CFS1 > Modern Aircraft > Page 3

0.27Mb (1048 downloads)
CFS Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 21 Fishbed in Egyptian Air Force (EAF) Livery.
The MiG-21 was used extensively in the Middle East conflicts of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by the air forces of Egypt, Syria and Iraq. The MiG-21 first encountered Israeli Mirage IIICs on 14 November 1964, but it wasn't until 14 July 1966 that the first MiG-21 was shot down. Another six Syrian MiG-21s were shot down by Israeli Mirages on 7 April 1967. The MiG-21 would also face F-4 Phantom IIs and A-4 Skyhawks, but was later outclassed by the more modern F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon, which were acquired by Israel beginning in the mid-1970s.
I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of GSh-23 twin barrelled 23mm cannon, rockets and bombs, and repainted as MiG 21 Fishbed Egyptian Air Force, tan/green/grey camouflaged.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Mike Hill.
Egyptian's textures, moving parts and damage profile: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Posted Feb 14, 2010 17:36 by Edmundo Abad

2.18Mb (502 downloads)
CFS de Havilland DH.115 Vampire .
Chilean Air Force - Fuerza Aerea de Chile.
The Chilean Air force operated the DH.115 Vampire between the years 1959 to 1979, mainly as fighter-bomber, close support and training plane.
I have included new sound, new panel, animated flaps and landing gear, Chilean Air Force textures and damage profile for use in CFS1, with armament of four nose 20 mm. cannons, rockets and bombs.
Original FS98 model by: Mike Hill.
First chilean repaint: Gonzalo Oyarzun
All reworked to CFS: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 14, 2010 17:34 by Edmundo Abad

3.10Mb (245 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Chilean Navy Pilatus PC-7.
The Chilean Navy use this plane mainly for training duties, patrol and close support, due to his capacity to carry machine guns and rockets.
I have included new sound, new air file with turboprop flight dynamics, animated propeller, flaps and landing gear, Chilean Navy textures and damage profile for use in CFS1, with armament of two underwings 0.30 machine guns, rockets and bombs.
Original FS98 model by: Matthias Hensholt.
Panel by: Alexandre Mugny
All reworked to CFS/FS98 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 14, 2010 17:23 by Edmundo Abad

1.35Mb (513 downloads)
FS98/CFS de Havilland DH.104 Dove.
LAN-CHILE Air Lines (1949-1954).
The de Havilland DH.104 Dove was a British monoplane short-haul airliner from de Havilland, the successor to the biplane de Havilland Dragon Rapide and was one of Britain's most successful post-war civil designs.
With the incorporation of the de Havilland DH.104 Dove, with capacity for eight passengers, Lan Chile begins the service with four daily frequencies to Valparaíso, being landed in the El Belloto airport and then they were personnel in the routes to La Serena and Conception. Months late these planes eventually made the route to Antofagasta in replacement of the Lodestar.
In 1954 was signed an agreement with Allied Aircraft Company, Aviation Mart Company successor, whereby LAN was exchanging their twelve de Havilland Dove by DC-3, obtaining in exchange three Douglas DC-3.
This virtual model represents de Havilland DH.104 Dove. # CC-CLX of LAN-CHILE, Línea Aérea Nacional de Chile, 1952.
Original FS5 Virtual Model: Harry Follas.
CFS/FS98 conversion, damage profile, moving parts and chilean textures: Edmundo Abad Feb. 2010.
Posted Feb 12, 2010 17:35 by Edmundo Abad

0.39Mb (995 downloads)
New version with moving flaps and landing gear.
The Nakajima Kikka (Orange Blossom), was clearly inspired by the German Me 262 jet fighter, and was the only World War II Japanese jet aircraft capable of taking off under its own power.
The first prototype was ready by August 1945. Lieutenant Commander Susumu Takaoka made the first flight on August 7 (a day after of Hiroshima).
Development of the Kikka ended four days after with the Japanese surrender.
Original design: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma.
Original Me-262 Panel: Bernd Drefahl.
Original Me-262 Gauges: Stefan Geissler.
Conversion to CFS with damage profile, moving parts and textures: © Edmundo Abad, Feb 2010
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2010 06:29 by Edmundo Abad

3.00Mb (274 downloads)
Grumman HU-16 Albatross for FS98/CFS Upgraded Chilean Version.
This a new version of my Grumman HU-16 Albatross, now with moving parts and new air file.
Original Model by: Marcel Ritzema & Udo Entenmann
Damage profile for CFS1, moving parts and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad
Posted Feb 11, 2010 06:03 by Edmundo Abad

1.29Mb (461 downloads)
CFS Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG17 Fresco in Egyptian Air Force (EAF) Livery.
MiG-17s were sold and/or imported to many Middle Eastern countries and saw action in nearly all of the Arab-Israeli conflicts starting when 12 of them served with the Egyptian Air Force during the Suez Crisis of 1956, plus hundreds more served, and were mostly destroyed, in the Egyptian and Syrian Air Forces during the Six-Day War of 1967 as well as the War of Attrition, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and the 1982 Israeli Invasion of Lebanon.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard.
Egyptian's textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Posted Feb 10, 2010 09:14 by Edmundo Abad

1.13Mb (1680 downloads)
CFS Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG19 Farmer in Egyptian Air Force (EAF) Livery.
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (NATO reporting name: "Farmer") is a Soviet second-generation, single-seat, twin jet-engined fighter aircraft. It was the first Soviet production aircraft capable of supersonic speeds in level flight. A comparable U.S. "Century Series" fighter was the F-100 Super Sabre, although it would primarily oppose the more modern F-4 Phantom II and Mirage IIIE over Middle East skies.
I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of 3x 30 mm NR-30 cannons , rockets and bombs, and repainted as:
-MiG19 Farmer Egyptian Air Force, tan/green camouflaged.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: Alpha Simulations.
Egyptian's textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Posted Feb 8, 2010 05:53 by Edmundo Abad

1.25Mb (523 downloads)
McDonell Douglas MD-530F Defender
Ejercito de Chile - Chilean Army
The MD Helicopters MD 500 Defender is an American light multi-role military helicopter based on the MD Helicopters MD 500 light utility helicopters, built by Hughes/McDonnell Douglas Helicopter.
The Chilean Army operates 17 MD-530MGs, the Military version of the MD-530F.
Original FS98 Design by: Ian Standfast.(1999)
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad (2010)
Posted Feb 7, 2010 15:28 by Edmundo Abad

0.32Mb (402 downloads)
Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil for FS98/CFS1
Ejercito de Chile - Chilean Army.
The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil ("Squirrel") is a single engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group).
FS98 Model by: Ian Standfast 1999.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean army markings: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted Feb 5, 2010 10:12 by Edmundo Abad