Ribeiro Oct 2011; Modified & updated by Dave Gendreau. Unknown original designer
Posted May 28, 2014 04:41 by xplaner
X-Plane 9.70 Pond Racer for X-Plane 9.7+ (Reno Racer)
X-Plane 9.70 Pond Racer for X-Plane 9.7+ (Reno Racer)
5.12Mb (720 downloads)
X-Plane 9.70 Pond Racer (Reno Racer). An update of the v8.50 version that handles better, is easier to takeoff and land--still fast (400+ mph fast) and sounds like its about to blow itself apart. Yeh! Anthony Booher provided the exhaust flame object for this update. By David Austin.
Posted Nov 22, 2013 03:31 by xplaner
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