CFS1 > Modern Aircraft > Page 4

0.65Mb (424 downloads)
Eurocopter AS355 Ecureuil 2 for FS98/CFS1
Ejercito de Chile - Chilean Army
This helicopter is basically a twin engined version of the AS350, powered by two 422shp Allison 250-C20F turboshfts. Other changes have been made to the fuselage structure, fuel systems, main rotor blades and the transmission.
The Chilean Army operates the HB355, the Licence built in Brazil by Helibras.
FS98 Model by: Ian Standfast 1999.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean army markings: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted Feb 3, 2010 06:04 by Edmundo Abad

0.22Mb (501 downloads)
Eurocopter EC135 for FS98/CFS1
Carabineros de Chile - Chilean Police
The Carabineros EC-135 operate in specific police tasks by the Prefectura Aeropolicial, as Life-saving along the chilean beaches, aerial survelliance and pursuit, liaison, VIP transport, rescue (mainly during earthquakes and floods) and emergency medical service operations.
FS98 Model by: Wolfgang Kulhanek 2000
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean police markings: Edmundo Abad Jan 2010.
Posted Feb 3, 2010 06:01 by Edmundo Abad

1.55Mb (624 downloads)
CFS Mirage 50CN Pantera FACH
Fuerza Aérea de Chile - Chilean Air Force.
These planes are operated by the Air Group N° 4. With the help of the Israeli company IAI, the Chilean aviation company ENAER has updated them to Mirage 50CN Pantera standard, including improved avionics and the fitting of canard fins.
This Flight Simulator model represents the Mirage Pantera #512 which was operated by the Air Group N° 4, homebased at Punta Arenas, Magallanes Straits.
Original FS98 Kfir C2 Model by: Neil Bainbridge.
Panel By: Michel Polski
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:26 by Edmundo Abad

1.74Mb (958 downloads)
This model represents the Beechcraft King Air 200 #336 of Fuerza Aerea de Chile - Chilean Air Force.
The Chilean air force uses the King Air 200 as presidential aircraft but only for short routes inside Chile.
Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard & Lee Hall. Sept 2000
Chilean textures: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:24 by Edmundo Abad

0.95Mb (548 downloads)
Bell 230 for FS98/CFS1
Armada de Chile - Chilean Navy
A development of the Bell 222 is the Bell 230, with the 222's LTS 101 engines replaced by two Allison 250 turboshafts, plus other refinements. A converted 222 first flew as the prototype 230 on August 12, 1991. Transport Canada awarded certification in March 1992, and the first production 230 was delivered that November.
A cosmetically modified version of the 222 was used as the titular aircraft in the US television program Airwolf.
The Chilean Navy Bell 230 operate in specific tasks by the Navy's division DIRECTEMAR (Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo), as Coast Guard and Life-saving.
Those which are boarded in the fleet, are used on maritime surveillance task, liaison land-fleet, passenger, cargo and SAR operations.
Original FS98 Model by: Shlomo Hakim.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:18 by Edmundo Abad

3.98Mb (245 downloads)
FS98/CFS Martin 202
LAN-CHILE Air Lines.
The Chilean National Air Lines LAN operated the Martin 202 between 1947 to 1968.
This virtual model represent the first Martin 202 received by Lan Chile on Nov. 13, 1947, registration CC-CLR, brought in flight from USA by chilean crew.
On July 20 of 1954, in order to demonstrate that the Martin 202 were able to serve the difficult route Arica - La Paz, one as these planes made the travel without problems and return from La paz until Arica with one stopped motor, to emphasize in that way that the planes Martin were appropriate to the route.
This model includes panel, sounds, retracting gear, moving flaps and rotating propellers.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: Tom Gibson & Dave McQueen.
Sounds by: Barry Ellis.
Panel, chilean textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Posted Jan 18, 2010 06:01 by Edmundo Abad

1.42Mb (534 downloads)
CFS Chilean Air Force Lockeed T-33 "Silver Star".
The first four FACH T-33 was acquired new and received the regitration J-314 to J-317,
entering service with the Group N° 7, based on Los Cerrillos (at the same time with the F-80s), on October 1956.
In 1959-64 were received nine additional T-33A, former USAF, and two RT-33A.
Initially all T-33 were painted in natural aluminium, but in 1967 received a camouflage in four colors: gray/green/earth on upper surface, and light blue on lower surface.
In 1967 were moved to the Group N° 12 in Punta Arenas, and scrapped in 1975.
Represent the Lockeed T-33A in two different textures:
1- T-33A FACH # J-317 All silver with shark teeth, Grupo Nº7, Cerrillos, 1962.
2- T-33A FACH # J-318 Green/gray/earth camouflage, Grupo Nº12, Punta Arenas, 1974.
To open cockpit, set full spoilers.
FS98 Original model by: Mike Hill
Chilean textures, new panel, F-80 sound and damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of two 0.50 machine guns mounted in the nose, rockets and bombs: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jan 18, 2010 05:56 by Edmundo Abad

1.39Mb (947 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Chilean Air Force Northrop F5E Tiger II.
Represent the F5E Tiger II # J-801 with high visibility markings, Grupo Nº7, Antofagasta, 1978.
Original model by: Antoine Delacretaz.
Moving parts: Ricardo Oliveira.
Chilean textures, sound, new panel and damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of two 20 mm. cannons mounted in the nose, rockets and bombs: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jan 18, 2010 05:50 by Edmundo Abad

1.84Mb (662 downloads)
FS98/CFS Douglas DC-6B Twin Pack
LAN-CHILE Air Lines & Chilean Air Force FACH.
The Chilean National Air Lines LAN operated the Douglas DC-6B between 1955 to 1968, being sold to the Chilean Air Force, who operate them to 1980 (some converted to C-118 for cargo duties).
The modern four-engined plane with capacity for 100 passengers, was destined by LAN to flight national and international routes, opening the comercial flights to Isla de Pascua (Easter Island) on central South Pacific.
On April 1962 the DC-6B registration #406 equipped as VIP plane, war used as "Air Force One" by the president Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez on his presidential tour to United States, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador and Peru.
During "Beagle Crisis" with Argentina in 1978, the FACH's Dc-6B received camouflage in green/tan colors with low visibility markings, operating as tactical transport on southern border regions.
Aircraft model is fully animated: moving gears, control surfaces, flaps, propellers, landing lights, with ficcional armament of 2 x 0.30 machine guns in the side windows.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: Tom Gibson and Harry Follas.
DC-4 Panel Designers: Petros Protopapas & Stephan Grille
Chilean textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Posted Jan 10, 2010 17:39 by Edmundo Abad

1.98Mb (712 downloads)
The Chilean Navy operated four P-3C ORION since 90s, and used them on maritime surveillance, SAR operations and anti-submarine patrols with additional anti-shipping capacity when carrying air-to-surface rockets.
On next months, they will being replaced by the new patrol version of CN-235.
Original FS98 version: Harry Follas & Mike Vidal.
Sound by Mike Hambly.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with Chilean markings: Edmundo Abad
Posted Jan 7, 2010 19:32 by Edmundo Abad