CFS1 > Modern Aircraft > Page 7

1.55Mb (477 downloads)
Chile after a complex purchase to Belgium, incorporate in the 90s, some Mirage 5, being designated in the FACH nomenclature as Mirage Elkan ("warrior" in Mapudungun language), and recently, they were replaced by the new F-16.
Some Mirage 5R, photo reconnaissance version, were also aquired.
This Flight Simulator aircraft represents the Mirage 5R Elkan #705 which was operated by the Air Group N° 8, based at Cerro Moreno airbase, Antofagasta.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:41 by Edmundo Abad

1.54Mb (412 downloads)
The Mirage 50DC is the tandem two-seating trainer version of Mirage 50FC supplied to Chilean Air Force in 1979.
This Flight Simulator aircraft represents the Mirage 50DC #515 which was operated by the Air Group N° 4, homebased at Punta Arenas, (Magallanes Straits).
Original aircraft model by ALPHA SIMULATIONS 2001
Panel By: Michel Polski
Adapted to CFS1 with damage profile and repainted by: Edmundo Abad
I have included a panel, moving parts and damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of two DEFA 30 mm. cannons, rockets and bombs.
To activate air-brakes, set full spoilers.
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:39 by Edmundo Abad

1.53Mb (367 downloads)
The Mirage 50 is basically the Mirage V fitted with the SNECMA Atar 9K-50 engine, more powerful and similar to the one used in the Mirage F1. The first client for this version of the Mirage was Chile, in 1979.
These planes are operated by the Air Group N° 4, based at Punta Arenas. With the help of the Israeli company IAI, the Chilean aviation company ENAER has updated them to
Mirage 50CN Pantera standard, including improved avionics and the fitting of canard fins. Some trainer and reconnaissance versions were also aquired.
This Flight Simulator aircraft represents the Mirage 50FC #507 which was operated by the Air Group N° 4, homebased at Punta Arenas, Magallanes Straits.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:17 by Edmundo Abad

1.53Mb (522 downloads)
The Mirage 50 is basically the Mirage V fitted with the SNECMA Atar 9K-50 engine, more powerful and similar to the one used in the Mirage F1. The first client for this version of the Mirage was Chile, in 1979.
These planes are operated by the Air Group N° 4, based at Punta Arenas. With the help of the Israeli company IAI, the Chilean aviation company ENAER has updated them to
Mirage 50CN Pantera standard, including improved avionics and the fitting of canard fins. Some trainer and reconnaissance versions were also aquired.
This Flight Simulator aircraft represents the Mirage 50FC #507 which was operated by the Air Group N° 4, homebased at Punta Arenas, Magallanes Straits.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:14 by Edmundo Abad

0.48Mb (204 downloads)
The Aerospatiale SA-315B Lama is a light helicopter developed from the Alouette II, but with the Alouette III powerplant, supplied to Chilean Air Force in 1978.
The Chilean Air Force use this helicopters for search and rescue missions, mainly in the mountain zones of Cordillera de Los Andes, due to a good performance developed by the engine at high altitude.
This Flight Simulator aircraft represents the SA-315B Lama # H-14 which was operated by the Air Group N° 3, homebased at Maquehua airbase, Temuco.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:11 by Edmundo Abad

0.64Mb (625 downloads)
The Sikorsky S-58 was developed from the Sikorsky's UH-19 Chickasaw. The aircraft first flew on 8 March 1954. It was initially designated HSS-1 Seabat (in its anti-submarine configuration) and HUS-1 Seahorse (in its utility transport configuration) under the US Navy designation system for US Navy, US Marine Corps and US Coast Guard aircraft. Under the US Army's aircraft designation system, also used by the US Air Force, the helicopter was designated H-34. The US Army also applied the name Choctaw to the helicopter. In 1962, under the new unified designation system, the Seabat was redesignated SH-34, the Seahorse as the UH-34, and the Choctaw as the CH-34.
The Sikorsky S-58 Seabat was used in specific tasks by the Chilean Navy, as utility transport, anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, and VIP transport. In it standard configuration transport versions could carry 12 to 16 troops, or eight stretcher cases if utilized in the MedEvac role.
Original Designer: Klaus D. Werr..
New Chilean Navy Textures and damage profile for CFS1: Edmundo Abad (2009)
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Converted to CFS1 and repainted as Sikorsky S-58 NAVAL #51, Base Aeronaval El Belloto, Armada de Chile, 1974.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 15:08 by Edmundo Abad
1.73Mb (3048 downloads)
The Chilean Navy Bell 206B Jet Ranger operate in specific tasks by the Navy's division DIRECTEMAR (Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo), as Coast Guard and Life-saving (along the chilean beaches, is best known as bathers-rescuer).
Those which are boarded in the fleet, are used on maritime surveillance task, liaison land-fleet, passenger, cargo and SAR operations.
NOTE: The CFS default directory of Bell206B, don't have all sound and panel files. The installation of this virtual model is necessary so that other helicopters could operate in Combat Flight Simulator.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 14:30 by Edmundo Abad

0.37Mb (545 downloads)
The Piper PA-28 Dakota was a first plane built in Chile in 1980 by INDAER (Currently ENAER: Empresa Nacional Aeronáutica), under license of Piper-USA.
The Chilean Air force operated the Piper PA-28 since the year 1980, mainly in instrumental flight training and liaison. Homebased at Escuela de Aviación Capitán Avalos, El Bosque airbase, Santiago.
Some characteristics of this plane were taken into account for the subsequent design of the ENAER T-35 Pillan, the currently basic trainer of Chilean Air Force.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 14:26 by Edmundo Abad

0.44Mb (1781 downloads)
The Chilean Air force operated the Cessna T-37 between the years 1963 and 1988, mainly in advanced training and with hardpoints for light attack. Homebased at Escuela de Aviación Capitán Avalos, El Bosque airbase, Santiago, and the Grupo Nº1, Iquique .
Currently, on this task has been replaced by the ENAER T-36 Halcón.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 14:23 by Edmundo Abad

1.30Mb (573 downloads)
The Chilean Air force operated the Beechcraft T-34 between the years 60s-80s, mainly in basic training and with hardpoints for light attack training. Homebased at Escuela de Aviación Capitán Avalos, El Bosque airbase, Santiago.
Currently, on this task has been replaced by the ENAER T-35 Pillan.
Also, the Chilean Navy operated the Mentor, as B-45 denomination, before the arrival of his currently trainer Pilatus Pc-7.
Posted Dec 27, 2009 14:21 by Edmundo Abad